
The beginning

It was a slightly windy spring day. There she was, her bare feet touching the green grass, her white, soft skin was glowing or so it looked because she was being illuminated by the soft sun, her beautiful, long, blond hair was flowing in the wind and suddenly she opened her eyes that have been closed this whole time, oh her beautiful ocean blue eyes, you could drown in those eyes. As she stood there, her slim figure covered by a white dress, surrounded by tall trees standing on a hill as the sun reached the highest corner of the sky. She, with her now opened eyes, was looking straight ahead at the little, not so long abandoned, house that she now calls her home. She takes slight but steady steps towards the little house, which she shared with three other people. A short girl with short black hair and green eyes that goes by the name Eve, she was her best friend, she considered her a sister, Eve was the sort of girl to collect skulls from dead animals. You could never take her seriously due to her short height. The two girls understood each other perfectly sometimes they didn't even need words; they just knew what the other one was thinking. Besides from Eve there was another person. A guy with short brown hair and brown eyes, slim and tall, he went by the name Ace, she considered Ace a brother. Ace was your typical guy; he was considered and let's just say he knew a way with words. And last, but not least an elderly lady, well she wasn't that old but she was significantly older than everyone else, she was short with red hair and blue eyes, she went by the name Nana, Nana became somewhat of a mother figure to the others since she did act like a mother. Together they were like a big happy family. As she smiled remembering everyone that's waiting inside for her, she entered the house and the first thing she saw was Eve and Ace having one of their silly arguments again. She looked to the side and saw Nana standing in the doorway with a big wooden spoon in her right hand as the back of her hands rested on her hips, she looked quite intimidating at that moment, no wonder she immediately settled the argument between the two. Once everyone settled down from their silly fighting and yelling, they turned to look at her. And from everyone's lips, at the same time nonetheless, came out a simple word that happened to be her name...Gabby. She looked at them and gave them an awkward smile,

- Hey guys, I'm back from my walk, hope I didn't make you wait too long.

She proceeded to walk to the few boxes they had put it a corner. Her two friends just looked at each other and gave a questioning look to one another. Nana on the other hand walked up to Gabby, looked her in the eyes and asked her the question that's been on everyone's mind:

- Were you thinking about what happened again?

Gabby looked down, her big, bright smile had now disappeared from her face and was replaced with a look of sorrow and emptiness. Still holding one of the boxes, that probably held some of their clothes, she answered with a sorrow stained voice:

- It's hard to forget when it seems like it happened yesterday.

There was a brief silence everybody seemed to have frozen in their tracks. It was this way until Eve had decided to lighten the mood. She turned to Ace, looked him straight in the eyes and, as if it was the most serious situation on earth, she asked:

- Why in the world are you holding the box that contains my underwear?

Ace blushed so hard that even his ears turned red. Everyone started laughing and Eves attempt to lighten up the mood had officially succeeded. While everyone was steeling in a little at a time there was a knock on the door. In normal circumstances this wouldn't be anything unusual, however seeming that they were in a small abandoned house in the middle of, what seemed to be, nowhere , it was very strange. They all were on guard, slowly Ace grabbed a broom in hand so that he'd at least be able to knock the intruder out, if he made a wrong move. Ace made his way to the door; he proceeded to open it slowly. He peeped through the door and was met with two men. The first guy that caught his attention was tall, slim yet muscular; he had black hair, silver blue eyes and a stern look in his face. The second one didn't stand out that much, he was medium height, slim, and he had brown hair, green eyes, and a playful smile on his face. As Ace opened the door wider, seeing that they didn't seem to be threatening, he put on a slight smile on his face and asked:

- Is there something I can help you with?

The two didn't change their facial expressions; the black haired guy looked Ace in the eyes and said:

- Mind telling me what you're doing here? As far as I know this house was supposed to be abandoned.

Ace seemed to be intimidated by the slightly taller man. You couldn't blame him the man's stern face and deep, confident, raspy voice could intimidate anyone. Ace was taken aback, he found himself in shock and unable to answer. That is when Gabby decided to approach the doorframe. As her slim figure made its way to the door and through the small space between Ace and the doorframe, the two men were waiting patiently for an answer. Gabby stood in front of the two men and Ace was now behind her. She looked at the two men standing in front of her. More specifically she was looking at the black haired males silver blue eyes. They took her breath away. She managed to compose herself and answered the question the man had asked;

- Yes, this house was abandoned, however that is not the case anymore, as you can see we're solely settling in.

Her voice soft, yet confident, her figure of speech both polite and elegant, she tried sounding as civilized and as much as a lady as she could. She thought that this way she get some respect from the two men and if not that at least she showed that she doesn't mean any harm. The black haired man just stared into Gabby's big, blue eyes, as if he was mesmerized, however his facial expression didn't change. The brown haired male decided to speak instead:

- Please excuse our rudeness, we haven't even introduced ourselves. I am Jay and this – he said while gesturing to the man that was still staring intently at the blond female in front of him – is Levi.

Levi seemed to have come out of his trance as soon as he heard his name. Levi looked away from Gabby's eyes and instead looked at Ace, who was still standing behind the blond girl. Levi slightly rolled his eyes and said:

- Who gave you permission to settle in here? This is our territory and if you want to live here you'll need permission from our al - .

Levi got rudely interrupted by Jay:

- Our leader. – Jay seemed a little nervous; however he composed himself quite quick.

Jay proceeded to explain, seeing Gabby's and Ace's confused expressions:

- We're a part of a village that owns these lands and our village has a leader, otherwise known as the head of the village.

The situation was now clear to Gabby and, as Ace went back in to help Nana and Eve to unpack, Gabby took action into her hands. Looking both confident and smiling brightly, she stated:

- Well in that case I will go and ask the village leader for permission, if only you would be so nice as to show me where he is...

Jay simply smiled and replied:

- Follow us