
The destined encounter

Liam is an Omega born in a household of Alphas. Because of his family's reputation he was forced to be kept from the eyes of the other people, living a life of none existent. But his life is a bout to change when his path cross to the man who he has not met even once in his life time. Will this encounter bring the love and happiness he ever wanted? or will it only add to his suffering?

Encantadia · LGBT+
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220 Chs

Chapter 95: My Unrequited Love


Hey my beauties, I know I promise Monday but since I will be very busy tomorrow I will be uploading this one day earlier than what I promised. I hope you guys enjoy this. See you all on next week for another update.

Happy Reading 😊!


"Aaaahhhh deeper fuck hhhhmmmm fuck me harder aaaahhhh ahhh." The Omega moan he's bending his hips fully exposing himself to the access of the other man.

"Fuck you feel so good fuck aaahhhhh. I'm Cumming." The man said.

"Fuck hold it in, don't cum, I'm still aahhhhh more I want more aaahhhh." The narrow room of the motel room filled with the moaning of two people who are playing with fire.

"Light me up.* The Omega demanded, he's lying on bed without any clothes on.

"Here." Said the man who was just fucking him a moment ago. "Hey why didn't you let me fuck you without a condom? I bet it would have felt more erotic and good that way."

"I'm just being careful, doing things like this I still need to be cautious. I don't want to end up getting unwanted sickness from all the people who I slept with beside even my boyfriend fucks me with rubber on not like I'm going to get pregnant anyways." He sometimes wonder if that man will care for him one day though he knows he won't be anything more than a whore to that man and he can't be anything more than what he is now in the eye of the people around them who doesn't know their real relationship. His eyes landed on his phone when it start ringing, it's the person in charge of following him yes following not protecting him, not like he needs one though. He sigh as he lazily grabbed his phone to answer.

"What?! I'm still enjoying myself here." The Omega said.

(The Master is looking for you.) After hearing that the man he loves comes looking for him, like an obedient dog he is who's craving for his Master's love and affection he quickly got up and put on all his clothes. "Wait for me outside, I'll be there in 3 minutes." It's not like what he's doing is a secret, he doesn't tell his boyfriend but he knows what he's doing and since the man has no care for him the man just lets him do whatever he wants. So whenever he comes looking for him he always comes running back. Back to that person.

He came running to the man's office with a big smile, it might have been for a while but each time that the man held his body is the only time he feels love even though it was just in his mind he's still happy. "Darling!" He says as soon as he saw the man sitting on his table reading paper works in front of his laptop. The man only gave him a glance and gesture him to sit but him being stubborn he seated on the man's lap.

"Come on Darling you haven't seen me for a while now and the only time you called me is when you told me to stop looking for that person." The man didn't have a single expression on his face. He sigh and took something from the table, an envelope elegantly designed it was painted in ivory and designed with red color his favorite. His heart felt excited and happy, the man never once asked him of his favorites not even the color that he likes but now he's giving him a very beautifully designed envelope with his favorite color.

"What's this?" He asked happily.

"Open it." The man said.

His hands are both trembling as he carefully open the envelope. He took a piece of paper which is designed the same way as the envelope. He slowly read what was written in the envelope. His smile slowly fade and his hands which holds both the envelope and letter fell on the ground.

"No, no I can't accept this..... No anything but this." He whispered, then he got up and looked straight to the man.

"You can't do this to me! I have done that everything that you want but you can't do this to me!" He begun to hysterically shout.

"You know I can." The man calmly answered.

"But everyone knows that I'm your lover." The Omega said.

"Hahaha lover? Not even once I thought of you as that, your just the person I fuck whenever I get bored or feel like it. You're just my weapon and tool I can use for business and pleasure. That's what I think and that's what the people who knows our relationship knows. Now for those who didn't know that side of us, they know us to be brothers and I think it's a high time now for you to use that status that my crazy father gave you when he decided to adopt you in the family." The man got up from his seat and walk towards him. "The old man adopted you so you can serve me and this family well for the rest of your life in exchange to what you have been wanting all this time, so do your responsibility well. You will attend your engagement to that alpha and marry him. If we managed to merge with their family's business then it will give us more advantage. I expect nothing less from you do you understand?"

"Ye-yes." The Omega answered.

"Then make preparation, in a week." The man walked out of the office along with his guards, the only person who left was the person in charge of him. He never was the kind of person to cry no matter how it hurts, he even has thought that maybe his heart already gone numb but the tears falling from his eyes is a proof that no matter how he tries to deny it he certainly can still feel the pain.

"Jeff." He looked at the man who has been at his side for a couple of years now. The man is efficient, probably the only one who lasted being by his side most of them just died easily during all those missions he was sent in.

"Thank you." He grabbed the handkerchief which he handed to him.

"I don't mean to pry." The man said, never once the man gave him his opinion. He was professional beyond belief. He won't question and he won't tell. "But why don't you just leave everything behind."

Jeff smiled at the man. "What's your name again? You have been working for me all those years and yet I don't even know your name hahaha."

"I'm Robbie." The man answered.

"Robbie, you see even if I wanted to I can't. You know that man he has my heart and if you still don't know yet no one gets out of the organization specially me, I can't get out even if I want to. Lets go I need to drink."


Clarence woke up with the delicious scent of food. He hold his head when a throbbing pain came in then flashes of what happened last night came in. He stayed in his position for a couple of minute before it sinks in to him. He looked down and found himself naked. "Fuck!" Clarence scream. He got up and put on his shirt and hurried his way to the kitchen where he's sure that the Omega is there cooking for him again. It has already been a week that they have been living together and he got used to his company immidiately, the Omega is very caring, sweet and really knows his way in the kitchen. A week and yet both of them made that drunken mistake last night.

When he got in the kitchen there he saw the Omega cooking something for breakfast like nothing happened and just like Rion felt his presence the Omega looked behind and found him standing at the entrance.

"Hey good morning, breakfast is almost done, go sit first on the table and wait for me there." Rion said with a sweet smile on his face. He wonders if he ever got a wife will she be as sweet, caring and hands on like Rion. He doesn't know but sometimes he caught himself thinking about his future wife and keeps on comparing that future wife who he stall hasn't met to the person in front of him.

"Yeah-yes." Clarence answered. He went to the dinning table and there got back to his senses. He hit his head a couple of times for forgetting what he's about to say about what happened last night. He can't help to forget it when they scene welcomed him is something as beautiful as that so early in the morning. It's like a scene cut from a romantic movie.

"Fuck! What is happening to you damn it! Get a hold of yourself, you're not a teenager who's head is in between his legs." He didn't even noticed that he's already bumping his head on the table. Clarence felt like he's going insane talking to himself.

"Hey what are you doing?" Clarence lifted his head and slowly peak to look at the person who's asking him.

"No, nothing. I'm just, I mean I'm having a bad hangover." Clarence lied.

"Ow, I made a hungover soup. Here." Rion prepared everything. There breakfast was normal like nothing unusual ever happened last night and Clarence can no longer take it so he brought the topic up.

"Rion, the thing about last night....."

"It was ok, that was just a drunken mistake, both of us where not in our right mind. Don't worry about it was really nothing, I won't hold it against you and I held you responsible over it. It's not like I'm still a virgin, remember I'm a prostitute I'm used to things like this as sex is nothing but a sex." Rion smiled beautifully as he says those insulting words that points towards him. Like he's saying it's his fault. Clarence is silent for a while.

"Used to." Clarence whispered.

"What?" Rion asked.

"You used to work as a prostitute. You no longer do that so don't address yourself as one. Regardless I still want to apologize, it's not me to get lost in the influence of the alcohol. I won't touch you, you have my word." Clarence said.

"I know, don't worry it was consensual. Can I ask for a favor? I know it might sound awkward specially what happened last night but please don't treat me differently."

"O-of course but this time let's both agree that from now on no more alcohol." Rion laugh at Clarence expression.

"Yes no alcohol." The both carry on with their breakfast like nothing happened.

When Rion was all alone inside his room he got in on his bed and lay down. He looked at the ceiling and tried to think hard. What happened last night was clearly a mistake he knows that but he doesn't know why he can't stop himself. He can clearly push the man away but he couldn't no couldn't is not the right term more like he choose not to push him away he was drawn towards him. Somehow the gaze in Clarence eyes has some emotions that is foreign to him and his actions is somewhat tells him that he's someone special to him, that he wants him. Maybe perhaps that's the reason he let himself get carried away with what happened last night. He was lying when he told him both of them are drunk but the truth he hardly had any alcohol in his system. He's the one who is in his right mind and yet he didn't stopped him. He let himself be selfish to the desire to know how it feels to be held by someone who makes you feel special. Rion covered himself with the warm sheet, it was the warmest he had ever had.

"Let's not give meaning to it, lets not be delusional one night is all I need. That night is enough to feel love even though it was not real. You should have learned it by now no man will love you and you deserve no one cause you're a wreck remember that Rion." Rion whispered, he closed his eyes and tried to be contented of what he has. He knows that what he's feeling is far from love, he was just craving for it that's all. It's what he keeps on telling himself.

"Jules what's the news? Is there any way to make Rion's stay in my place short?" Clarence was kind of desperate he doesn't know what was happening. During their breakfast Rion seems like glowing in his eyes and he was happy just watching him eating the food there but the most annoying thing is that his heart felt like it was tearing when Rion told him that what happened between them is nothing. He should have been happy cause that is the hardest part is making all the girls he slept with understand that it was just sex. He should have felt happiness when Rion declared is was just a drunken mistake sex nothing more and nothing less but no he felt hurt, sad and disappointed hearing it from him that he start panicking and fearing for himself.

(Why? What happened? Is Rion Ok?) Clarence sigh, "I think I'm the one who's in trouble here but he's more concern of Rion." Clarence whispered.

"Wait why are you so concern of him?!" There's a hint of anger to his voice when he realized that Jules is showing concern towards Rion.

(Why shouldn't I? He's my responsibility.) Jules answered.

"What do you mean responsibility? For goodness sake you already have a wife and a scarry one at that and yet you dare to lay your hands to Rion?" Clarence is now facing back and forth he's holding his phone too tight.

(Fuck Clarence are you right in the head? What are you talking about? Fuck are you thinking that I'm hitting on Rion? Fuck! Fuck! Can you sanitize your mind for a minute! I'm married for crying out loud and I love my wife don't ever let your mind wonder in that filthy thing you are thinking right now.) Clarence have to move the phone away from his ears when Jules screamed at the other side of the phone.

"Fuck! I'm sorry, I don't know man. I think I'm going insane." Clarence sit on top of his bed.

(Be honest with me, what it is that is happening right now. Rion is a valuable asset, a very important person right now so if you can't do your job properly then we won't have a choice but to take him.)

"No, no don't. I can take care of him." Clarence suddenly got up when he heard Jules saying that. He massage his head and let his body fall on top of his bed.

(What's the matter seconds ago you wanted to shorten Rion's stay now you don't want him to go. What is wrong with you? I don't take you for a man that changes his mind. You're always the kind of guy that is always sure of your decisions.)

"I don't know." Clarence is looking at the ceiling, he close his eyes to rest his mind but the flashes of what happened last night are clear. Rion's smooth skin, his flat chest, his nipples and the way he reacts as he teases it. His sweet moans. "I never thought a man's moan can be so sweet." Clarence absent mindedly whispered.

(Fuck what!) He got back to his senses when he heard Jules shouted on the other line. (Fuck what is happening Clarence, you tell me right now or I'll go there myself and take Rion with me.)

"No don't!" Clarence sit up after hearing Jules. "Fuck how do I start. Fuck fuck!"

(Start anywhere you bastard.) Jules commanding tone sent shivers to Clarence.

"Ok, Ok remember when we first met him? His features and looks really left a good impression to me. I mean look at him he's a beauty. He doesn't even look like a man for crying out loud but when I found out of course I cross in my list the possibility of bedding him. He really got me wondered I don't know why so I volunteered. In that short period of time he got my full attention. He never lied and make himself look presentable, he bare his past like it was nothing. I don't know I should be feeling disgusted he's a prostitute. Like what he said he slept with countless of men and you know I don't do man. After that I thought I will be able to completely forgot him but no, no. I know I can still back out to the promise I made to you and your wife but my mind is curious to what is this attraction that I have towards him. Jules I don't know, I think I'm about to go insane. This is not me, I can't control myself."

(Clarence answer me, do you like him?)

"Fuck no I don't! I can't marry an Omega let alone a male Omega! My future is already set. You know that, I'm planning to run in the coming election. You know what my dream are. You know my plans in this country. We said that we will change this country right so I'm must play my cards right. There's no room in my plans for the thing called love." Clarence desperately explained.

(You loving an Omega won't gain you anything yes you're right in that part but let me tell you this a marriage without love won't give you peace, a resting place when you're tired and a person who will be there for you unconditionally even if the whole world turns their back on you. I used to think like you back then but after meeting Axel I know for a fact that my life can never be the same again. I know I can't go back to the way how I lived before. I now understand why Chester's disappearance wrecked my proud cousin so much.) Clarence went silent after hearing Jules.

(It's still early to say it is love but weight it. It is not something that comes everyday once it's gone then it's gone, so if you're sure of what you're feeling then better not let it go.) Jules added.

"But I have responsibilities to my country, you know my plans. No one would want to vote for a man who's having a relationship to a former prostitute." Clarence silently hit himself after saying that, he knew he was angry just a moment ago when Rion referred himself as a prostitute now he's using the very same word to deny the chances for him having a relationship with Rion.

(Again, it's your choice and your life. If you sort out your mind and decided to give it a shot call me. I will allow you to court him to win his heart. The kinds of Rion are hard to tame, they are the kind of people who already lost hope when it comes to love. It will be very hard and you have a slim chance of making him yours. You didn't sleep with him did you?) Jules sudden question made Clarence flinched in fear.

"Ah Jules you see I still have things to do maybe next time I'll call you again."

(Hey you didn't answer my question, you didn't slept with him did you?)

"I'm really sorry but I really do have to go."


(Fuck Clarence answe.....) Clarence end the call.

"fweuh that was close." Clarence walk towards the door to get out of his room but his door was open. He tried to remember if he had it closed or not. "Well maybe I thought I had it closed." Clarence just shrug at the thought that he left his door open.


"Man this is so insane, I thought they say that Lee is already ok?" Zeejay asked.

"Yeah but it seems like he got into shock so hsi mind won't wake up." Lance explained.

"Why are you even here? It's not your schedule to look after Lee." Terrence asked.

"It should be two person per night only how did you even got in?" Lance asked.

"I have a shoot in the next couple of days all thanks to that bastard, I have to leave tonight. Of all days to pick a date for my shoot he had it scheduled in this time when I have to be there to look after him. It's a reality show and he pick the one that I have to stay in an island with other people with no soap, phone, shampoo, toothpaste and bed. Man this man really wants to torture me fuck! Only if he's not lying there I probably have strangled him to death and know what I only found out about it yesterday. Great just great!" Lance and Terrence both laugh to see how angry Zeejay is.

"Will you be able to make it before that date? You know we have to be there to intervene." Terrence asked.

"I'll make sure to be there don't worry or else my wife will kill me with constant nagging if I dodn't do anything to that issue." The two laugh after hearing that.

"Yes you're right our wives will probably be sad if ever they hear it." Lance agreed.

"Yes I know, but aside from that we are his friends first." Terrence added.

"I won't stay long, my pick up will arrive anytime. Nick probably gave them my bag when they got in our house." Zeejay said then he looked at Lee who's still sleeping.

"Hey buddy you should be awake when I get back so I can hit you for sending me to that island." Zeejay said.

"I miss his craziness." Lance commented.

"We got to admit we all miss it. It won't be the same without him in the group." Terrence added.

"Yeah even though there are times that we all just wanted to kill him but couldn't because he's still out friend." Zeejay said. "Ow my ride is here, I'll be going now. You two take good care of this man. Tell it to the other guys as well." When Zeejay was gone the atmosphere between the two suddenly change.

"So do you have any news?" Lance didn't waste any time.

"Someone manage to track Rion though it was just a hunch but their hunch luckily landed to Lee's home. They thought they have him so thus the abduction.

"Your wife already knew things like this could happen in the future so he deliberately had those articles that can tie all of us to each other erase. He's limiting any possibilities that the enemies can tie the guys from us. Aiden knew that, that's why he discreetly made all that behind our back."

"Ai? What do you mean Ai?" Lance asked.

"He already has a hunch, he came to talk to me before things like this happened. He made me confess on who am I really. He also has a hunch that you and Lee somewhat knew something. Dexter also confronted me. Both of them are getting extremely careful, even Chester he already knows he made me confess fuck. I never knew they could organized things like this."

"What do you mean I don't understand?" Lance asked.

"Can't you see Lance? Lee and your wife has been strengthening their defenses. They are preparing for this war and now Chester is also preparing. The reason why Dexter gave a specific instructions to use their vacation house cause that house is a fortress. It's highly unlikely for those guys to infiltrate that place easily. I went there to check and damn it is better than my security at home. I'm not sure with your home but knowing Aiden he too probably installed a lot of security defenses in your house."

"Aiden knew?" Lance couldn't believe it, he knows he's not a fighter but somehow, knowing the fact that your own wife is doing everything on his own without relying to him hurts his pride.

"I think it's better if you two talk things out. This is a serious matter. If what happened that day resulted to this kind of mess then Aiden's suggestions are the best course of action. We should limit our interactions with our friends who has nothing to do with this case."

"Should we tell them? I mean our other friends?" Lance asked.

Terrence shake his head no. "It wouldn't be wise to do so, you know how they are. They are stubborn and doesn't listen if they knew they wi be insisting to help us out. The reason that Lee is in that state is because he knew and you even if you don't know the fact that Aiden is involved that makes you involved in this too. It's enough that I already got you to in this dangerous situation is enough. I don't want to add the other guys in this too." Terrence said. "We will be protecting them from the shadows.

"What will going to happen once we start this. The fact that they are already hunting the Omega even though he has not done anything that can bring them to light what more when we do this. Terrence don't you think we can still back out?" Terrence shake his head no.

"I may sound awfully selfish but I can't, this is the best option that we have. A chance like this won't always come, I can't let it pass. I'm really sorry Lance." Terrence said, the sign of tiredness can be seen to his eyes, face and body.

"I'm sorry Terrence, forget what I said. I think you should have skipped tonight. You look like shit are you even sleeping?" Lance asked while laughing. It may appear as a joke but Lance is being serious.

"Seriously Terrence go sleep. How will you be able to last long if you are neglecting yourself. Come on now sleep, sleep." Lance got up and pulled Terrence up.

"Hey Lance what are you doing?" Terrence asked

"Making you sleep."

"Fuck where do you expect me to sleep here?" Terrence asked. Lance look everywhere and his eyes stop at that one particular spot. Terrence followed where Lance's eyes is at.

"No, nah uh I'm not sleeping next to Lee. No way I'm sleeping beside him."

It was a lot of pulling and pushing but Lance was able to manage in making Terrence sleep. The two both agreed to ask for and extra mattress for Terrence to sleep on. He smile looking at the two people who are his first friend. Now thinking back it all started with just him, Terrence and Lee who's friends with Lee and then later they met Adrian, Zeejay and lastly Derrek now they have a whole new gained friends. He never knew that the aloof brother of Lee will join them much more they didn't know that Terrence has a cousin which is now became their friend too. He just realize there are more and more people coming whenever one of them gets hurt. "I think I have nothing to fear I am surrounded with amazing people." Lance sigh and smile as he said those words.