
The destined encounter

Liam is an Omega born in a household of Alphas. Because of his family's reputation he was forced to be kept from the eyes of the other people, living a life of none existent. But his life is a bout to change when his path cross to the man who he has not met even once in his life time. Will this encounter bring the love and happiness he ever wanted? or will it only add to his suffering?

Encantadia · LGBT+
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220 Chs

Chapter 94: Attachments


Hello guys, I know I have been really inconsistent with my updates recently. Things got super busy because an ECQ (Enhanced community quarantine) has been enforced once again because of the Delta variant and we were given approximately a week to prepare before the effectivity of it. I have to prioritize my work because going from one city to another will be really difficult and the government are only allowing like 30% of the work force to be at the office so the remaining 70% will be like working from home. I'm one of those who will be working from home so I have to work and finish everything that can only be done at the office so that when ECQ comes I can do my work properly at home in our work from home setting.

To be honest I'm still busy right now (I'm a bit of a workaholic I must admit, I love getting busy and all, I find pleasure in working specially if I love what I'm doing so yeah.) but I'm finding time to write as well, I write on my rest day because writing is like a hobby to me, it's like my way to unwind and relax. I'll probably change the update to every Monday, it will be a once a week update. I'm really sorry as much as I want to do the twice a week update but I have to admit that the closest possible consistent update I can give you all is a once a week update. Thank you all for your understanding ☺️❤️

Happy Reading ❤️😊!


"You have no idea who you're dealing with!" the man continued to shout he has been in that room for how long. The room has no windows, it only has four walls and a tight sealed door that has no lock. It's like he's living in a separate world. People would only slide him a tray of food in that tiny sliding square hole on that steel door. At first he refused to eat what was given to him till none of that came, he was starving to death that when the next tray came he immidiately grabbed it like a hungry wolf.

"If my brother finds out about this, I'm sure you will regret it! You hear? No you won't even have time to regret it cause I'll going to fucking kill you! I'll kill you, you fucking slut of an Alpha!" The door click indicating that someone opened it on the other side for the first time in all the times he has been in that place. The man took this opportunity to attacked that person who dares to come to the place where they held him captive but everything happened so fast that he found himself laying flat on the cold floor. "Fuck!" The man grunt as he cough.

"I think you would have agreed with me to say how annoying it is to feel so helpless. Like you couldn't even do something out of the situation you're in." The man looked at the Alpha he saw in his office that day, the man who claimed to be the spouse of that Alpha he abducted.


"How will you be able to kill me if I can just easily slam you to the floor." The man felt the sole of the shoes compressing his throat. The man struggle to breath. "What are saying? I'm sorry? I can't seem to hear you. Ow right how can you talk when my foot is pressing on to your throat. Wait let me." The man gasp for air the moment the foot was off to him. He hold his throat trying to relieve the pain he was feeling.

"Yeah the feeling of helplessness, I know that feeling pretty well!" He looked at the man who's talking, the familiar face of the man he just met a few days ago, the Alpha who came in to his office because of the husband he abducted is the same man who's trampling on him now to the ground. "When you desperately want to do something but you just can't do anything at all. I know it too well." The Alpha squat down to have a better look of him.

"SLUT! Hahaha you're a disgrace to all the Alphas out there!" He shouted with so much anger, he couldn't find anytime to throw against the man who's in front of him but to degrade him of the fact he's a bitch of another Alpha. "How can you let another Alpha like that man fuck you?! Such filth is a disgrace to all Alphas."

"I'm not a slut, I don't offer myself to just anyone I only offer myself to my husband. You ask why I'd let him fuck me? Well because I love him. Regardless if I'm an Alpha or not doesn't really matter as long it's him."

"You are nothing! Let go of me!" The man shouted again.

"Well I don't think you are in the position to demand something from me while displaying such ugly behavior. I'm livid, I may look calm right now but I'm raging with anger that I just want to kill you but no, I'm no murderer. I'm simply want to have my fun with you and after I'm done I'll be handling you to the authorities. My name is Dexter, if you want to rat me out to that brother of yours I dare you, if you can even utter a word after you comes out of this place." Dexter left and the man was left dumbfounded, he never felt fear in his life as a matter of fact he's the one who's inflicting fear to others but after seeing how dark that Alpha's eyes is he felt like he was looking straight to the reflection of a monster.


Dexter walk out of the cell, he still yet to think of ways on how to make that man suffer. His mind is still pre-occupied with thoughts about Lee as he drive his way to Lee. Taekyun rush back when he heard what happened to his brother. Which made Theo really happy and sad at the same time because finally Taekyun will stay for a little longer and sad because Lee has to suffer first before his husband decides to go home. Theo tried to go back to that place but he couldn't stand it for too long that he decides to go home so most of the time the married couple is in a long distance relationship. Theo sometimes visits but doesn't really stay for too long and sometimes Taekyun goes home to his family but has to go back again since their business in that country is developing fast and growing more and more largely in that small amount of time that Taekyun handled it personally. Some of the boards even thought that their president wanted to dominate the market in that country to the point that the business men in there are taking a great deal on two things, staying out of Taekyun's sight and not make him their enemy or be his friend. Till now the board of directors and investors still not know why the President is so set in engraving the Shun's name in there. Except perhaps his parents and brother are the only people who knows why he's doing that and all of them supports the eldest son of the family but no matter what happens family comes first and the moment the eldest son heard about what happened he scheduled a flight back right away.

When he got inside Lee's room he there saw Taekyun who volunteered to look after his brother for that night. "Tae, wake up." Dexter lightly shake the man to wake him up.

"Dext, sorry I didn't noticed that I fell asleep. What time is it?" Taekyun asked.

"It's pass 7 in the morning already, go home and rest with your family. I know Theo is looking forward on spending time with you, he just doesn't want to say it. You know how your wife is, he will try to understand everything that you do even if it's for the expense of what he wanted. You too need to learn how to be sensitive about it. Go home now, I'll take care of my own husband." Dexter said, there's a protest on Taekyun's eyes but Dexter is right, he has been neglecting his own family, if it weren't for Theo's great patience and understanding his wife would have left him.

"He will be alright, the doctor said he'll regain consciousness soon so don't worry too much." Dexter smiled when he noticed Taekyun looked back to Lee.

"I'm really sorry Dext I know I have responsibility towards my own family but I can't help but get worried towards my brother. I don't have any brother in this world aside from him. He's annoying as fuck but he's the best and only brother that I have."

Dexter smiled after hearing it. "I know and Lee is very lucky to have all these people worrying for him." For the pass days Lee's friends has been coming over and spending the night watching over him. Since they can't all stay in the hospital they decided to take turns in looking after Lee. They are all very worried since Lee still yet to regain consciousness.

"Don't tell it to Lee or else he will tease me for life." Taekyun got up and bid farewell to Dexter.

Dexter sat beside Lee's bed and rest his face to Lee's palm. "How long are you planning to sleep. I missed you so much, I won't get angry because you didn't follow what I said, I won't get mad cause you didn't do what you promise that you won't let yourself get hurt, I won't honey so please open your eyes cause I'm hurting just seeing you like this." The warm liquid from Dexter's eyes cascade down to Lee's palm.


"Aiden I think you need to see this!" Axel barges in Aiden's office, he has urgent news with regards to the trafficking but what greeted him are the wives and the lovers of his husband's friends. "I think I came at a bad time, so got to go..." Axel was about to run but a firm hands hold the collar of his shirt and dragged him where the guys are.

"Aiden what are you doing? I don't think I should be here." Axel protest. It's not like he doesn't want to be with them but their business is not his and not to mention that he's not even their friends anyways. His husband maybe friends with their husbands or lovers but it's a different story when it comes to him.

"Hey you're married to Jules right? So it's only right to know their significant others and be friends with them." Aiden whispered.

"But they don't know me? And they might not like me at all!" Axel whisper yell to Aiden.

"That's why you will try to get to know them today. Who else do you think can help and support us when it comes to our crazy husbands who are surrounded by crazy mother fucking friends of them filled with bunch of crazy things in mind than us their significant others who are suffering from all their craziness, besides it's nice to have people who you can talk to with all sorts of things." Aiden whispered back.

"Hello guys, we have a surprise visitor here." Axel smiled awkwardly, it's the first time he met the people he knows Chester cause he's basically his teacher but the rest nope he doesn't know them maybe except for Dexter whom he met for the first time when they visited Aiden's office and when the abduction happened.

"Hi" Axel raised his hand a little and greeted them awkwardly.

"Ow Hi! Who might this person be?!" Nicolas excitedly asked.

"Good question, people let me introduce you Axel he's Jules wife." Axel can see the shock written on all of those people's faces.

"You mean Jules? Jules Terrence cousin?" Nicolas then again asked.

"Yep he's the one." Adrian confirmed.

"Hey are you really ok? I mean didn't he force you to this marriage? I'm Drake by the way Derrek's Fiance'"

Axel shake his head no.

"Threatened you? Jules sometimes acts like a thug." The man who's eyes are a little swollen asked him with concern. It's clear that he has been crying.

"Hey don't worry their marriage is all consensual." Chester said trying to clear the misunderstanding.

"Really?" - Drake

"Are you serious?" - Nicolas

"Wait, wait why are you guys so doubtful about my marriage to him?" Axel asked.

"Cause Jules is kind of a playboy." Adrian blow his nose after answering that question.

"He loves to make people cry just because he's good looking. Aarrgghhh I swear all the people with Harris blood in them are all nothing but trouble." Nicolas said with exaggeration.

"I don't like to burst your bubble but he really is as what they said." Drake seconded all their testimonies.

"Really? I like to hear all those things that you know." Axel seated on the couch and just like that he fit naturally in their group.

"I didn't know my husband is such an asshole." Axel said as he clenched his fists and greet his teeth.

"He was but I don't think he still do that after he feel in love with you." Chester said.

"Yeah pretty much all our husbands were the same. They used to love playing with fire and other people's heart and feelings but after meeting us they deliberately change to a better version of themselves." Aiden seconded.

"Yeah I couldn't agree more." Nicolas agreed, ever since they got back together and got married Zeejay never even looked another person.

All of them agreed to that when a loud cry suddenly caught their attention. "Don't cry Nash, come on." Hush Chester.

"We should see more to it before we jump into a conclusion." Drake suggested.

"Is it still the same issue?" Aiden asked.

"Yeah, that mother fucker! He'll see I'll ask my husband on what's going on with that stupid friend of theirs." Nicolas said.

"I tried asking Terrence but he just wouldn't tell me, he said it's best for the two to them to talk rather than us interfering to their problem." Chester said.

"Same with me, I tried getting information from Derrek but he said the same thing too." Drake sigh.

"Those guys respects their privacy more than anyone if the others don't want to share it to others they won't tell it even if we ask it from them." Aiden agreed cause he too started asking questions when he noticed what happened in the hospital but apparently his husband don't want to talk about it. It's like a bro's code between them friends.

"It seems our husbands and lovers knows what's going on with their friends but doesn't want us to know." Nicolas said.

"How about we infiltrate your boyfriend's house and we can also try to hack it to find out what is happening." Axel suggested.

"Isn't that illegal?" Drake asked.

"Not when we don't get caught." Axel said. "So are you guys in or out?" The people in the room who doesn't know gulp after hearing it but Aiden and Chester who already knew it was not surprise after all.

"I'm in." Nash who's voice is still shaking raised his hand to count his self in.

"Good so who else is in?" Axel asked.

"Of course all of us!" all of them shouted.

"So how's the experience meeting the significant others of your husband's friends?" Axel asked.

"They are all warm and friendly that it sometimes makes me think if this are all true or am I just dreaming?" Axel describe honestly what he's feeling without realizing that he's smiling. It's the kind of feeling he felt when Nelson was still alive.

"They are your family now. Here we treat each other as family. We may not be blood related but we make sure to be at each other's side whenever we can. The other two couldn't make it, Dexter is taking care of Lee and Theo is still not in good shape to be traveling but you'll get to meet him soon." Aiden said.

Axel looked at Aiden and he can't help but smile. "It's rare for the spouses of the husbands to be friends too. It's quite hard to imagine really."

"Yeah I agree, I don't even know them to be honest. Lance was the first one to get married and that was with me." Aiden revealed.

"I know that you know that Lander is our son. He was married to me first as Liam. My birth name is Liam Sy and I met Chester in a pastry and coffee shop restaurant that is owned by an Alpha who accepts Omegas as their employees. He's a good man really who loves his wife dearly, that man waited for years till his wife regained consciousness. He took Chester and I as his employees and many other Omegas as well. I didn't know that Chester and Terrence knew each other from two years ago. Things happened and Chester and Terrence then boom Chess was pregnant again. You met his eldest right? The two were like 8 now but the youngest is like five. Chester hide the twins so when he found out that he's pregnant again he planned to escape and hide but since Terrence is Lance's friend so him getting found out is quite inevitable. I don't know what happened back then but one day the two got married. So Chester was the second one. The third one I guess is Dexter, Dexter is like a brother to me. When I ran away I went to live with him and then an accident happened and Lee run Dexter's feet over the rest is history.".

"So you three basically knows each other?" Axel asked.

"Well I'm Chester and Dexter's mutual friend." Aiden answered.

"So how about the rest?" Axel asked.

"Ow that one, hhhmmmm let's start with Theo. I think I should correct myself. It was not Lance who first got married but it was Taekyun, Lee's older brother. The man is married to Theo and Theo is friends with Nicolas on the other hand Drake used to court Nick."

"Wait what?! Drake and Nick both have past?"

"Yeah, Drake is a beta and Nicolas is an Omega so yeah both have a past." Aiden tried to explain.

"One evening Theo came to find Terrence and there he lived with Terrence and Chester and that's how I came to know Theo and the rest of his friends."

"How about that man Nash?" Axel asked.

"Ow him, well Lee loves to tease his friends so when he found out that Adrian has a stalker. Lee match make those two till both of them fell in love. Nash used to work as Adrian's secretary that's why we usually sees him not to mention the fondness that Lee has for that boy he keeps on saying he is his fairy god father or what." Aiden laughed remembering all those silly things.

"So in short you all are like connected to each other somehow?" Axel asked.

"Yes just like how you are also connected to us." Aiden hit Axel's shoulder a little too hard. "You know what, I don't believe in coincidence. I believe more on what we are calling as destiny. It's not a coincidence that I met you in that restaurant. You were meant to be in that place at that time just how we are meant to be in that place at that time."

"Yes I couldn't agree more. I was just thinking about it the other night, but whether it's coincidence or destiny I'm still grateful for that day cause if it weren't for that you won't find and hire me, so thank you Ai I couldn't get the chance to say it to you. I'm a person full of pride but just this once I want to thank you with all of my heart." Axel said

"It's nothing, just continue to be happy and continue in keeping your husband happy. The likes of them wrecks easily once the source of their happiness vanished so make sure to take good care of yourself." The advice that Aiden gave confused Axel to the core.

"What do you mean?" Axel asked.

"I have witnessed those boys destroyed themselves over love. They tend to get into a self-destruction mode the moment their other half disappears. Lance is no better, the only person that keeps him going is our son and the only reason he's not hurting himself is because of his promise from me."

"I don't know I'm new to this but, it gives me so much happiness seeing Jules happy. He keeps telling me that I have been spoiling him way too much but to be honest it's just me wanting to see him happy." Axel went silent for a moment then he took a deep breath and looked at Aiden.

"I know you know a part of my past and if I'm being honest it really scares me. He might be gone but the organization is still out there. He's still looking for me and I know it. Just one, one indication that I'm still alive I know he will try to get me back." Axel confess.

"Who?" Aiden asked.

"The one and only son of that man. He had always wanted me his father really hated it when he found out that his son has feelings in one of his toys..." Axel couldn't continue what he wanted to say. "Why am I getting embarrassed saying this hahaha." Axel laugh awkwardly. "I'm also his father's bed warmer, there I said it. I don't know why maybe perhaps like father so like son. When his father learned that he's son wants me he immidiately ordered his son a restriction to get even near me. I thought things will get peaceful when his son got married but it didn't, things only settled when Jeff became his son's mistress. The last time I have heard he's still looking for me, he and his mother are the persons running the organization after Nelson killed his father. Nelson gave me the freedom I have lost hope for. I don't want to go back but I have to resurface again to end this. I don't want to love Jules in the shadow, I want to love him openly, showing off how great of a husband he is. I'm sure he will be a great father too." Axel's tears escape from his eyes, his emotions are all over the place so Aiden hug him.

"You will never going back to that hell again. I took you out of the filthy place and gave you a new and clean identity so I won't let you go to that torture place." Aiden's promise is like a soothing melody in Axel's ears. It's like the time when Aiden came and gave him an offer that changed his life forever.