
An Ordinary Day

The day is January 20th, 2019. The wind is frigid and made me feel ice cold even in my hoodie, windbreaker, jeans and sneakers. I run my hand through my short blonde hair suddenly regretting my decision to cut it. I then realized I had my hand out of my pocket and immediately replaced it due to the cold air.

I'm on my way to school, as I was a junior in high school. I live in the suburbs of Missouri, with little going on usually. I never felt any desire to move somewhere larger for some reason, although I love to travel. My family, the Kirn's, never where rich nor poor, but we simply lived the best we could. Which often means little traveling and vacations but we do what we can.

As I round the corner I see the high school campus with a football field/track, tennis courts, skate park, elementary school, junior high, and the high school. I quickly walk to the door of the high school in an attempt to avoid other people. No one disliked me in particular, but I definitely wasn't liked. My personality ensured no one wants to spend time with me. I am the sort of kid teachers call on when they want the correct answer and want nothing else to do with me. Most are willing to partner with me in group projects not because we are friends, but simply because I do my work and get good grades.

I place my bag in my locker, # 371, after grabbing my notebook. Then proceed to put my earbuds in and tune out the world while pacing my way to my first hour notebook and phone in hand. When I arrive there is a good five minutes before class starts. As usual I stride to the back and plop down at my seat. Unfortunately, my large build, being 187 cm and 100 or so kg, left little space at the small desk for me. I rest my head for five minutes until I hear the bell ring and I pull one earbud out of my ear. I glance up the teacher Mrs. Hewitt is doing roll she calls "Alan Kirn?" and I reply " Here" after roughly an hour of boring nutritional facts I slowly rise to my feet hearing the bell ring and proceed to my next class, gym. After basically a rinse repeat of first hour I make it through classes until my last hour study hall. I choose to leave the school tired and wanting to sleep.

I walk out of the building bag in hand and that's when I see an odd feminine figure standing in the parking lot, just ahead. She looks twisted like a mangled root struck by lightning. I call out questioningly to it while feeling uncertain "Hey, Miss this area is for students only?" In response receive a sharp growl the figure turns and I see red eyes and glance down and realize someone is on the ground beside her, in a pool of blood, maybe? I pale, I may be eccentric but that's batshit. I turn and run, my huge body fleeing from a small female figure may look odd to others if seen but I felt nothing but fear in that moment. As I stride back in the doors I see my vice-principal, Mrs. Hartman, in the hallway I want to avoid her but it's too late she saw me. She calls out " Mr. Kirn, where do you think you are going?" I reply carefully and eventually respond with " I've been feeling sick all day so my older brother came and dropped me off some cold medicine." She believed my lie and asked me to get back to class. I glance outside the door and the figure has disappeared. I don't trust it still so after ensuring I'm out of Mrs. Hartman's line of sight I slowly walk to the gym's storage closet hoping to find a bat. I find nothing of the sort unfortunately, so I wander through the halls with the objective of the kitchen, as the cooks should be gone for today. As I reach the kitchen door I see a figure walking around the corner, immediately and quietly I open the door and close it. I jog over to the metal racks and drawers and start randomly opening drawers. After about five drawers I found what I was searching for a knife, about 5 inches long and sharp.

I still don't know if I need a knife or not, but I have one and it helps me feel safer. After placing the knife in the side of my jeans I feel a hand on my shoulder, I spin around and see the principal, Mr. Hoffman, looking back. "So stealing now are we, Mr. Kirn?" He spits out angrily "No, of course not, sir" I pull out my wallet and say "I'm paying for food I'm just starving but not stealing, I have money." He hesitates then sighs "alright Mr. Kirn I'll believe you this time, but hurry up I'm locking the door after we get out." I grab a bag of chips, a water bottle, a refrigerated sandwich, and a chocolate bar. After a moments hesitation I grab another water bottle, then throw 5$ on the counter. After throwing the food in my bag I say goodbye to the principal and he tells me to get back to class.

I went to the bathroom and decided to wait out class. I hear the same sharp growl as I did earlier coming from one of the stalls. I pull out the knife, then knock on the stall asking "anyone in there?" The growl stops then I hear the door lock click open, then something lunged out at me. I rapidly stab forward hoping it wasn't someone pranking me. A bloodied figure quickly drops to the floor still grasping at my ankles. I choose to stab it again and then the world turned dark.