
Chapter ?

650 later – modern worlds…


There are a lot of unknown monsters in this world, they will hunt humans in shadow, and us – Hunter's job is to hunt the unknown monster and protect the society from the unknown monster.

No one knows where do the unknown monster comes from, no one knows where do the unknown monster live, no one knows what do the unknown monster is thinking, the only thing we know is – humans are one of their food, they will attack the city when they can't get enough food.


2023 – Somewhere in the USA


Continue at "The Demonic Guard Dog of Huntingden Burrow Mansion 2 Hunter"


Stay tuned

It’s a short story isn’t?

This is my first story that I write and published it in to Internet

Hope you like it

I maybe will rewrite it into a novel version when I got time :/

FireLightArrowRaincreators' thoughts