
The Demon Sovereign Is Reborn

Who wants to be under someone else control? once my story was over and the person writing my Story put the pen down, I acted shattering through my story. Reaching the peak got boring, it's weird that I felt some joy seeing that there was another sky out there

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


A few months after Sora met Mira and her siblings, Sora was resting in a room when he suddenly felt ripples in space and time. frowning Sora opened his eyes as he looked at where these ripples in space appeared, they seemed to lead to some time of parallel world. but these ripples allowed Sora to have a better sense of other worlds. Among them was one that was sealed away, as if it was too dangerous to be allowed to walk around.

Sora's eyes narrowed as he located where the seal was, and quickly his eyes landed on the moon. the moon seemed to be the seal that sealed off this other world, Sora's eyes narrowed for some time while looking at the sky.

'Such a powerful seal, even in my peak destroying this seal would be nearly impossible to destroy.' Sora thought while looking at that seal, This shocked him as in his past life he had the power to destroy this whole world, but this seal was something else.

Sora smirked slightly before waking up and heading off to do some research. Sora was a jack of trades, he had of course mastered all his world had to offer, from the tech, research in biology, magic, combat, and so on.

Sora went on to spend the following years until he was 15 years old, working on simply studying a few things. he of course didn't stay awake through all of this, but he put more effort into research. allowing him to make huge improvements in his understanding of this world and the workings of magic.

He was wrong about how magic came in sets, it was more like different forms of magic seemed to have their wills, which connected to a person more than other magic worlds. pretty much affinity, It was possible for a person to have many affinities, but it was rare to see a person in this world have a handful of different types of magic under their wing.

It took some time, but Sora was able to create a device to allow a person to see their affinity, Sora was not shocked seeing how he had talent for all forms of magic. Chaos was broken like that, any magic Sora wants to master Sora could do it far easier than others... all but Order Magic.

Anyways, Sora experimented with evolving the containers within a person's body, allowing him to quickly create a spell to allow one to almost instantly evolve a person's container without drawing back, Sora went on to open his second container and also evolve his breaking through form his limitations of a human.

Sora didn't rewrite his DNA to be the same as his old one for a few reasons, the first reason was that he didn't know how his DNA would react in this world. he also didn't know if demons would be welcomed. second, he didn't want to be limited to his past life's DNA

Because of this, Sora's senses, strength, and so on were far weaker. if he had rewritten his current DNA, all the stuff that took him years to do would have been done on the spot. His old bloodline and this human bloodline just had that huge of a gap.

But with his now being able to know how to create magic, he was able to slowly improve himself, improving his strength even more, and even so on.

Sora went on to leave, appearing before the Erigor who was shocked to see Sora. Erigor was not 19 years old and had made a name for himself, even so, this was not enough for him to gain the power of greed, which had left him

"You failed," Sora said calmly to which Erigor opened and closed his mouth, but he had nothing to say, it had been 5 years since he had seen Sora. and Sora just up and appeared out of nowhere, Sora was not the same little girl as before. Sora looked to be around the same age as Erigor, with beauty so enchanting that Erigor found himself having to remind himself to breathe.

Sora had a figure that was better than perfect, from that nice perfect chest which made one eye on controllable look at it. that perfect eyes that made one hand itch, wanting to get their hands on it. yet, who would dare to even show such thoughts?

One might question, why Sora a former male chose to remain female. because he didn't care, travel as far as he did and as long as he did. would being a male or female even matter? hell, Sora could barely even remember if he was a male or female in his past life, the only reason he was sure he was a male in his past life was because he had a child that he didn't birth.

Sora sat back, and with a thought a throne which was made out of the clones of dragons formed, Sora sat down, with her legs crossed. Sora sat down like a demon sovereign, making the Erigor kneel without knowing. Sora an aura that made Erigor sweet filled the whole guild, along with everyone there

"I couldn't master the magic," Erigor said while shaking, his head lowered in shame. he didn't even know where the sense of loyalty came from, but it was there and he felt ashamed to disappoint Sora.

Sora was not shocked by this, how could such a weak human comprehend a hint of chaos? Sora knew this would happen, and it was all to have Erigor slowly grow towards becoming the demon lord of Greed.

"I can give you another chance," Sora said calmly as a spell entered Erigor's mind, causing Erigor's pupils to shrink seeing this magic. by skilling a huge amount of people, he saw bath in their blood and gain everything they had, forming their power to magic, allowing him to become an ultimate mage

"You can at most use that spell 15 times, it's best you target the guild master. As for how you do it, it's up to you. It's also best that at least a few of the people you use that spell on a people you hold closest to your heart, child, mother, or whatever, to increase the chances." Sora said calmly while looking at the rest of the guild which were all kneeling with their hands touching the guild.

"I-I will not disappoint," Erigor said softly while thinking of his mother, She was the main reason he did everything... but she took up a bigger place in his heart than anything else, could he do it?

"You have 5 years, if not then I will seek someone else," Sora said while getting up and disappearing, leaving Eirgor standing there with a blank look in deep thought.

meanwhile, Sora appeared in a huge hall where he saw Brain who was currently training a few mages to use magic. all of them froze seeing Sora, but Brain froze seeing Sora. Brian was a man who was greedy and only sought fame, unlike Zero who wished to destroy everything.

someone as greedy as him seeing someone so beautiful froze, he swallowed his saliva, but such an action annoyed the demon Sovereign. Brain's pupils shrank in horror as Sora glared at him, he backed away as Sora's killing intent led to him seeing countless illusions of all the ways he could die... no, he even felt it like he was dying. Killing intent was so powerful it put him in an illusion where the brain felt as if it was dying.

Sora waved, causing Brain to be replaced by Zero who quickly bowed and began to apologize for his other personality action. Sora snorted while his throne appeared before him, which he sat down on

"Have you made any progress in your attempts to gain the power I gave you?" Sora asked calmly, to which Zero nodded slightly

"I'm able to slightly draw upon its power, although slightly. but this seems to have caused the flame to be more awake, leading to draw upon more of my energy to remain." Zero said to which Sora nodded slightly

"How about this Nirvana plan of yours?" Sora asked calmly, Nirvana was a weapon that Zero wanted to use to destroy the world. Nirvana was a weapon capable of reversing yin and yang, and Sora couldn't wait to see this magic for himself.

"I'm still looking for this magic, but I have made great progress in this search." Zero said calmly, well it was Brain who had made great progress, but he was to impress Sora. so he lied, it was truly a lie since Zero and Brain were pretty much the same...

Sora nodded as he looked at the 7 children around the same as as himself Brain was teaching, he looked at all of them before his eyes stopped on 2 people. a white-haired woman, and a goth-looking young man.

Sora waved his hand counterclockwise, causing time to stop, everyone froze all but those two. Sora waved at those two to come to, which they did with an uneasy look.

"What's your name?" Sora asked calmly, to which the two fearfully answered. the female was Sorano, but she went by the title Angel. the goth guy was called Macbeth, and he went by the title Midnight.

"Raise your heads, unlike that fool I will allow you two to look open me," Sora said calmly, stunning the two to look at him.

"Sorano, I see you hold a deep sense of disdain, if I may ask, what is it?" Sora asked with a smile, to which Sorano froze for a moment. but seeing Sora's enchanting smile, she lowered her head and slowly spoke.

Sorano disliked the world, calling it filthy and only a place full of conflict. She goes as far as saying that living as a human is a sin, for she believes all humans to be impure; including herself. As a result, she has an obsession with angels, viewing them as beings of perfection. Her obsession with them is so great that she dreams of nothing but becoming an angel herself, and cares little of what will happen to her own life.

She didn't need to say all of this, as Sora could hear her heart saying this, making him smile slightly before he looked toward Macbeth, Sora asked him for his dreams. Well, Macbeth was a lazy person, most of the time he could be seen sleeping. unleash it called for it, Macbeth would remain awake, being lazier than Sora who would at least be awake to do something, Macbeth does it in his sleep.

as for his dream, he wants to be free. these children were once slaves, so they all had a dream of becoming free.

"Well, what do you two say about becoming the demon lord of pride, and the demon lord of Sloth? Freedom is something I can gift you. You want to become an angel, with the power of pride you shall become something that even angels see as a god. With eh power of sloth, you shall gain unmatched mental power, allowing you to turn dreams into reality." Sora said calmly, to which Macbeth frowned, he was loyal to his foster father, and Sora smiled as he walked up to him, and held his chin.

"You think your so-called foster father loves you or something? He is only using you all as seals to seal away Zero." Sora asked, to which Macbeth froze, he looked at Sora not wanting to believe Sora's words, but Sora used a spell to help him realize the truth. and once he took time to realize this, he looked at Sora with slight tears

"I will admit, I need you for a similar reason. my power is so great that it would destroy the world one day, as I can't control it. I need people who fit the role of sin to keep my strength in order, but in return, you would not only have a hint of my power, you would be able to do things which go against reason and order." Sora said with a smile,

"You fear being abandoned? but I will have no choice but to hold onto you, I will never let you go, or let you suffer. You will be mine, and I will be yours." Sora said softly, causing Mecbeth's heart to skip a beat at how Sora looked all of a sudden, Sora was smoking hot a moment ago, but why did he suddenly look more handsome than ever before?

"Will you be mine?" Sora asked softly, to which Macbeth blushed while slowly nodding. before like this who needed someone were easy to control, A simple spell to increase the chances of this guy believing his words led to Macbeth easily trusting him

Sora smiled happily as he stepped back to look at the two, Sorano hesitated for a moment before asking Sora a question, about what he meant about gaining the power of pride. only to realize that Macbeth had froze

"Pride? its self-improvement, endless growth, and development to allow you to become a perfect lifeform. although I think you're already perfect just the way you are." Sora said with a smile as he pulled her into his arms, causing Sorano to let out of soft scream in shock, only to hold her breath seeing how close she and Sora were, so close that their chest seemed as if they were trying to fuse.

"I have a type, and you hit all the marks. So what do you say, How about I send you to heaven and back?" Sora asked while a smile, caused Sorano to blush as Sora's hands were on her ass. if this was a guy, she would have slapped him, but girls had special treatment

"I-I'm not into girls." She said weakly, seeing Sora nearing her mouth.

"I have never been with anyone, but upon seeing you, I know I was into you... Maybe it's only an illusion, should we both test it out first? I've never been with anyone, so I can't say anything without at least sharing a kiss." Sora asked, causing her blush to grow as she didn't know what to say, but she weakly nodded. and So, they kissed and instantly Sorano felt as if she was hit by a lightning bolt.