
The Demon Sovereign Is Reborn

Who wants to be under someone else control? once my story was over and the person writing my Story put the pen down, I acted shattering through my story. Reaching the peak got boring, it's weird that I felt some joy seeing that there was another sky out there

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Takeover Magic

More time passed for Sora, other than sleeping Sora continued doing his experiments. But his 'experiments' caused some trouble, leading to some guild mages being sent over to see what was going on. Sora avoided them while seeing if any of them could be of use, but on the 3rd year of his being there his eyes landed on a barrier of 3 siblings who had taken the mission

"Why do I feel demon blood running through them?" Sora said calmly while looking at the oldest of the 3, a white-haired girl who gave off the air of a bully. she was dressed like a punk-gothic, and she was the same age as him and was quite powerful. She might be what was called an S-rank mage.

'She is a new mage by the way she and the others walk around, they are all close range faster. With the uniqueness of their souls, I'm guessing they draw power from something, Her soul is more connected to demons, her little brother should be beast-related, and her little sister is animal-related.' Sora thought while looking at the 3, by now his understanding of the magic of this world was no small allowing him to easily see through them, although it was just guessed, he was 91% sure he hit the mark or landed somewhere around there

'Well, let's test them.' Sora thought with a smirk, biting his finger, a drop of his ball fell to the ground and went on to turn into a huge beast. the beast roared at the sky, quickly catching the 3 siblings' attention.

the beast jumped towards them, and the oldest among them quickly moved, taking on her devil soul form, and shooting forward to fight the beast. But to her shock, she was sent flying back, shocking her two siblings,

The beast moved to attack her, but the crowd's little brother moved to take a beast form which gave him high defense to block the attack, but the beast grabbed her before slamming him hard into the ground, The youngest of the 3, three little sister was horrified while looking at the huge beast

It was a red fur monster with golden hair and a green hairless shoulder and face. she fearfully took a step back, but just as the beast was about to attack, the crowd boy screamed in horror seeing that his little one was in danger, and with that scream his body began to take on the form of the monster which was attacking them.

to the horror of his siblings, the crowd brothers went on to clash with the huge monster, fighting evenly with the beast.

'So, they can take the form of a being they see that relates to them. the requirement to use this magic is for them to know the being they want to take over. Simply knowing their appearances and power isn't enough. on instincts, that crowd understood the power strength, DNA, and so on of this beast. I'm impressed... but he is years away from remotely controlling this power.' Sora thought while looking at his palm which took the form of the beast he had created.

copying magic he sees and understands is not hard for Sora. once you understand the root or path of magic, it is not hard to copy other magic. it's even possible to nullify the magic if you have a high understanding of said magic.

Anyway, Sora watched as the little brother was quickly overwhelmed by the beast, he couldn't keep up that strength for long so he began to lose soon after, forcing his two siblings to move to join.

the youngest of the siblings was the weakest, after all, there were not many animals out there she could take over. She could fly, become a bunny, and so on. but she was not of much use in battle. her eldest sister on the other hand was a powerhouse, but even so, she couldn't do much to help her little brother before the might of this monster.

"Elfman!" She yelled seeing her little brother slamming to the ground, knocking him out of the form he had taken. Elfman looked at the huge monster with fear, its fist coming crush down upon him. he closed his eyes waiting to be crushed, but nothing happened after a long time. confused, he looked up and saw a red-haired girl standing before him, one finger was held behind her, blocking the fist.

For a moment, Elfman thought he had seen this person before, but he shook his head after a closer look. the little girl ignored him and turned to look at the huge beast, which was shocked seeing that its attack was blocked. but before it could do anything else, the red-haired girl pointed forward, destroying the beast with a huge blast that swallowed it.

the 3 all froze as they looked at the red-haired girl whose long scarlet red hair blew madly in the air before she went on to frown. before putting her hair into a ponytail, and giving them the most beautiful smile they had ever seen, Even with the eye bags, her beauty was unmatched.

"Its mission?" Sora asked with a smile, to which the eldest of the 3 nodded slightly. Sora nodded slightly as if this was what he expected all along.

"I have been looking for this monster for a few years now, it seems like it's what has been kidnapping the villagers here." Sora lied with a smile,

"why? And why did it suddenly appear to attack us?" the youngest of the siblings asked in shock, to which Sora shrugged while pointing at the boy

"It like to eat, and it would have suddenly appeared like that instead of hiding because of him. It might have some PTSD from me." Sora said with a smile as he showed them his arm which took the form of the beast, shocking them.

"Anyways, good luck," Sora said calmly before walking off, leaving the three standing there in shock for some time. Takeover magic was rare, it was even rare for more than one person to have the same form of takeover magic,

"W-wait, what's your name?" the oldest among them said, only to freeze as Sora suddenly before her, taking her into his arms. with a finger gently holding her chin, Sora smiled slightly while looking deeply into her eyes, The world seemed to have slowed down as the oldest sibling couldn't react and could simply look at Sora.

"It's rude to ask for a name without giving your first... the name is Sora, might I know of yours?" Sora asked softly, his lips nearing her lips slowly causing the oldest siblings to have her face turn red before she pushed Sora away.

she wasn't into girls, but be it girl or boy, that was the first time anyone put her in such a position, and even caused her heart to race.

"I'm Mirajane Strauss." She said softly while on guard against Sora doing anything like that, but she froze as Sora was behind her,

"A beautiful name for a beauty. it's rare to find someone so beautiful, strong, and also so gentle" Sora said with a smile as Mira turned around in a panic, only to see Sora standing there with a rose in her hands. Sora took her hand, bringing her into his arm where their flat chest met.

the hand Sora held the rose in moved, taking hold of Mira's hands, leading to them holding the rose that he brought before them.

"You three just began your paths of mages, it's dangerous out here. so take this rose, when the day comes you need my help, you can use it to call me." Sora said softly, stunned Mira who looked at the rose

"Of course, you can call me for other stuff," Sora said softly into her ear, causing Mira's face to turn. seeing this, Sora kissed her lightly on the cheek, making Mira's face turn redder to which he laughed softly, causing Mira to get angry trying to hide her embressment.

but before she could do anything, Sora jumped into the sky while waving goodbye to the group of three.

"Until we meet again, next time I shall get all your names. And next time I shall be treating Mira out on a date..." Sora said with a smile before disappearing, leaving Mira's siblings to laugh seeing how their punk elder sister was blushing. but this only enraged Mira, causing the 2 to quickly stop laughing.

Mira almost destroyed the flower, but she stopped after looking at her siblings. She was not going to destroy it for the sake of her siblings, they almost died today, and if not for Sora then they would have joined their parents. if it was just her, she would have destroyed the rose...

"Well, I should check up on the robot before we move," Sora said softly, These 3 years of sleep were not bad, this robot did all the work. As for what the problem was with those beasts he created, it was a beast from Sora's old world, Sora had forgotten the beast's name but he remembered researching that thing, so he created it with the knowledge of this world. sadly it was weaker, but it's not like he cared much.

Sora entered a lab that was 100 feet underground, there his robot was sending a bunch of humans who were in research labs. Sora was not a good person, after all, he forcefully had the most beautiful person in his world marry him. he didn't rape her, his pride wouldn't allow it. he was worthy of him forcing himself upon her?

so, for the safety of the angel race, she sacrifices herself to become Sora's wife. it was pretty much forced, everyone she knew and loved be slaughtered along with her, or she stepped forward and sacrificed herself to save them. Sure, Sora was moved by her beauty, but his lust wasn't so big that he could bother to do something like that

He had her become his wife so she could birth a child who could one day become a demon lord. that was simply plan one, but when it failed he moved to plan one to have the hero use her in his plan to try and kill him. this one worked as he got to get the power of order, and use it to escape that world,

Sora was a person who would use a pawn to the fullest before discarding it. to say the least, he was not always this cold. but being his first life, or his life as a demon lord, his humanity was tested over and over until he threw it away seeing as it was the thing that nearly got him killed.

He could still remember the day he cast away his humanity, that day he exploded with the power of chaos, causing the whole universe to shake from his awakening.

Anyways, Sora reawakened the soul in the robot before gaining the knowledge the clone had been working on. the clone had managed to allow normal humans to gain containers, but the drawback is that the humans would transform into monsters soon after.

so it had been creating a medicine that allowed the body to evolve for it to create its container. which worked, so the next thing it got working on was seeing if it could improve the power of this container. it wanted to see if a person was limited to what container they had from birth, or if it could evolve it.

Sora's eyes flashed as he looked at the humans who were in a deep sleep. Sora's hand flashed, entering one of their chests and taking hold of the container. to say the least, the container was not a physical object, but before Sora's power did that matter?

to say the least, if Sora personally did this research he would be countless times faster than the robot. so once he got his hand on the container he quickly understood the workings of this thing... yes, it was that easy. and yes, Sora was so lazy that he couldn't have just done this from the start. he wanted to sleep and didn't want to waste any more energy, and to take hold of a concept like a container was not so simple.

the stronger the reason, or common sense Sora wished to contradiction, and destroy the harder it shall be for him. This is mostly because he was weak, he was not the chaos of this world so he couldn't fully use his power.

back in his world, once he gained the full power of chaos. which shall take the form of the chaotic eyes of destruction, there would be almost no limit to what Sora could destroy. This magic eye is capable of destroying order and reason. If there's a contradiction between this magic eye and the reason that must be destroyed, Anos will win unilaterally. Compared to the reason that makes a single event certainly happen, it's far more advantageous for this magic eye which makes this event never happen. Additionally, the contradiction turns into the power of this magic eye.

Let's put it into simpler words, if Sora wants something but to gain it would cause a contradiction, it would in return power Sora. You can't be harmed by any form of physical attack, yet Sora wants to harm you with a physical attack. don't worry, Sora will not only get stronger, but he shall even harm you with a physical attack

Let's take a step higher, You are somehow able to defeat Sora? the closer Sora gets to his destruction, the stronger he shall get. after all, there is a contradiction there, Sora doesn't want to die yet he is too weak to do anything about it.

this was Sora's power, everything else to him was child play. even if Sora just lay there doing nothing, he would soon awaken this power whether he liked it or not. once these powers awaken, Sora would have little control of his power, forcing him to use 99% of his power to be in a non-stop battle with himself. this would give Sora 1% of his power which he could use. Of course, it would not jump to 99% instantly, over time he would slowly have to have more and more of his power cancel each other out.

but in return, it would strengthen Sora's power, due to the contradiction formed by the two powers clashing. which in turn makes it harder and harder for Sora to control that bit of power he had, forcing Sora to find ways to help suppress his power or have others share the burden.

He was overpowered, but in Sora's eyes, it was more of a curse than anything else. ever since he awakened this power, so long as chaos exists, he shall reincarnate or come back to life in some way shape, or form. if someone somehow manages to destroy that connection to chaos and destroy Sora from all of existence, it would not do much as chaos shall slowly build back that connection and bring him back.

it gets even worse once the eyes are awakened, no matter what he is unkillable. he is even able to destroy chaos and order out. leaving him in a world of absolute nothing, something which he didn't want

even in this new life, Sora was almost unkillable. how did he know? he was not of this world, so how can death claim him? it could try, but in the end, he was not of this world, it couldn't fully die.

the only time Sora felt like he could die was within the blank void, where Sora could truly die and disappear. but he didn't die, Who would want to travel for so many years just to die? There was a reason he created the 7 sins, they were a part of him

His wrath towards this world,

his greed for having everything under his control,

his envy for a life he could never have,

his lust for power and beauty,

his slot toward things he rather leave for others to do,

His Gluttony toward knowledge, power, and food

his pride. his pride is the main reason he chose to do what he was doing, to know someone was writing his story... were they worthy? his pride would allow such things,

He was the demon sovereign, these 7 things are what made him who he was. he couldn't die without knowing just who wrote his story, he couldn't die without knowing what the blank void was, he couldn't die without knowing what the peak was. he refused to die knowing that all this time, he was a frog at the bottom of a well.