
The Demon Sovereign Is Reborn

Who wants to be under someone else control? once my story was over and the person writing my Story put the pen down, I acted shattering through my story. Reaching the peak got boring, it's weird that I felt some joy seeing that there was another sky out there

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Meeting Ultra

"damn, I'm already 19 years old." Sora rubbed his eyes as he woke up, he lazily disappeared appearing before Ergior, who was pretty much the guild master now. but upon seeing Sora he quickly paid his respect

"I see you have killed someone dear to you," Sora said calmly, Ergior nodded slightly at Sora's words. he had killed his mother, and all he once loved. now he was planning on absorbing the guild master and being reborn as the demon lord of Greed. but to do this, he needed an item that he had everyone in the guild search for.

Lullaby, an item created by Zeref. once played anyone who hears it shall die. he was close to finding it, and he was sure, he only needed a few days. Sora's brow raised hearing he only needed a few days, that was the same amount of time Ultra's brother needed to free the demon, and in a few months, Brain believed he should locate where Nirvana was.

'Why is everything coming together now? I should look out,' Sora thought as he went on to stay with Erigor, and there he watched the guild member indeed find Lullaby, and go on to trick the few people who knew about his plan by having them think he was planning on using Lullaby on a small town, still being too soft, he didn't kill everyone there.

It was then Sora saw Erza for the first time in 16 years, she was joined with 3 others plus a flying cat. they tried to stop Erigor, but he got away, leaving them trapped to deal with his guild member, which they easily defeated and ran after him.

by they, Sora meant a pink-haired hot-headed guy, who used Fire Dragon slayer magic. Sora watched as he caught up to Erigor and they fought, in the end, this pink-haired kid seemed to be losing but the cat said a few things that enraged him, causing him to gain enough strength that allowed him to fight Erigor to defeat him, just in time for Erza and the other to arrive.

"I can't believe you had such a hard time with this guy." Ultra stepbrother Gray said disdainfully, enraging Natsu who was the one who defeated Erigor. Erza on the other hand rested her on the shoulder of a blonde-haired woman, She was capable of defeating Erigor, but she used a huge amount of magical energy to drive the magical car at top speed

Erza wanted to say something, but she noticed that the guy they captured was frozen in fear. confused, she looked towards where he was looking, and there her eyes widened as she saw Erigor's body being placed on a red-haired woman's shoulder, They looked alike, so much so that she did not doubt that she knew who this was. she didn't even notice how weird that Natsu and Gray who was standing at the side of this person, didn't notice her

"Emilia!" Erza cried in joy, towards eye bags, who else could this be but her big sister? but her words shocked everyone, leading to everyone noticing that Sora was there, Natsu and Gray quickly jumped back, shocked as they didn't notice Sora's existence

"It's Sora... and even after so many years, so still so weak," Sora said calmly, causing Erza to freeze slightly before lowering her head in shame. Sora looked at her calmly, before turning around to leave.

"w-wait, where are you going?" Erza said not wanting Sora to up and disappear, not again, but Sora disappeared, leaving her downcast. instead, Sora's voice fell

"You should be looking after your car." Sora's voice fell, confusing Erza who suddenly saw the car shooting off, the guy they brought leaving them in the dust while mocking and waving Lullaby at them. causing them to panic and quickly run after him.

a few hours later, Ergior opened his eyes to find himself sitting before Sora. it was now nighttime, and Sora sat before a campfire, looking calmly at Erigor.

"I-I have failed you," Erigor said softly while lowering his head in shame, Sora walked over to him and had his chin up slightly, causing Erigor to look at him.

"If failure was such a big problem to me, I would have given up on you. I chose you because I want you. Failure is good because you learn from it, it's only bad when you get nothing out of it. Don't disappoint me, being humble isn't your look." Sora asked softly, to which Erigor blushed slightly as Sora was close. but he nodded slightly

Sora held out his palm, creating a black flame, which he gave out, stunning Erigor who looked at Sora in confusion

"You failed the first time, but this time you might. think back to your defeat, and that feeling of weakness you failed when you lost. This time you only have a year, if you succeed, I might just give you something special." Sora said softly, to which Erigor nodded slightly, face turned red as he nodded. Sora disappeared, causing Erigor to sigh as he looked in between his legs, at something which woke up

He was greedy, he wanted something then he would get it. Sora's surprise was something he looked forward to with all his heart, With such motivation driving him he left to steal as many things as he could using the back flame to understand, but he stayed within the mountains, hunting monsters

What did Sora have as a surprise for him? Sora was curious about if he was into females purely, he didn't plan to sleep with Erigor, but he did plan to kiss him to see if he felt something, if not then he would gaslight Erigor into thinking he was the problem, Sora was a pro at gas lightning others.

Sora few off to see Gray step brother, There he saw him working on bringing back the demon that was sealed away. they were on a small island, and Sora was caught off guard seeing demons on this island. Sora's eyes narrowed for a moment, but he sat back to watch things as he sensed something would be happening soon.

a few days later, Natsu and the blonde-haired girl arrived, with eh blue cat. they seemed to have secretly taken a mission above their rank. Sora lazily woke up to watch them, before his eyes landed on a masked man, but with his senses, he realized it was Ultra.

'So did the story start?' Sora thought with a raised eyebrow, too many things were coming together, and the fact he meant so many key figures was weird. Sora watched as Natsu and his group spoke to the demons, who didn't even know that they were demons, The demons thought that the moon had something to do with them becoming a demon, so they sent a request out for someone to come break the curse, in other words destroy the room

Sora thought this was weird, he didn't think that they would jump to such a huge conclusion because the coon had a weird color on the day they began turning into demons. it seemed to go deeper, and Sora had its guess. this word must have its demon realm, and these guys have been here for far too long and couldn't go back home. they might want to destroy the moon so that they could go home.

anyways, Sora watched as they went on to discover the happening on the island, Gray also soon arrived, followed by Erza. All of them went on to face Gray's stepbrother which they won, all while Ultra watched, Ultra seemed to have been secretly helping her free the demon, something which caught Sora off guard as Ultra seemed to have become a villain.

So, when everything was over he went to go see Ultra who was about to leave, stunning Ultra upon seeing Sora.

"And to think I thought you were dead," Sora said with a smile, Ultra's eyes were wide as if she saw a ghost. but the next moment, she threw herself at Sora. Sora was her first friend, she had searched all over for him but could never find him,

So they got caught up, and Sora found out that Ultra had joined a dark guild, she wanted to one day turn time back to the moment where it was just her and he mother. because of this, she learned time magic.

"I told you not to trust brain, that guy is untrustworthy," Sora said softly, which made Ultra cry as she explained how she went to see her mother, only to see her with Gray and Lyon, she was even more broken seeing how she replaced them with her.

"... I'm sorry. I didn't know," Sora said softly, to which Ultra smiled slightly while removing her tears, she held Sora's hands before looking at Sora deeply in her eyes.

"Tell me, how's the past 16 years been?" She asked to which Sora slowly explained how he escaped, and went on to to start looking for people who could help her in controlling her power.

"One of the reasons Brain wanted me was because once my strength reached a level, it would go out of control, leading me to destroy everything. which was his second personality dream, he wanted to use me as a weapon. he also wanted to get 7 people who could help me keep my power in check... those whose hearts are filled with, Wrath, Pride, Lust, Envy, Greed, or Glutteny could help do that. So I have been searching for people, to help just increase the day comes." Sora said softly, Stunning Ultra

"I was planning on destroying the rules of time and space and to get you one day from the past, before he killed you. but you are alive, and thats all that matters." Sora said softly as he hugged her, leaving Ultra's heart aching, how could she have left without telling Sora anything? And now look at the pain she had put him through

"I'm sorry," Ultra said softly, to which Sora shook his head, all that mattered was this moment...

"C-can you become one of my sins? You would gain a bit of my power, and we can be together forever." Sora said softly, stunning Ultra for a moment. but she nodded, Anything for Sora,

"B-but what sin suits you? If it doesn't suit you, you can't get my power." Sora asked with confusion, causing Ultra to hesitate for a moment, being forced to think of something like this was awarded, but after some thought it was Greed and Envy.

She was so greedy for the wrath of her mother that she was willing to kill countless. but she was doing this because she thought all of her actions would be undone was she turned back time.

she envied Gray and Lyon to the point she wanted to torture them. Her mother threw her out, took them in, and took them as her children. One could guess the rage she felt when she went to her mother's old home, only to see all the pictures of them replaced with pictures of her and Greay and Lyon.

Having to think like this, Ultra couldn't help but grit her teeth. leading Sora to hug her, and having her head rest on his chest, which was a bit too soft.

"Its envy... I'm sorry that I can't do anything to help you, but I can give you the power of Envy. the power to allow you to copy anything. the power to even mix those you copy, and take upon the appearance of others without flaw. This is what I can give you for now... but I will try and get you to speak to your mother one day, that I promise." Sora said softly as a white flame slowly covered Ultra, leaving her stunned. She had such a good friend,

but her attention was caught as he felt this new power swallowing her, she felt like she could become anything she looked at, and get all of the abilities she knew. She looked at Sora and saw he had a pale face, causing her to quickly check if Sora was alright

"I gave you a part of me... now it's up to you to master that power and make it our own. it would disappear slowly, so understand the power inside and out." Sora said with a smile, to which Ultra nodded slightly. Sora was not facing, he just created the flame of greed, creating it once was easy, but twice was far harder. barely a few days had passed and he was creating another flame, of course, it took a bit out of him.

Sora took Ultra a few things, before saving his goodbye, he needed to go rest, and so they said their goodbye. Ultra was hesitant about whether she should remain in the dark guild, Sora after some thought nodded, before he disappeared.

the next day, Erza woke up to find a letter outside her door. upon reading it, her eyes widened in shock. she rushed out, and quickly had everyone start cleaning up the guild, something which shocked everyone, but since they feared Erza they got to work.

"Why must we clean up? It would get dirty anyways." Natsu said in annoyance, causing Erza to give him a cold glare, causing Natsu to shoot his mouth

"My big sister is coming over, you all better be on your best behavior," Erza said seriously, stunning the guild master. but he said nothing and simply drank away, meanwhile, the whole guard was shaking in fear, Erza was a monster in their eyes, what could her elder sister be like? the image of a demon with huge sharp horns, breathing flames, and kicking mountains around filled everyone's head, all but Natsu and the others who had met Sora. they instead had frowns as they didn't trust Sora,