
The Demon Sovereign Is Reborn

Who wants to be under someone else control? once my story was over and the person writing my Story put the pen down, I acted shattering through my story. Reaching the peak got boring, it's weird that I felt some joy seeing that there was another sky out there

Itachi102 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


Hours passed, and soon the door to the guild hall opened, and slowly the beautiful, and most tired person they had ever seen entered. She looked around for a moment before her eyes landed on Erza who was standing there nervously.

"How weak are you to lose an eye? twice." Sora asked raising his hand to study an eyeball, shocking Erza who realized she was missing her artificial eye. She lost her real one as a kid, but how did Sora take it with her not noticing?

Everyone watched in shock as Erza held the spot her eye was at a moment ago, but the scene that followed shocked everyone. Sora crushed the face eyeball,

"If you can't keep the real thing, then it's best you replace it with a fake," Sora said calmly, Erza wanted to say something, but she found that she had a new eye. She was shocked as she felt the eyeball, it was real and not fake. It was even better than her other eye.

"Tell me, why should I allow you to remain a mage?" Sora asked calmly while looking around the guild, it was old and trashy. Sora felt like he was degrading himself just staying there,

but Sora's words were heard by everyone, causing all of them to go on guard. Erza was one of them, sure They feared her, but she was family. Erza looked at Sora in shock for a moment, not wanting to believe Sora's words.

"I left you alone for a few years, only for you to disappear. 13 years later, I see that you are missing an eye. wear armor to shield yourself from trauma, put on a brave act out of fear of people who see the true you, and so on. It looks like you're just being a mage for the sake of being one." Sora said stunning Erza who stood a step backward, she didn't expect Sora to see right through her

"The last we meant was 16 years ago," She said softly, to which Sora node slight

"I came to check up on you, never saw the need to say anything. yet I went to sleep for a month too long and you disappeared. answer the question, why should I let you continue to be a mage" Sora said softly, stunning Erza who didn't know what to say for a moment.

"This is my home, my family and friends." She said softly,

"That's all? Do you need to be a mage to do all that? I can see they see you as one of them, I'm not blind. I asked you why let you continue to be a mage." Sora said calmly, Erza opened her mouth for a moment, but before she could say anything someone was unable to say anything

"Just who do you think you are to just walk up in here to try and take one of our members?" Natsu said angrily, causing Sora's eyes to turn cold. Erza seeing this move, sent Natsu flying with a kick, shocking everyone

"Why did you do that? some family." Sora said calmly, Natsu looked at Sora seriously, just now the look Sora gave made her move

"Y-you were going to kill him," Erza said through gritted teeth, shocking everyone, and Natsu who had landed on his feet.

"You have instants to protect him, but when I moved you felt nothing? Is this one of those places where you get brainwashed as a kid, leading your royalty to be dying towards something?" Sora asked with narrowed eyes

"This place is nothing like that," Erza said angrily, but she quickly shut her mouth when Sora's eyes narrowed. so she lowered her voice and explained how this place took her in, how she was welcomed, and how they became her friends,

"I want to be a mage to protect those dear to me." She said softly, to which Sora looked at her for a moment before speaking.

"Remove the armor and put on normal clothing, and I will allow you to say," Sora said causing Erza to shake, she wrapped her hands around herself, while taking a slight step backward. but she found Sora standing before her, cold and indifferent eyes

"Tell me, how did you become more cowardly from the last I saw you? You went from hiding behind me to armor... Let go, and show me who took your eye. As of this moment, you are no longer a mage." Sora said calmly while turning around to walk away, Erza looked at Sora back for a moment as she cried. She looked at her guildmate for a moment before following Sora, something which they would not stand for.

Ice appeared, blocking Erza's path. stunning Erza who looked towards Sora, at the same time, the whole guild moved, surrounding Sora.

"Sorry, but Erza is one of us. You can't just go back into someone's life more than a dozen years later and boss them around." a man with a smoking pipe said calmly, to which everyone agreed. Sora said nothing, and simply walked forward, Erza hesitated for a moment,

"Why are you letting her bus you around, you want to stay than stay," Natsu said angrily as he grabbed Erza's shirt, stunning Erza for a moment who looked at Sora who was waiting for her at the door.

She took a deep breath before smiling at Natsu and thanking him. Sora had already bossed her around and told her what to do. Even now, it remains the same.

"I'm not going anywhere." She said calmly, she seemed calm, but she was a shitting brisk. How strong was Sora? Sora had already been strong, someone she looked up to for many years, and even now she couldn't see through him.

"Do you think I was asking?" Sora asked as his aura leaked out, causing the ground to crack, and those near him to faint on the spot. In horror, everyone was backward from Sora, while trying to take those who fainted away as they were being crushed by Sora's heavy aura.

Erza seeing her allies like this was enraged, She jumped over the ice wall and rushed towards Sora, but all that rage disappeared once she neared Sora. but looking at her allies being crushed, she attacked Sora. Her fist shot forward, hitting Sora's face fist. The aura disappeared, as Erza stepped back while looking at her fist in shock.

She looked at Sora whose head was turned, slowly turning around to look at her fist which just hit him. The calm look Sora had, only made Erza fearful, and before anyone could say anything, Sora's aura exploded, destroying the whole guild, and sending everyone flying.

The guild master who was at the side all this time, quickly moved, but he was no match for Sora, he was sent flying away. shocking the whole guild. Erza was shocked, she wanted to rush after him to catch him, but Sora who was talking towards her made her legs go weak. Everyone was legs went weak, they were all on their knees in horror, unable to even stand up. Even someone like Natsu was left unable to move

"Did you just hit me?" Sora asked coldly, Erza was too horrified to say anything. She could only watch as Sora's hand came towards her, causing her to lose her eyes in fear. but there was no pain and only a pat on the head, as the aura disappeared

"I will allow you to stay a mage, seeing as you have grown somewhat," Sora said calmly, while turning to leave, leaving Erza and everyone sighing softly while sighing in relief,

"Y-you can't just leave after destroying the whole guild," Erza said softly, Sora shrugged as time went backward, and the guild came back, stunning everyone. but Erza after some thought ran after Sora,

"Did you come all this way for just that?" Erza asked softly, She was a bit moved that Sora cared so much that she came all this way just for her. Although she was displeased with the way Sora went about it.

"Just for what?" Sora stopped in his footsteps and turned to coldly look at Erza. Causing Erza to pause in her footsteps, but she smiled

"You cared enough to go out of your way to wake up to see me... I missed you two." Erza said with a smile, only for that smile to slowly die down as Sora's eyes turned colder by the second

"To think I have gotten so weak to allow myself to... Love something." Sora said coldly, Erza's face turned pale as she felt Sora's will to kill aimed towards her, she took a few steps back fear filling her eyes.

Sora was the elder sister who always protected her. Not caring to know if she was in the wrong or right. Even now she saw Sora as that same elder sister, seeing the danger of being a mage he wanted to take her out of it.

"Love... Such a trashy piece of thing. I have been wondering why I haven't been growing as fast. It's because of this." Sora said coldly, just knowing who he was should have made him super strong in a few years. By now he should have been destroying planets, yet he could barely move around the moon if he tried.

He thought it was because this was a new world, a new story. He was not the MC anymore, but Erza made him realize something. So many years within that blank void, and being bored, maybe he had forgotten just who he was, leading to something like love growing in his heart.

"I shall erase you and everything else," Sora said as he pointed forward, creating an energy that caused Erza's eyes to widen.

Sora didn't bother with words and launched the energy ball. Erza looked at the energy ball before looking at her guild mates, she yelled at them to run away while she stepped forward, her armor changing into one that came with a set of shields.

With every bit of magic she had, she put it all into blocking this attack. To Sora's shock, she managed to block his attack, but at the cost of her armor being destroyed, and her being knocked out due to the lack of magical energy

Sora calmly walked to Erza, only for Erza to struggle onto her feet. She breathed heavily while glaring at Sora, that attack was aimed to kill nothing more and nothing less.

"... This again," Sora said with narrowed eyes, the power of friendship. The BS the hero pulled on him many times,

"love... It's not a weakness, it's my source of power." She said as two swords appeared in her hands, this was not the same sister she remembered... This was her enemy, but her form heart shook slightly steering the complex look in Sora's eye.

Flash Back....

"Please... Don't." a red-haired demon said softly while lowering his head. Before him, a woman stood while holding a little girl.

"Sora, you have some potential... If only you to cashing this thing called life, then you could one day make something for yourself." the woman said with a cold smile walking towards him

"Just look at the humans you seem to be so interested in, the poor seek money, and those who have some money seek more money and move. The truly rich realize that money can get anything, all they care about is time. Why do you avoid this reality? Love is a concept for the weak, the dirt on the ground." She asked softly while stepping down on Sora's head,

"Did you think I loved you? No, I wanted your offspring, the child I and you could create would be like nothing else in this world... I shall raise feed off this child. Suck it dry until nothing remains... A demon seeking love. How foolish." She said coldly, causing the young man's body to shake

Her words fully sought into his blood, from the moment he was born his mother tried to eat him. But he pushed it aside after she was a demon. So he tried seeing if he could one day become a human

He found a way and started living the life of humans, and of course, he was curious about this world, so he explored and made all types of friends. Only for them to backstab him, if he didn't hide the fact he was a demon he would have died at least 5 times now due to backstabbing

Demons were curl and ruthless, but humans were worse. They had masks to hide their true selves... But out of all of this, he met a half-human demon.

With so many things in common, they fall in love. He was happy, yet look at where he was. Kneeling for her to let go of his child, but as he sensed his child lifeforce drop the last bit of humanity dropped with it, until nothing remained.

He didn't even notice that his head had been crushed and that he should have been died. Instead, his body began to give off the air of chaos, and that's the day The demon sovereign was born, taking out the whole solar system with Its awakening.

That woman? She was destroyed, his child was sucked dry and nothing remained. He couldn't even get revenge, and see her regret it with every part of her being.

Flashback ended

Sora looked at his plam, his mind elsewhere and ignoring Erza who stood before him. He thought for some time before looking deeply at Erza, and before she could react he placed his hand on her head, and slowly she healed.

"In my eyes, love is a weakness... A mistake that shouldn't exist, something only for the poor to enjoy. But I'm not so blind to the facts before my eyes." Sora said softly, he reincarnated into another world.

In his past life, he destroyed his humanity. It was funny that he was born with a hint of it from a mother who was slowly losing hers.

"You have a good family. I will stay out of your hair." Sora said as he returned her armor, leaving Erza stunned as she watched Sora turning to leave

"But you're my family." She said softly, stunning Sora who turned to look at her with a weird look.

"I just tried to kill you," Sora said calmly, only to be caught off guard as Erza hugged him.

"I can forgive that." She said softly, leaving Sora speechless

"That's so stupid..." Sora said softly, while his cold and dead heartbeat for the first time. A feeling Sora had forgotten filled him, leaving him feeling strange.