

I groaned, snuggling deeper into my blanket. I was not in the mood to go anywhere, especially not to the warehouse. But just as I was starting to drift off to sleep, my phone buzzed with a message from the university.

My heart skipped a beat as I read the words on the screen. I had been waiting for this moment for weeks! With a newfound sense of energy, I jumped out of bed and went straight to call James to check his phone if he got his own message to come write the entrance exam.

.The phone on the other line rings, the other person on the other line picks.

"Hey James have you gotten your own message from the university", i said I an excited tone.

"Yes I have, after waiting for so long we can finally write the entrance exam"James said in the other line sounding excited too.

We talked about how what we should prepare for the exam and to read well, after the long talk on the phone we finally ended the call.

Finally, it's the day of the exam I am anxious and excited the same time cause I get to see my dream school.

I woke up early, read a little first, then went to take my bath, eat my breakfast. Then remembered to call James to know of he is ready, I called him and told him my dad is going to be driving us there cause he is quite familiar with this place.

My dad offered to drive James and I to the exam center, and I was grateful for the support. As we arrived on campus, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the beautiful buildings and lush greenery.

We got to the different building that we were assigned to go take take our exam, after some hours on answering a series of questions, I am finally done with my exam.

I went outside to check if James is done, but I couldn't find him outside that means he wasn't done, I waited for some minutes.

After what felt like an eternity,I spotted James coming out of his exam building, I rushed to him asked how was his exam. He said they were quiet hard but he tried his best, I said the same for me.

Just then, my phone buzzed again. My dad was calling, I picked up the call. My dad on the other end of the line telling me he can't come pick me up, he has a lot to do at work. He gave me direction on how to get home but I don't understand anything, then James tells me he knows the way home.

I felt happy and relieved that we aren't going to get missing cause if it was up to me, we would miss our way.

We both went to the bus station and waited for the bus, finally the bus arrived we got in and sat the last back seat close to each other cause I was somehow scared, I haven't been that far from home.

The drive home felt somehow quite, suddenly I felt James hands around my body, he touched in a very sensational way, then he kissed me.

I felt somehow, shy and all cause we were in a public vehicle but during when all this were happening we were the only people remaining in the bus cause our stop is at the last bus station.

He continued to touch my boobs and all and kept kissing me, I kissed him back and told him to stop cause I was already feeling akward, and I am sure the bus driver is watching. James stopped what he was doing and just held my hand, till we got home and bid each other goodbye.