

My mom, my elder sister and I sat at the cozy restaurant, sipping our wine and enjoying our girls' night out. I couldn't help but open up to her mom about my feelings for James.

"Mom, I don't know what's wrong with me," I said, blushing. "I have these feelings for James, and we haven't even talked about being in a relationship. He's not even my boyfriend!"

My mom listened attentively, nodding along. "It's normal to have feelings for someone, sweetie. And it's okay to acknowledge them."

I sighed. "But what if he doesn't feel the same way? What if I'm just a friend to him?"

My mom reached out and took my hand. "Then he's not the right guy for you, honey. But from what you've told me about James, I think he might feel the same way. You two have a connection, and that's special."

"My little sister is having a crush, they grow up fast", my elder sister said this teasing me.

I smiled, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders. "Thanks, Mom. Just talking about this makes me feel better."

My mom smiled back. "Anytime, sweetie. That's what moms are for."

As we finished our dinner and prepared to leave, I felt a sense of gratitude for my mom's wisdom and support. I realized that I didn't have to have all the answers, and that it was okay to take things one step at a time with James.