
The Delivery Guy

A young supe find himself stranded in another universe after a life alterning event. Watch him come to term with his new reality, regain control of his life as he try his best to find his mark(s) and navigate through the alien new environment that is the DC Univers and Gotham city.

Star_Lander · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Black Who? II

It took him a whole five minutes to find the correct key that opened the front door entrance, and it took him another two minutes to climb up the staircase to the tallest floor – the rooftop, the electricity having been turned off, the elevator was essentially out of commission, forcing him to take up the stairs.

Pushing open the door – this one not being closed – Jack stepped out into the open night sky. It was late, he wasn't sure how late exactly, but watching the shapes of the skyscrapers lit up the city beneath him, he could hazard a guess at the hour.

'Probably no later than 10:00 pm now…'

He leisurely strolled along the edge of the building, hands tucked into the pockets of his red parka, pizza floating and trailing behind him. He feigned to not have noticed the figure stalking toward him and hugging the shadow of the building's roof cover.

Jack took a look over the edge, at the city beneath and at the horizon. Even in the better district, a lot of the buildings appeared to be in a state of disrepair; more than he expected. And there was a lot more brightness. Again, more than he expected too, for the picture of the city he was mentally started to draw.

It wasn't all bleak and gloom.

Looking on the horizon, he could see and hear the distinct sound of police sirens – 'like usual,' – over a dozen red and blue lights, tracing the city streets, each moving in a different direction. While in the sky, a distant spotlight shone a sparkling white against the dark clouds of Gotham with the symbol of a bat set in the middle.

'The bat signal.' Meaning that Batman was somewhere out there and busy it seemed like.

There also was the distant minute crack of gunfire nearby and the flash of an explosion. Seemingly coming from every direction, varying in distance and intensity, but always a near constant. The whole city sounded like a warzone even in the 'supposedly' better parts of town.

And there were less than five heroes to take care of this mayhem. Which was madness in his opinion. Back on his homeworld, the villains were outnumbered 2 to 1. Here, it seemed like the heroes were at least outnumbered 5 to 1.

Batman had to have his hands full already with just this part of the city. And it was said that he hadn't set foot in Crime Alley in two months already now…

Even if he had a full hero team on hand, they would have to work nonstop just to keep things from falling further apart in the rest of the city.

'Unless they tackle the problem at its source…'

Because there has to be something or someone that allowed so many crimes, corruption and anarchy to run rampant because either way, it wouldn't make sense.

"Lorenzo's new delivery man…" A feminine voice – low and alluring – spoke from his left behind him, interrupting his musing. Jack almost forgot the entire reason why he was here. "I was told that you cut-... hmmm~ quite the intimidating figure." The voice tantalizingly drawled, giving him a once-over. "I can… see this. Took you long enough to get here. Did you have some performance issues…?"

Jack turned to face his special client of the night and have a proper look at her. He met the charming smile of a blonde-haired woman.

The first thing that struck him was how short and tiny she was. The blonde-haired and blue-eyed woman standing in front of him couldn't be taller than 5'4" (1m62). Clad in a ridiculous attire consisting of a furred black jacket which was draped over a black leotard one piece – hugging her well-endowed chest and making her breasts suggestively swell and perk up – while tracing her curvy figure, from her toned stomach to her thin waist, to finally, her wide hips, flaring up from her sides and teasing the promise of a juicy, bouncy and perky bubble-butt. A fishnet stocking encompassing her short but toned and plump legs completed her ensemble.

She was goddamn hot and her whole presence radiated a loud assuredness hinting that she knew it.

'A walking, talking and teasing PR nightmare. A hero has no business dressing like this…' He noted.

And she wasn't bothering wearing a face mask or anything really, to cover her face and hide her identity.

Behind his helmet, Jack shamelessly gave her a complete look-over but not quite openly leering at her, even as his mind rushed to formulate an appropriate answer.

She was almost hot enough for him to immediately simp for her and forget how annoyed he was at the heroine for making him climb up here.


It was with his groin aching, his dick twitching and standing at half-mast that he spoke, bulling through his horniness.

"Oh! Silly me!" He chirped, laughing airily. "Sorry, I must have forgotten to pack my jetpack when I left. It's not like I'd need it every day to fly over some buildings."

The woman sniggered, lips curving up in amusement, "If you have a jetpack to fly around, why not use it instead of your scooter to make deliveries? It should be a lot faster to get around with it, hmmm?" She pointed out, sounding amused. "All I'm hearing is that you left behind a perfectly viable vehicle for unknown reasons and failed to plan ahead … This sounds a lot like a you problem.— Hmmm~, is this what people call skills issues?" She raised a perfectly trimmed eyebrow.

'The nerve of this woman,' Jack couldn't believe her cheek. "Because the jetpack goes through fuel like the average reddit moderator goes through an all-you-can-eat buffet." He deadpanned, answering cheek-for-cheek, tat-for-tat. "And dear customer, please, don't be obtuse and try to distract me from the fact that delivery guys aren't expected to climb over 20 floors of a closed office building at night to deliver food."

"Hmmm~, yes, true. Ordinary delivery men aren't expected to," Her eyes were filled with mirth as she quipped, "But you aren't exactly an ordinary delivery man, yes?" She gestured with her head to the lone pizza floating slightly behind him.

"This is Gotham, what did you expect?" He replied, giving her a pointed look. Even with his helmet in the way, she was able to tell. "Just look at you for example. Some random, scantily clad woman literally standing on top of the highest floor of the tallest building around, wearing even less clothes than the average stripper – and that while out in such cold weather – is one of my clients of the night." The fact that while her appearance was noteworthy – being a hero and what not – she was far from the oddest client he met said a lot of things about Gotham City and Gothamites.

His words managed to wipe the small smirk off her lips as she narrowed her eyes, giving him a tight-lip smile. "Careful now," she warned. "I don't appreciate the insolence and disrespect."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Jack said. From his voice – dripping with insincerity – it was clear that he was not at all sorry. "This is actually my first– no, second week on the job. So I'm rather new to all of this. Wasn't I supposed to call you out on your attire? Do you prefer if I refer to you as Call Girl? Entertainment worker? Courtesan? Night's lady? She-who-stalks on top of tall buildings?"

At this point, he was actively antagonizing her and couldn't give less of a fuck.

'She started it,' he told himself.

The woman's blue eyes flashed with animosity and even then, when told to her face that she dressed like a sex worker, she still strode forward, hips swinging from side to side, and lips curling upward maliciously – the woman who he suspected to be the hero known as Black Canary, cleared the small distance between them.

She stopped, less than an inch in front of him, and tilted her head up to stare at him.

"I prefer it if you call me by my name," she sweetly said, his helmeted appearance reflected in her iris as she grabbed him by his collar spandex's fabric and dragged his head down so that they were now meeting gazes and she no longer has to tilt her head up to do so. "Black Canary or Canary for short if you prefer. I also go by Nightingale in certain circles, but you probably already knew that."

"Ahhh," Jack exclaimed, mumbling. "So, you're that kind of street performer."

"You're an interesting person. An interesting person with an interesting ability," Black Canary smiled – a smile which was a little too wide, a little too wooden, too forced. "I've never met someone quite so quick-witted in terms of clever comebacks yet at the same time, so dim-witted that he can put both feet into his mouth and keeps running his mouth without knowing when to stop."

"Thanks, I guess? At least, we both agree that I don't have any skill issues in that department." He lightly shrugged, continuing with the sass. Her smile became even more strained. "Also, can you step back a little? You're kind of in my personal space and your breasts are now pressing against me… Which is kinda making me nervous." He gestured with his head, making an effort to look uncomfortable, squirming on his feet.

"Afraid of some boobs now?" She teased.

"Yes!" And Jack readily admitted, feigning nervousness. "I didn't consent for you to touch me. Were the role reversed, you would have already kneaded me in the groin miss, errr…. Nightingale…? Seriously, I can't even call you that." It took a huge amount of self-control for him to not slip and snicker. He was having way too much fun taking the piss on her. "Look, no offense, miss-... Black Canary… while I'm pretty sure that anyone else would take you up on the offer, I'm not interested in your service. I'm on the job right now. I just want to deliver my order, get paid – preferably in cash or debit – then go on my way to make other deliveries before returning home."

"Offer? Service? What are you blabbering abou—Oh…" Black Canary paused, trailing off as she began rapidly blinking, her eyebrows creasing up, she scowled – a look of understanding rapidly dawning on her visage. "Y-you… you-… yo-you think that I'm proposing you to fuck me instead of p-paying for the pizza …?" She trembled, looking absolutely livid.

"Ummm… no? I thought you were hinting at me to go down on you…" Jack corrected, "If you must pay this way, I would rather get a blowjob…"

"Because this is so much better…" Black Canary's face reddened and she released her grip on you. "It clears things up."

"Well… okay… this is awkward…" Behind the helmet, his grin was threatening to split his cheeks. "I mean… you're gorgeous. Short, big-titty, blonde-haired, blue-eyed woman with a curvy figure and haughty expression. You're literally the poster girl for the quintessential, stereotypically wealthy, privileged, and popular blonde girl. The high school queen bee. You're a real sex magnet for every bullied man ever who at some point, was either the silent kid, unpopular kid or nerdy kid back in high school. Even better, you can be considered a short stack." He genuinely praised her, letting some of his honest thoughts leak out. "I don't know the rates around this part of town but I think a blowjob instead of sex, should be enough to cover for the pizza and delivery fees…"

"..." She looked stunned, gaping at him as she stood rooted on the spot, totally speechless.

Jack coughed, "Of course, all of this is only hypothetical. In the eventuality I'd accept going ahead with your advances, which I wouldn't by the way, seeing as I'm on the job and need to return with Lorenzo's pizza money." Ever the comedian, he couldn't stop once he was on a roll. "I only emitted the hypothesis for the sake of clearing up any lingering misunderstandings you may have that I thought you were hinting at sex as an alternative method of payment…"


Jack coughed once again, "Actually, I would really appreciate it if you don't force the issue, and simply pay for the pizza in cash or debit. Also, can you really step back a little now? Give me more personal space, please?" He politely requested, "I don't want to have to defend myself and hurt you…"

Black Canary sent him a scandalous look, looking more offended by the fact that he was saying that she was some defenseless girl he could easily beat or hurt than when he straight up told her that she was a baddie who was making bank.

"You think you're funny," she whispered, jaw clenching and unclenching. "Is this some kind of game to you?"

It was.

"I thought it was for you? What with the whole dominatrix thing you had going on, " he quipped, no longer bothering to act oblivious, wanting to see just how much he could rile her up before she snapped. "You're sending me mixed signals, miss. What did you want me to think when you just got into my face and harshly tugged me down…?"

"SON OF BITCH! I WASN'T FUCKING PROPOSING YOU FOR SEX!" She snapped, hissing. "Does Black Canary even sound like a stripper's name to you!?"