
The Defective Ninja

Getting dumped into a familiar yet unfamiliar world wasn't something I thought would ever happen. How will I survive in this brutal dog-eat-dog world with a defective body that could break at any moment? Who knows! --- I do not own any of the characters except the OC's!

KeeperOfBooks · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

4 Years gone by


" " Speaking out loud

< > Authors Note

( ) General information

* * Sound Effect

I really enjoyed seeing all of your reactions when I killed off the mother. Especially CliffkunLolRekt who made a review about it. Don't worry readers, the mother will make a come back later in the novel. What type of come back? You'll just have to read to find out.


Rumbles and blinding flashes of lightning illuminated the dark streets of Konoha. The heavy downpour of rain and the howling winds caused the civilians to stay indoors, but the same couldn't be said to the unfortunate ninjas on patrol and one peculiar child standing out in the open.

Yes, the child is none other than our protagonist, Kekkan Nora.

He was wearing no form of protection from the rain, except for his jacket that has already been soaked with water. His black and red hair was plastered across his cute and childish face. Although his cuteness was lowered due to his dull eyes that seemed to be devoid of any life.

To the left of the boy was an exotic dark grey dog with three heads, it was Cerberus. The middle head had blue eyes, the left head had golden eyes and the right head had red eyes, just like Nora. Although Cerberus was sitting, she was still taller than Nora by a few inches.

Releasing a whimper, the right head licked Nora's face, it was a sign of worry and comfort for the young boy. Regaining some light in his eyes and snapping out of his somber mood, Nora glanced at Cerberus, smiled slightly, and pet the right head's head.

"Thanks, Kuro. I needed that."

Nora said with a barely audible voice, which didn't escape the ears of all three heads. The ears of the right head, now known as Kuro, perked up and she was happier now that her master was feeling better.

Turning his eyes back to his front, his attention was once again fixed on the tomb stone. It wasn't just any tomb stone though, because it belong to his mother, Kekkan Nonko.

-Nora's POV-

Staring at the grave of Okaa-san, memories of the last 4 years surfaced in my mind.

After Okaa-san died, I was devastated. Just when I accepted my new life and new mother, she was taken away from me. My hatred for the Kyuubi was immense, but I couldn't blame the Kyuubi entirely, because he was controlled by the masked man and he had resentment towards humanity for sealing him. Even though I knew that the masked man was to blame, I still couldn't let go of all of my hatred towards the Kyuubi.

When I overheard how Okaa-san died, I was surprised. Apparently, when the explosion happened, the shrapnel from the gas tank was lodged into Okaa-san's lungs and upper spine. Although she could've taken the shrapnel out and heal instantly (she has high speed regeneration like me), she didn't due to not knowing if another stray jutsu might impact the area, therefore she resolved to ignore the shrapnel and rush home. She unfortunately couldn't move well with shrapnel in her body, so she used chakra to strengthen herself, but this lead to her chakra network being strained and therefore breaking, which lead to her death.

At least, this was all speculated by Mikoto oba-san (since she had a clear understanding of Okaa-san), but I'm not sure.

Other than Okaa-san, Kushina oba-san and the 4th Hokage also died, just like canon. Again, I was upset and frustrated, because I couldn't even warn them. Nobody else I knew died, thankfully.

Mikoto oba-san managed to adopt me, but couldn't adopt Naruto due to the council arguing against it. Mikoto oba-san had a hard time getting over both of her closest friends deaths, but with some comfort from me (baby giggles and laughs), she went back to her normal self.

Growing up along side Satsuki, I came to accept the Uchiha compound as a second home. The only thing I don't like about the Uchiha compound is how some of the Uchiha extremists scorns and shuns me.

Speaking of Satsuki, she treats me as an older brother, even though she's older than me, and she's very clingy. Unlike her OG male counterpart, she isn't as clingy to Itachi, but she's still very close to him. My very first words were 'Satsuki', and her first words were 'Nora'. I made sure to say my first word in front of Mikoto and Itachi, just so that Satsuki could say her first word. How did I know that she'd say a word? Well... monkey see, monkey do. It's baby logic.

About Fugaka or whatever his name is, he doesn't actually love Mikoto oba-san, and vice versa. They're only married because it was an arranged one. They actually don't seem to love each other, so whenever they're around one another, the atmosphere is always stiff and cold. Fugaka is also an asshole, I found that out the hard way when he smacked me just because he was in a bad mood.

Also, Cerberus has stuck with me almost 24/7 since my mom died. It got weird calling her Cerberus when there were three separate heads and each head had its own personality, so I named the heads after another Cerberus from a certain manga I read in my past life. The middle head is Roze, the left head is Shirogane and the right head is Kuro. Not only did their personalities fit the origin of their names, but their eyes as well.

<A/N: Shout out to Today's Cerberus! It's a great manga to read. It's a Slice of Life and an Action manga. A nice manga to read in your free time or if you just want something to warm your heart. For the curious folk, the origin of this worlds Cerberus will be explained later in the novel. From now on, when I'm using the word 'Cerberus', I'm referring to Roze, Shirogane and Kuro as a whole. When using Cerberus's individual names, I'm referring to that specific individual.>

When I was 3 years old, me and Satsuki finally started chakra training. I was pretty excited to learn and use chakra, but I was also scared and hesitant to try without supervision. Satsuki unlocked her chakra pathway system, aka chakra network, pretty fast for a 3 year old, so the Uchiha clan has high expectations for her.

What about my chakra network? Well, when I tried to move my chakra as Mikoto oba-san told me, I fell unconscious. I fainted from the extreme pain that assaulted me when my chakra network was strained. Even though I barely moved my chakra, I was instantly incapacitated. Naturally, I was sad and frustrated, because even though I had the chakra capacity of of High Genin, I have no access to it. If I didn't have my past life's memories, I would've given up on becoming a ninja, but I know of a certain Green Beast of Konoha that has low chakra reserves while still being capable of kicking Madara's ass.

Granted, he did have his 8 Inner Gates technique, but his taijutsu and physical parameters were far superior to any other Jonin and even the Kage level ninjas. If I can get him to train me, I'll still become a powerhouse.

Since I couldn't unlock my own chakra network, Mikoto oba-san did the same thing Okaa-san did to unlock her chakra network, she hired a Hyuuga to unlock it for me. It was a painful experience and endeavour, but I've felt worse. Although Mikoto oba-san was very reluctant to let me be a ninja, I manged to push her to agree. I refuse to be a normal citizen in a world such as this. I don't want to rely on others to protect me.

*Pitter Patter*

<A/N: I have no idea how to describe rain falling on an umbrella>

Slightly turning my head, I saw Mikoto oba-san holding an umbrella over her head. Her long black hair and bangs framed her cheeks, fair skin and black eyes, black eyes that held the same sorrow that I held.

"Nora-chan... come here."

She opened her arms for me to snuggle into her embrace, which is exactly what I did. While shedding a silent tear, I found warmth and comfort in the hug from someone dear to me.

Not again... I won't lose anyone again. Mikoto oba-san, Itachi-nii, Cerberus and Satsuki are the only ones I have left.

Tightening my grip on Mikoto oba-san, I started thinking of ways to prevent her death during the Uchiha Massacre.

"Let's go home, Nora-chan, Satsuki is worried about you."


Giving a short nod, I took one last glance at Okaa-san's grave before sticking closely to Mikoto oba-san as we left the grave yard.


"Nora-nii! Where did you go? Are you okay?"

As soon as we entered the house, a black blur launched itself at me. Bracing myself for impact, I caught the black blur who was actually Satsuki.

Satsuki had a worried expression that only made her cuteness soar. With black eyes and hair with bangs just like her mother, I could tell that she'll become a top notch beauty in the future.

With a small smile on my face, I reached my hand to her head... and flicked her forehead.


Satsuki quickly let go of me and rubbed her forehead in pain. I've been doing this for a while now, and it's very satisfying. Don't mistake me for a sadist, I just enjoy what happens after.

"Why did you do that, Nora-nii?"

With a small tear in the corner of her eye and a grumpy face, Satsuki demanded for an answer. With a grin on my face, I pet her head.

"Sorry, Satsuki, but I can't help it. You're just so cute."

She blushed at my remark, but quickly melted under the caress of my hand. This was what I was talking about, the satisfied and euphoric expression of a loli eased my heart. Therefore, I'm not a sadist and NEITHER am I a lolicon.


With a wry smile, I turned to Cerberus, or more specifically, Shirogane, who whimpered due to jealousy. You would have to have really sharp senses to pick up her cries, and my senses were far superior to normal Genins and Chunins, I'm not sure about Jonin though.

"Do you want to be pet too, Shirogane?"

I mischeviously smiled at Shirogane, who turned her head to the side, not daring to look me in the face.

<A/N: Just imagine how a tsundere looks away with a huff, then just replace her/him with a dogs face>

"I see, so you don't want to be pet."

Showing a disappointed and sad expression, while skillfully manipulating my own emotions to be sad (a trick I learnt over the years), I turned my back away from Shirogane.

Using my senses, I 'saw' Roze bonk Shirogane with her own head. Kuro looked confused and lost, but she's always like that. Mikoto oba-san was trying to hide a smile, but failed miserably.

After a few seconds of silence, Cerberus walked over and Shirogane presented her head. Her embarrassment was very evident, it was actually surprising that she didn't run away.

"Goog girl~"

I rubbed her head before scratching behind her ear. Although she was very embarrassed, she still enjoyed it.

*Whish* *Whoosh*

If her wildly wagging tail was evident enough to prove how happy she was, I don't know what else could prove her happiness.

"Mou! Don't ignore me, Nora-nii!"

Satsuki pouted and folded her arms cutely to show just how upset she was. I smiled at her... and flicked her forehead again.


She yelped in pain as she looked at me hatefully.

"Don't be selfish, you just got a head pat, but Shirogane didn't."

Using my free hand, I again started rubbing Satsuki's head to ease the pain. Lowering her head to hide her face, Satsuki had a beaming smile in her face. She felt happy and proud, probably because I 'fell' for her trap, which is to make me rub her head. Although I saw through it, I still 'fell' for her trap to amuse her.

"Ufufu, it's seems that Nora-chan will be a lady killer. Whatever will I do~"

Mikoto oba-san mumbled under her breath. I just glanced at Mikoto oba-san before going back to rubbing Satsuki's head. A small smile appeared on my face as I thought about events future.

Even if the future is bleak, I'll be ready for it.

Tada! Here's a chapter for all of you people. I actually fell asleep while making this chapter, that's why it took so long to upload, sorry.

Anyways, the next chapter will introduce a key character to this novel. Stay tuned!

KeeperOfBookscreators' thoughts