
The Defective Ninja

Getting dumped into a familiar yet unfamiliar world wasn't something I thought would ever happen. How will I survive in this brutal dog-eat-dog world with a defective body that could break at any moment? Who knows! --- I do not own any of the characters except the OC's!

KeeperOfBooks · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

3 An Eye For An Eye, A Tooth For A Tooth... A Life For A Life (Real Chapter)


" " Speaking out loud

< > Authors Note

( ) General information

* * Sound Effect

I'm trying the Japanese honorifics style of writing, so excuse me if I make some mistakes.


Staring into the innocent eyes of Satsuki, I couldn't help but mentally scream at the world for screwing me over.

Why the fuck is Sasuke a girl!?

I recently discovered this fact a few minutes ago when Itachi came to play with Satsuki while calling her 'My cute imouto'. My brain took some time to reboot itself when I pieced this together. The fact that the Sasuke Uchiha that I know is now a girl named Satsuki Uchiha was much harder to accept than the fact that I'm in a fictional world.

Currently, I'm in the Uchiha compound. Kaa-san and Kushina oba-san decided to visit Mikoto oba-san, so I was dragged along for the ride. Speaking of Kushina oba-san, she'll be going into labour in a few days time, she's pretty excited about it.

There is one peculiarity that I found about Kushina oba-san, she seems to be two people instead of one person. Why am I saying such crazy things? Because I sense two sets of emotions coming from her. I managed to isolate the different emotions from my senses, so I can sort of tell what each of them are feeling. At first, their emotions were mixed together so I couldn't really tell what Kushina oba-san was feeling, but now I can.

The emotions that don't belong to Kushina oba-san are mostly extreme hatred, anger and... curiosity? I almost went batshit crazy when I felt the anger. Although, the emotions of hatred and anger are kind of... passive. What I mean is that the 'thing' is constantly feeling hatred and anger, it's a subconscious emotion, but it doesn't affect their thoughts.

There is only one entity (that I know of) in Konoha that is capable of such a feet, the Kyuubi no Youko. Again, I freaked out because I now knew that Kushina oba-san is the 4th Hokage's wife, and I knew that the Hokage and his wife died during the Kyuubi's rampage.

I wanted to warn Kushina oba-san, but I didn't know how and I couldn't. Firstly, I'm still a baby, which means that my motory functions aren't working properly yet, so I could barely move and I couldn't speak. Secondly, I'm a baby, even if I do try to warn them, they'll probably think it's baby gibberish. All I could do was hope that Kushina oba-san will be fine.

I hate it, this feeling of helplessness. Knowing that something bad will happen yet being unable to do anything about it was a heavy blow to my mind. This further strengthened my resolve to be the strongest.

Anyway... back to the more joyful side of life!

Truth be told, I enjoy playing with Satsuki, she's so cute and innocent. Now, because of the mixture of empathy and having a child's brain, I can't help but behave childishly. I also self diagnosed myself with ADD, aka, Attention Deficit Disorder. Chalking it up to my child brain, I hope that it only lasts during my childhood and not during my adulthood.

Also, my family seems to have a pet, if it can even be called a pet. Although it's not around most of the time, it visits from time to time. When I first saw it, I refused to believe my eyes. It was simply impossible for something like this to exist. Standing about one meter tall, with dark grey fur with three heads and three tails, was a miniature Cerberus.

The middle head has crystal blue eyes, the head on the left has yellow gold eyes, and the head on the right has red eyes like me. Surprisingly, or unsurprisingly, they each have their own personality. The middle head is quiet and gentle and seems to be the leader of the other two heads. The head on the left is snappy, grumpy and aggressive but is actually kind, it's a dog/wolf version of a tsundere. The head on the right is hyperactive, energetic, friendly and playful. Their name is suspiciously Cerberus, but it's quite fitting.

I'm now completely certain that this is an AU Narutoverse. Surprisingly, the villagers don't seem to mind Cerberus, in fact, they treat her existence as if its completely normal. Yes, 'her', Cerberus is a she. I have tried to sense if there's anything suspicious about Cerberus, but she has the chakra level of a normal ninken. Although I want to believe that she's just a special ninken, my instincts say otherwise. There's something about her that makes her special, excluding her three heads.

-Time Skip-

Today's the day... the day everything goes to shit...

I'm not saying that just because I overheard my mom talk about Kushina oba-san going to a specially designated area for childbirth, but because I could instinctively feel it. I could feel it ever since I woke up, the feeling of approaching danger that's bound to happen. It seems that my mother also noticed it, because she seems quite restless and on edge.

Cerberus thankfully decided to visit us today, she also seemed to sense the disaster that's about to unfold. I don't know why, but being near Cerberus makes me happy and calm, she also seems to enjoy my presence.

Currently, kaa-san and Mikoto oba-san are talking in the Uchiha Clan head's house about their worries that something might happen. While they were talking, I was playing with Satsuki.

"Why don't you try to warn the Hokage? I'm sure he'll appreciate the warning."

Mikoto oba-san asked mom while helping her prepare the food, and although it was way past lunchtime, nearing evening but not dinnertime, kaa-san started stress eating. She looked like a squirrel with all the food stuffed in her mouth, but she unfortunately ran out of snacks, that's why she's making food.

"I wanted to, but that damned Danzo had his Root nin infiltrate the Hokage Tower in every corner. If I warn the Hokage, then Danzo will learn what I'm capable of, and then he'll send some Root nin to capture me. That's the exact same reason why my oto-san disappeared."

Kaa-san had a cold glint in her eyes for a split second before she returned to normal, but that split second was enough for me to feel her dense, unfiltered rage she felt towards Danzo.

Seems that Danzo's on my kill list.

"Oh, thats right. I'm sorry for bringing that up, Nonko."

Mikoto oba-san gave an apology to kaa-san, who just smiled sadly.

"No, it's alright. Although I barely remember him, I still miss oto-san. Sometimes, I wonder what it would be like if I grew up with him by my side..."

Sasuga, kaa-san! Your airheaded mind completely ruined the mood! Look, even Satsuki's mood is ruined. Mikoto oba-san looks uncomfortable as well.

After that, kaa-san and Mikoto oba-san talked about positive things that I completely ignored. Satsuki was too tired to play anymore, so we both took a nap.


Feeling an uncomfortable coldness on my cheek, I forced my sleepy eyes open. Kaa-san was walking down the almost empty streets of Konoha. The stars in the night sky helped illuminate the dark roads.

It's already night, huh?

Closing my eyes to go back to sleep, I quickly opened them when a memory surfaced.

Shit, it's night!

Fear and panic started overtaking my mind. I wanted to run, to scream at my mother to get home, but I couldn't.

"What's wrong, Nora-chan? Are you hungry? Here!"

Kaa-san noticed my struggling, then assuming that I was hungry, presented one of her jugs to me.

"Uwah! Gu gu ga ga! Wah ah ha ahh!? Bah h-" 'You idiotic woman! Not now! Why would you even reveal your boob in the middle of the street!? Go hom-'

<I don't speak baby, so excuse me>



An explosion and an extremely loud roar shook the ground, causing some buildings to break and collapse.


Looking at the source of the explosion, a tall figure could be seen. With the fire lighting up the area, I had a clear view of the Kyuubi. It had red-orange fur that covered its entire body, 9 long tails that each had the capability to destroy large portions of Konoha, and glowing ruby red eyes, similar to my own.

"Ara, I think we should go home, Nora-chan."

Kaa-san quickly covered herself and started running at a breakneck speed in the direction of our house. The despair, fear, anger and other negative emotions from people all around Konoha were so strong, that I could feel it clearly. My empathy radius was small, so the fact that I could feel the emotions from all around Konoha proved just how strong the emotions were. Thankfully, kaa-san was calm, so I wasn't as affected by the emotions. Occasionally dodging falling debris with a casual face, I couldn't help but admire kaa-san.

As kaa-san ran, I caught glimpses of the destruction and death caused by the rampage. Even though I was a citizen of Konoha, I had small amounts of sympathy for the dead citizens and ninjas strewn across the streets. My mind was already conditioned to the deaths that I would be seeing in the future, so I wasn't affected in the least when I saw dead bodies. It's either that, or I just didn't care about their deaths.

"We're almost home Nora-chan, seems like nothing will happen."


As I suspected, one of the stray fire jutsu's from the battlefield flew right past our heads and into a gas canister... right next to us.


Faster than I could react, we were sent flying in the air. After being airborn for a few seconds, we landed on the ground and went tumbling for a few meters. Trying to fight off the pain by crying, I barely noticed kaa-san trying to comfort me.

A few minutes later, after a hot accustomed to the pain, I noticed that we were finally in the vicinity of our mansion. There is a special fuinjutsu barrier surrounding the mansion that prevents any sort of attack, be it physical or chakra, from reaching a few meters near the wall of our mansion. Just as we were about to reach the gates, kaa-san collapsed.

Still holding me gently as she fell to the floor, kaa-san gave me a smile, but it wasn't like the usual happy smiles she had... this was a sad smile.

Eh? Why are you smiling like that?

"I'm sorry Nora-chan, it see- * wet cough* it seems that I'm not... gonna make it."

Coughing up some dark red blood midsentence, mom had a content and proud smile on her face. Now that I was relatively calm, I could sense that my mother's chakra was rapidly declining. Sensing further, I managed to detect that her chakra network was obliterated.

"Abu..." 'No...'

Fear and panic started creeping throughout my body. I didn't want to even think about what's about to happen, my mind simply refused.

"Grow up... big and strong..."

Please stop...

"Make sure to... to eat healthy... and plenty of vegetables..."

"Ga gu." 'Shup up.'

"I'm sorry... that I won't be there... for you..."

"Uwah!" 'Stop talking!'

"Don't be tricked... by the bigger girls... they will take advantage... of you..."

"Ah ha ahaaaa!" 'Help will be here soon!'

"Tell... Miko-chan and... Kushi-chan... goodbye..."

"Aga! Gaba gagu!" 'Help! Someone help!'

"Goodbye... Nora-chan... my little baby... Nora..."

All remaining life left my mother's warm eyes, just as the last remnants of her chakra left her body.


That was the first night in my new life, that I cried myself to sleep.


The way she died will be properly explained in the next chapter. Like how her chakra network broke and why it was broken.

Yep, I killed Kekkan Nonko. Why? To be honest, no reason. I just felt like it, although her death is important for the MC, aka, Nora.

Now, many of you are probably pissed off at me. Trust me, I am too. I really didn't want to kill her, but I felt that it was the right thing to do. It was also extremely difficult to compose and write the last part of the chapter, so don't blame me of it was terrible.

Anyway, I'll post another chapter later today as an apology.

KeeperOfBookscreators' thoughts