
The Defeat of the Fairies - Hope of a new Dawn

Serendipity brings Caleb to meet Ailrees, who turns out to be a fairy and the last of her kind! Having stumbled upon a crumbling fairytale, Caleb and his closest friends join a band of merry on a quest to give the hope of a new dawn a fighting chance. The thing is... Ailrees soon realizes that her new-found friends are messed up in the head, which is quite refreshing, for the fairy has loose screws, too! On a day like every other, Caleb takes a different turn than his usual while jogging, not knowing it would turn his world upside down. There, The biker boy found a Jane Doe blacked out in the forest and unconsciously, he is drawn to the mystery of her. However, the doe turned out to be another forest-dueling being, a fairy named Ailrees, the last of her kind. Her people had been slaughtered and her home was being torn into ruins by the evil forces of the creatures of the night, who seek to cast on the land an ever-lasting winter. Struck with a crumbling fairytale, Caleb and his closest friends, Valory and Nick, join Ailrees and a handful of other magical creatures on a dangerous campaign. Greatly outnumbered and aware they needed more help, the band of merry was not set on ending the war of light and darkness, but instead, on a quest to even give the hope of a new dawn a fighting chance. They had to bring the fairies back. Back from the dead, that is! This book is filled with adventure, fun, hardships...  and romance, too!  It's got all kinds of magical creatures, such as fairies, demons, vampires, shapeshifters, unicorns ... and much more! As well as bad boys, gunslingers, bards, curses, and spells!

Reena_GinGerTea · Urban
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15 Chs

River Madness

Leaving Connor alone to tend to the woodwork and finishing touches might come across as selfish of them, however, the shapeshifter didn't mind the elbow grease. In fact, he was rather appreciative of the gesture at that moment, given he was so excited to work on the pieces that he was being painstakingly meticulous about it.

Almost overbearing...

to not straight up call him bitchy.

So, feeling pretty useless in assisting Connor, and left with no need to further gather materials, Nick, Caleb, and Ailrees headed to the city. Not to stay, of course, but to bring back basic supplies. Such as camping gear and other human items...

This time around - unlike during their previous trips in the forest - Ailrees was awake and well.

Naturally, she knew those woods better than Nick or Caleb, so she was the guide. Much kinder than the fox, without a doubt.

The fairy didn't understand how she managed to control her magic so blissfully while bending the cherry tree into such a lovely boat since magic prowess had always been her weak spot. Normally, something that grand would have been impossible for her. The best she could ever do were arrows and spears, and she would quickly burn out when trying to bend something still small, but more elaborate, like a box or a basket. Ailrees' forte was wielding the dagger, not the staff. Her sister, on the other hand, was the spellcaster of the family.

Nevertheless, smiling from ear to ear, the fairy was overjoyed to be feeling so well that morning. Sure, to not be guiding Caleb out of the forest to say goodbye, certainly aided in her good mood. Her success in bending wood to her will aided in that, too.

But it was more than that,

she felt stronger ... and powerful!

It was as if there was more magic running through Ailrees's veins than blood itself. She felt pumped up, and jittery even, but in a good way. The fairy definitely was curious if it would last, and was awfully eager to find out just how far she could push it before she broke.

Failing to remember the boys couldn't keep up the same pace as her, every so often, Ailrees unintentionally sprinted ahead of the guys. Still, their jaunt through the woods was going rather calmly. They even partook in some lighthearted banter.

It wouldn't last long, though... the calmness. What's the fun in that, right?

Suddenly, halfway to Caleb's house, Ailrees stood still, staring at the river.

With a subtle wave of her hand, she rose a wall of vines blocking the main trail.

The fairy didn't utter a word and the noise of their chatting dissipated into the air.

The sound of the water flowing, clashing, and splashing against rocks, logs and anything in its path echoed alongside the margins of the river like a passionate song. The fairy just stood there being charmed by the strong currents.

The burn of the growing magic cursing through Ailrees's veins made the song sung by the cold waters hit the fairy's ears like an alluring serenade. In the same way that a flame longs for the water to set it free, the itch on her chest could no longer be.

Confused, the guys approached her asking why they had stopped, wondering if she had thought of a shortcut through the waters...

The smile on the fairy's face blossomed, devious.

Ailrees chuckled at their choice of words, and with sparkling eyes, she answered chirpy:

- "YES! Yes, indeed!" –

In a burst of spontaneity, Ailrees used magic to lift a thin layer off the ground under Nick's feet like a rug and threw him into the river.

She then smirked at Caleb as if saying

"you're next!"

Surprised and thrown off balance, he took a step back, but in a heartbeat, she grabbed his wrist, and pulling the young man along with her, she jumped backwards into the waters, her eyes fixated on his the whole time.

- Dammit, Ailrees! What's wrong with you?! -

- TRUST ME! - she shouted.

The last thing he saw right before they hit the water, was her, smirking at him.

Completely underwater, Caleb opened his eyes only to realize Ailrees never let go of him.

The currents were vigorous, and they were being helplessly dragged down the river by it. Holding his breath for dear life, the young man was desperately trying to fight his way through the stream. However, his effort amounted to nothing. He couldn't even get to the surface, overpowered by the strength of the water.

Seeing him struggle, the fairy repeatedly tugged on him to get his attention, but he would look at her and then continue to overwork himself. Bugged from being ignored, she gave him one big tug, pulling him in and hugging him.

He thought she was trying to drown him and didn't understand why she would do that, so he tried to break free until she tightened her grip

and softly whispered in his ear:

"Trust me".

Something about her voice calmed him down and he hugged her back.

That was when his mind calmed down, too, and it hit him...

How the hell did he hear a whisper underwater?!

Although Ailrees couldn't see his face, she could feel his confusion.

So, lovingly, she gave him a squeeze and said:

"Just trust me. It's alright, I'm here."

She then chuckled and let loose of him, closing her eyes, and letting the water take her.

Caleb tried to keep her from drifting away but failed miserably. As she slipped through his fingers, dragged by the stream, and he tried hopelessly to grasp the water left behind, disheartened, the young man shouted her name.

- Ailrees! -

Thus, leaving him breathless.

The stream was too strong, there was no fighting it.

The stream was too strong,

there was no fighting it!

"She could have fucking said it straight forward, couldn't she?!"

At the very moment they hit the water, he thought he was going to die.

She scared the shit out of him, and he saw his life flash in front of his eyes.

Then, with a warm embrace, she made him feel okay about it.

She was playing with his emotions, and he was not having a good time.

Still, against his better judgment, Caleb gave in. He was done for anyways, breathless and overpowered... might as well give it a shot.

He closed his eyes and forwent all control he had been so desperately clinging to.

He was mad at the fairy.

Until he finally took a breath.

He could feel the cold water enter his nose and run down his throat, filling his lungs.

And at first, it felt weird... weirdly good?

It wasn't painful nor did it burn, on the contrary,

it was reinvigorating!

"Goddamn!" He was not drowning; he was breathing water!

The beat on his chest grew fervidly,

pounding, screaming "I'm alive!".

It could not kill him.

Suddenly, he wasn't afraid anymore. Death could not scare him.

A burst of dopamine lightened his eyes and an arrogant smile shone on his face.

He felt untouchable, unbeatable. And he loved it.

'Is that how magic feels like?';

'Was that how Ailrees felt like?' he wondered.

Instead of fighting the current and letting himself be carried by it, he took advantage of it and started riding it. He rode it fearlessly, gaining speed, and just kept going to reach Nick and Ailrees further on.

His best friend had a blast since the start, racing fish, running on the surface, and jumping out of the water like a dolphin. I guess being blissfully dim has its own perks. The illogical more easily seems plausible.

Caleb rushed to the fairy, hugged her without warning, and kindheartedly whispered in her ear:

- ...I don't think I can be mad at you. -

She chuckled. "Why would you?"

Then, HE grabbed her wrist

and until they came out of the river,

he did not let go.