
The Defeat of the Fairies - Hope of a new Dawn

Serendipity brings Caleb to meet Ailrees, who turns out to be a fairy and the last of her kind! Having stumbled upon a crumbling fairytale, Caleb and his closest friends join a band of merry on a quest to give the hope of a new dawn a fighting chance. The thing is... Ailrees soon realizes that her new-found friends are messed up in the head, which is quite refreshing, for the fairy has loose screws, too! On a day like every other, Caleb takes a different turn than his usual while jogging, not knowing it would turn his world upside down. There, The biker boy found a Jane Doe blacked out in the forest and unconsciously, he is drawn to the mystery of her. However, the doe turned out to be another forest-dueling being, a fairy named Ailrees, the last of her kind. Her people had been slaughtered and her home was being torn into ruins by the evil forces of the creatures of the night, who seek to cast on the land an ever-lasting winter. Struck with a crumbling fairytale, Caleb and his closest friends, Valory and Nick, join Ailrees and a handful of other magical creatures on a dangerous campaign. Greatly outnumbered and aware they needed more help, the band of merry was not set on ending the war of light and darkness, but instead, on a quest to even give the hope of a new dawn a fighting chance. They had to bring the fairies back. Back from the dead, that is! This book is filled with adventure, fun, hardships...  and romance, too!  It's got all kinds of magical creatures, such as fairies, demons, vampires, shapeshifters, unicorns ... and much more! As well as bad boys, gunslingers, bards, curses, and spells!

Reena_GinGerTea · Urban
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15 Chs

Off she Goes

Thoughtfully, the young man blanketed the girl with his sweater while waiting for the rescue team to arrive. In the heat of the moment, Caleb even forgot he himself was cold. It didn't matter anyways, all he cared about at that time was to get the cute Jane Doe help. Not that he was only worried for her because she was cute... but it sure didn't hurt. And I won't lie, the girl was hella cute. She had rosy cheeks, freckles all over, a teeny-tiny button nose... Imagine a dainty little doe, but, it was actually a girl, well, she looked like that. Not even the bruises and the dirt would distract from her eerie glow.

The young man had tried to wake her before calling 911, but it had been to no avail. The girl was in such a deep slumber that her body seemed lifeless and there was absolutely no response to whatever stimuli he tried. Helpless, all he could do was to keep her warm, and wait... Good thing that Caleb didn't have any anxiety issues, otherwise it would have been torture.

Much to his relief, the wait was brief, for when he sat down and the excruciating silence hit him, he found himself worrying about the bloodied stranger next to him and the misery of her state was beginning to eat him alive. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, although he wasn't anxious, Caleb did have a pounding caring heart... much bigger than one would've expected from a sharp-tongued troublemaker, that's for sure!

The sound of the blades cutting through the air got nearer and nearer and echoed loudly in the vast forest clearing until there it landed.

Making haste, the paramedics jumped out to load the girl onto a stretcher and into the helicopter to be transported to the hospital. It all happened so fast that it left the young man dazzled by their efficiency, for he takes much longer simply to get out of the house every morning, and he does think of himself as someone who is quite straightforward and competent - for the most part at least -. As a matter of fact, it was a pet peeve of his to see people truly wasting time or simply being plain useless, it was something that would really grind his gears. Incompetence.

About when the blades started spinning to lift off, the police arrived, and naturally, they were antsy to take his statement.

The two officers who approached him were James and Donna. They both appeared to be in their late thirties, had dark hair, and were almost the same height as Caleb. They even looked somewhat similar... If only, one of them weren't so dead ugly, you would probably say they were related.

The officers were quite friendly, especially Donna, which came as a pleasant surprise. That morning had been stressful enough already for the young man, he certainly wasn't going to be keen on being treated like a thug on top of that... I can't blame him, who would like that?

The coppers inquired over what transpired, showering him with questions, although 'twas annoying 'twas their job, so Caleb cooperated and told them everything he knew.

Albeit, the young man clearly didn't have as much information as the officers had expected... he finding the girl there was as random as it could have been. It could have been anyone. It could have been no one.

Once James and Donna were somewhat satisfied with Caleb's statement, they gave the young man their contact and insisted he was to reach out to them if he were to remember anything else. After that, home, he went.

Once at home, the young man counted upon being gone and done about that morning's whole ordeal,


Caleb found himself with a heavy heart weighing on his chest,

and a recurring thought hounding his mind:

"Is she okay?"

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- Reena

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