
The Death's Wolves

Mother and Father left him to die. Earth rejected him. Faith brought the trouble. Blood is his natural scent. The twin planet called Glow became his new home. His second chance. His second chance at happiness. However, the hurt doesn’t want to give him a break. His faith in the world dies, taking away that second chance, when he is banished from his new home and thrown back to Earth. However he didn't return one hundred percent alone. The Assassin, Wolf. Has traveled behind him, with one murderous agenda. One word. Execution. With the help of some new friends, can Colt survive his return to Earth? Or will he fall victim to the sharp teeth of the white haired wolf chasing him in the dark shadows.

Autumn_Ridgen · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Safe and Protected

''Mortal, stand back!'' Blair's eyes blinked heavily, as her pale face was sent questioning. Questioning what was happening in front of her, the orange flames surrounding her best friend, and the once injured boy, who'd been behind the stab wound, who'd been behind everything, as far as she could see, but now? He was there, standing at his tallest, straightest form, the bleeding glass wounds that had once surrounded parts of his face, vanished, the blood no longer being visible to her human eyes, as he was quick to push her outta the way, of a incoming ball of storming orange flames, she fell to her knees in minuets, as the heavy impact of the boy's strength, caused some minor pain on a weak spot along her back. She slowly rubbed the spot he'd just pushed on, and tried to reclaim her balance. In a few seconds of focus, she was back up on her feet, the boy proceeding to protect her once again, as Tori's wide opened black, orange mixed eyes stared from her to the boy. Her appearance, her kind nature? Her kindness, everything was gone. Faded from her mind in seconds, Blair was having trouble processing everything she could see, standing there in front of her. What had just been a small trip into the forest to collect minor pieces, of small leafs, and other things that could be considered nature, for a art competition, had turned sore in minuets. And who's fault was it, the boy. The nameless boy, who was still, for reasons unknown, trying to stand between her and Tori, protecting her from the fire demon he'd been responsible for creating.

Blair wanted to scratch and claw her nails at the boy, anything she could think of to get back at him! Sadly the only damage she could think to do to him, was using her soft, and tiny nails, which didn't seem all that sharp now, considering many of them had broken just minuets before the first fireball had been thrown at her, from Tori's palms. The enchanting and beautiful glow of the fire being used to create the fireballs, secretly had Blair in complete awe, it was unreal. Like nothing she'd ever bare witnessed too, like nothing she'd ever seen in the real world before, the simple things she would've seen in fantasy novels, or the movies she cared so much for....seeing it right there, right in front of her, made her processing mind, more strained and useless, as she tried to keep trying to pick at what she'd just seen.

This couldn't be real! None of this could be real, Tori's just playing a part? Right? Trying to scare me, trying to get back at me for being so moody with her this morning, I know it! She's okay! She's not really a fire throwing demon? Right?! Blair snapped inside her own mind, more times than she'd like to admit. Her thoughts were getting to crazy for her to handle, that the sides of her head hurt badly, and pumped like her beating heart, pump, pump, pump, her sides throbbed and caused her bits of awful pain. Dirt and grass surrounded twisted under the pressure given by her knees, as she went down without a second breath.


The mysterious boy, stared down at her, with his light gold covered eyes, as he lightly bit down upon his bottom lip, trying as best as he could, to come up with any kind of plan, used to save the two mortals from their fates.

The first one, the one he'd turned into a demon, using whatever enchanted abilities he still contained. The second, the lovely girl, knelt down beside him, her trembling body, and bloody cuts, of mixed dirt, and frozen over blood, caused him internal pain, as he was forced to remember his life back home. The life he'd had, far away from the green/blue planet. He hated Earth, he didn't belong there. He knew that, so the pain only hurt more, every single time he forced himself to take in the earthly forest, he'd been standing in. The dirt and grass, he was standing upon.....was nothing like the grass, or beautiful surroundings of the land he loved to gaze at, back on Glow.

If he was going to save the mortal's life, he was going to have to allow his thoughts of Glow leave him for a little while, while he tried to remember what it was like being on Earth again. At the time he was only a baby, a small infant, but surely there was something he could think of to give them time to flee? Surely anything, he could use to contain the demon, accidentally created from the last remains bit of his powers.

His thoughts broke like glass, in seconds, as the fire came at him. Brightening up his pale face, with the thoughtful flames, that so slowly came at him, aiming to end his life. In moments though, he didn't find himself broken, or shattered. How? He thought. How could he still be standing? And without even a single bit of damage, or blood to show for it? His thoughts were over running him again, the one's he had tried so hard to put behind him, the thoughts he had, running over and over, again, playing on repeat, of his time back on Glow. He'd let himself be distracted again, however, he broke free of the pull of Glow's powers, for a simple moment. And what he said in front of him, shocked him to his very core. Froze over his boiling blood, as the cold temperature around his cheeks, warmed, with the leftover smoke, and ash of the tainted ground, beneath him.

''Mortal...'' Was the only word he could muster, the only word he could use to even take in any understanding of the image, stacked in front of him. The mortal, the mortal girl, she was standing again, her eyes pressed tightly closed, with her arms pinned tightly around the demon's waist. Her skin appeared burnt, on some sides, and the sight of tears, stained the bottom of her face, sliding down her pale skin, and stopping right at her bottom lip. Tightly did she keep her hold upon the demon, the mortal girl, who'd been consumed with his magic, when he stabbed into her, with the bottom of the sharp piece of glass. The sharp lost piece, of the wings he had, before he was forced to watch them shatter, and fall all around his feet. The damage was done, but not completely dealt with just yet.

He found his way over to the two of them, careful not to let his eyes turn onto anything else, except the human girl, who'd almost given up her life, in order to fix the mess he'd created. To do anything that it took, to return her friend to normal. He moved himself around the two of them, before stopping behind the back of the demon. There he could make out the last bit of shard, still launched into the girl's back. It was clear to him why she couldn't have seen it before, more or less, because her eyes hadn't been enchanted at first sight, like his were. Even though, he'd lost everything, the enchanted sight given to him, when he first took in the sights of Glow, were not lost to him. Which gave him a bit more of hope. Hope that he could still return, one day.

He took the shard slowly out from the girl's back, and before even thinking about it, threw it to the ground, and came down on it, as hard as he could with the bottom of his shoes. In seconds, his pain came back to him, all the same, and he had to turn away from the crushed sight below him, as he crushed both his hands into fists. Clenching them down at his sides, as the sun went down...

For a second time, a mistake he had caused, almost costed someone their life....for the first time, he understood why he'd been banished from his home. Another mistake like that, and he'd be the one to blame for Glow's complete destruction.

For the first time, he vowed to himself, he'd never go back there. He had to protect the home, he cared so much for! He wouldn't let the evil behind his mistakes, come with such big consequences.

He'd go back one day.

But that day would not be any time soon. For now, he'd try to reclaim the human life, he would've had, had his abandonment never happened, and live a normal, human life, on Earth. Earth, the planet he should've lived on, from the very beginning. Was he wishing his time on Glow hand't happened? No, but something like that, still pained his mind.