
The Death's Wolves

Mother and Father left him to die. Earth rejected him. Faith brought the trouble. Blood is his natural scent. The twin planet called Glow became his new home. His second chance. His second chance at happiness. However, the hurt doesn’t want to give him a break. His faith in the world dies, taking away that second chance, when he is banished from his new home and thrown back to Earth. However he didn't return one hundred percent alone. The Assassin, Wolf. Has traveled behind him, with one murderous agenda. One word. Execution. With the help of some new friends, can Colt survive his return to Earth? Or will he fall victim to the sharp teeth of the white haired wolf chasing him in the dark shadows.

Autumn_Ridgen · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Fairly Maiden

Dawson stared at me with the angriest eyes I'd ever seen on him. His expression was soft as was his face, pale and white, lifeless, and emotionless, but it was all behind those eyes. Those angered filled baby blue eyes. His light blonde hair matched his face and cool color of his eyes perfectly, one single glance at him, and you'd already be thinking how cute he is, or how much of an angel he is/looks like. Try being his girlfriend for two years, then come back and talk to me. The reason he's angry is because I'd just broken up with him! And yes you read that correctly, I, Blair Briar Rose, broke up with Mr. Popular boy, all by myself, and on my own free will. No one coached me to do this, nor do I have anyone standing behind me ready to play music to celebrate, nope! And that is because none of this was ever a big deal! Why the whole school decided to make a huge freaking deal about the whole thing, still bugs me? Why? Is there nothing more interesting then a couple who'd just broken up with each other? Or correction, anything more interesting then then the popular blonde being dumped by his girlfriend, and not the other way around. As I just so happened to be thinking everything over and over again in my mind, basically taking my thoughts and turning them into some sort of narration story, Dawson's still there, still in front of me, his blue eyes still filled with just the same amount of anger he had moments before, moments before I'd suddenly gone quiet. His firsts were clenched at his sides, I could see barred in his clenched fist, he held something silver and small. That my friends would be the round, cheap, rose necklace he'd gotten me for our anniversary last year. Don't get me wrong, I'm not after guys who think they can win girls hearts, with expensive gifts, shoes, and clothing, trust me, I don't care for any of that garbage!

No, my problem is with the necklace, is the fact he'd bought the same one for a girl in my next store class, a girl shorter than me, and less brain cells to full up a entire car! Not that that phrase even makes any sense, don't worry it wasn't mean't too, I'm just trying to explain how much schooling that poor brunette still needs to go through, before she'd even ready to take the long road, and open her eyes wide enough, to realize to the fact that she was cheated on, just the same as me. That Dawson Blake, is not the perfect blonde boy everyone makes him out to be, but the stupid, lying, cheating, bastard, no girl should ever associate with!

In the corner of my eyes, from where I was looking down, angrily and still very annoyed, I could tell Dawson was starting to get weirded out by my strange and odd expressions, I kept on making, as I continued to think of every single mean and nasty word I could, to describe the asshole standing right in front of me. I could also make out a person approaching me, on my right, and in seconds, my annoyed expression changed for the better. In seconds, I was saved, rescued in fact, by none other than the only person I seemed to be able to rely on in the entire face of high school. (Someone kill me now, if it wasn't for Tori Brave-stone)

Her light orange hair was the first dead give away to her presence. If you ever needed to find her somewhere, with tons of people, she can always be picked out from that bright orange hair. Her fairly unique green eyes are always the second thing to look out for when trying to locate her. For her eye and hair are usually the only two things people stare at first, when they first get to meet her. I can safely call myself out, for that's exactly the thing I did on the first day, of my kindergarten afternoon class, was stare longingly at those eyes, and her short orange hair at the time it was short, and how she awkwardly instead of telling me that I was creepy, or strange, welcomed me into her group. Which at the time, still only contained two members. Herself, and me. But who needs anyone else, Tori and I, work perfectly alone anyways.

Dawson was quick to leave me alone, once he noticed Tori coming, once she came up beside me, resting her arm upon my shoulder, I barely even remembered what he and I were discussing seconds before, she'd arrived. Just like Tori to completely leave someone with memory loss. Anyone would be so lucky to have her as girlfriend, she's really that awesome.

''Thanks for that.'' I smiled at her. ''You really saved my bacon.'' She smiled a simple smile at me, as she stopped resting against me, and stood up completely straight. Which as I rose my eyebrows up, staring at her, with concern in my eyes, for I knew what she was about to do, Tori's strange habit was she always, for some reason. stood very very straight, whenever she was about to beg, and plead you for something she wanted, or something she wanted someone to do for her. And right then, and there, right in the middle of the hallway, I could tell, she wanted something from me.

''No, No, No!'' I hissed crossing my arms against my chest. ''Whatever it is, I don't have the time for it, I have tons of studying today! I told you before, remember? The big test for biology is tomorrow?! And I'm sure whatever you're going to ask me, its going to require me staying out all night, isn't it?|!'' I hissed, grinding my teeth, through spiteful, of reason and fear of being stuck with barely any answers for my test.

''Oh come on, Briar, live a little! I promise it won't be an all night thing, okay! I just want you to come with me tonight, to help me pick out some leafs, berries, and other things, that could be used for the big art completion? You know I always enter, and I know you've been reading the emails, I've sent, you know the dates, don't tell me you weren't prepared for me to ask you!'' She hissed angrily at me. More angry with me because she couldn't believe I'd forgotten.

''I have been reading your emails, and your text messages, and the little paper plane messages you throw me, while we're in Math class, trust me, I haven't forgotten about the competition, I just- If I'm being honest, I was kind of hoping to stay in tonight, maybe take down, and take turns roasting pictures of Dawson, with Rocky.'' I said softly. I could tell from the look on her unfazed face, that she didn't like my response, I could see behind her light black reading classes, she wasn't going to stop bugging me, till I gave into her. And her bugging me, is almost a daily event for her. How she just loves to make me feel bad, till I forcefully give into her odd demand.

''You aren't seriously going to pick a kitten over you're best friend? Are you?'' She said softly, her eyes dropping, as her annoyed grin vanished, proceeding into her ''please give into me'' face, as a heavy sigh escaped past me.

''Rocky love watching the ex's go up in flames....'' I whispered, as I thought of all the burning pictures from past boyfriends, and my kitten, Rocky, just sitting next to me, outside, on the deck, a pair of bright purple, groovy, sunglasses, and a pale of popcorn, he and I would share. Those were my Saturdays, how I miss them....

''Blair, come on please! It won't take long! You just need to keep me company, I'll be the one collecting everything, you won't even have to lay a pretty finger, alright?!'' She snapped. ''You can even make me pay for something to eat afterwards, my treat! Do we have a deal...please just say yes....''

I let out a fell deserved breath, and took in a whole new breath of fresh air, as my eyes softened, and I returned my sweet, innocent smile to my face. In seconds, Tori's face lit up, and she was almost about ready to being celebrating. As she knew it, I agreed, and just a smy sixth period class ended, we were leaving school grounded together. Her dressed warmly in her bright blue winter coat, and me with my lightweight black one, with a light crimson hood, and bits of white fluff pulling the insides of the insides, sleeves. The fluff did wonders keeping my arms, and wrists warm and toasty, but the rest of me seriously retreated not bringing my red coat, with matching hood. People sure liked to tease me when I wore it, mostly because since my middle name is Briar, which is the name of a Disney princess, they also assume I dress like Red Riding Hood, only because the coat I was gifted, resembled the colors of the comfortable, well designed, light red hood, Red is always described to being wear. How typical, real original...I like to think I'm more like Elsa, from Frozen, then Sleeping Beauty, or Red....seeing as I'm very independent..

Specking of independent, I wonder what Dawson's doing right now....