
The Death's Wolves

Mother and Father left him to die. Earth rejected him. Faith brought the trouble. Blood is his natural scent. The twin planet called Glow became his new home. His second chance. His second chance at happiness. However, the hurt doesn’t want to give him a break. His faith in the world dies, taking away that second chance, when he is banished from his new home and thrown back to Earth. However he didn't return one hundred percent alone. The Assassin, Wolf. Has traveled behind him, with one murderous agenda. One word. Execution. With the help of some new friends, can Colt survive his return to Earth? Or will he fall victim to the sharp teeth of the white haired wolf chasing him in the dark shadows.

Autumn_Ridgen · Urban
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11 Chs

Black Stallion

''What do you think happened to him?'' Tori's voice stabbed at Blair's heartstrings, as she motioned closely towards the unconscious, bleeding, teen, in front of them. She was more curious about him, than she was, which made Tori seemed odd, and strange, sometimes. Sometimes Blair wasn't sure about her best friend, but just because she was odd sometimes, didn't mean anything was wrong with her. Most people offend though wrong things about her best friend, before even getting to know her first, maybe that was why they got along so well? Better then most friendships she's had before Tori, Blair was sure if was something like that, something that made them perfect for each other. Like before, Tori wasn't replaceable. Not even by a single cell, nor single thought, could make her give her up, give up what the two had together. It was like something more special, then anything in the entire world. If only Blair could tell her everything she thought about her, every single thought that echoed, and screamed at her, day to day, screaming louder and louder, just pressing, and pushing her to say the words she was always scared too. Even though she knew what was holding her back, Blair knew it wasn't the time for emotional feelings, that she was going to have to push everything aside, if she wanted to keep a clear, collected mind, to be able to understand the situation placed out right in front of her.

Tori was the first one to get close to the bleeding boy. Ruffling, and sliding his black bangs out of his face, she suddenly began rubbing her hands along red, dried blood, stained wounds, along his cheeks. As she noticed bits of pieces of broken glass, stabbed into formed holes along his face, and even his wrists, she reached out with both her two fingertips, and slowly tried to get herself ready to remove them. As Blair's blue eyes widened with shock and concern, at what her friend was doing, she was up and at her in seconds. Pushing with all her might to slide her fingers away, only to have Tori trying to beat her own strength, and keep on trying to remove the shards of glass from the boy's face, and wrists, as the second choice.

''What're you doing?'' Tori hissed. ''I'm trying to help him! Why aren't you trying to help me?'' She snapped angrily, her glowing green eyes staring into her blue ones, with a hidden, deeper meaning, behind them.

''We shouldn't try to remove them, not yet.'' Blair whispered, with reason behind her soft voice. Last thing she wanted was for the two start an argument, and take their focus from the injured being in front of them. Last thing she needed was for him to die, even before they'd gotten a chance to try and save him.

''He might die if we don't!'' Tori suddenly snapped which seemed to be enough to startle Blair, as she was caught off guard, by her friend's large, loud yelling voice.

''Tori! Please!'' Blair barked, catching gaze with her friend for the second time, since they'd both been pulled into this odd, unexplained mess. ''I love you, but you're not helping right now! If we pull out those shards, it might cause some internal bleeding, or blood flow that's to strong for us to keep covered, and secured, I don't have the skills to handle just a thing, and neither do you! So, please just listen to me, and don't touch the glass, we'll try something else in the mean time, worry about them, in a few minuets,okay?'' She said reasonably.

''If you say so, Blair.'' Tori chocked back her pride, and let her friend have this, knowing deep down inside, she was mostly correct. Seeing as the two both wanted to refrain from an argument breaking out, in desperate time of need, they both decided to keep all mean and disagreeing comments hidden inside, and try to dish out a sense-able solution.

"You were always the quiet one, you know that?''

''What?'' Blair responded. ''What does this have to do with this?'' She asked.

''Nothing, just trying to make small talk, that's all, trying to get my eyes to focus on something other than this bloody situation, we got ourselves into..'' Toir replied truthfully. Blair couldn't help but roll her light eyes at Tori's response, seeing as it was her idea to drag her out here, to collect material for her art project, in order to enter into the yearly, art competition, surely it would've ended up the complete same, had she just bought supplies from a Dollartree, or Walmart, instead of hunting for stuff in the dark forest, located behind her house.

"You must be mad, coming here like this? Right?''

''I'm not mad, no, Tori, I'm not, I'm relived. As much as the thought of coming out tonight, annoyed me at first, it doesn't anymore, I'm glad I'm here...besides, who else would've helped you, with him, had I'd not been here with you?'' She said sweetly, a smile on her pale, cold, yet loving face. Tori's face lit up, as a light shade of pink, formed underneath her cheeks, indicating to Blair, that her comment had caused her to blush? Which at first got her thinking, was what she and Tori doing, considered flirting? Or was she just riding to far into something, she still had no idea how to do? Flirting was not one of her strong suits.

"I've forgotten what it's like to feel young....sometimes I feel like years are just passing me by....is it dramatic to say, I feel like life's leaving me behind on purpose?'' Tori whispered, deep under her breath. As Blair took a second to stop what she was doing, which was examining the boy'd wounded body, to stare at Tori, with her full attention, she turned her head in confusion, as her sweet voice echoed through the raven colored leafs.

''Where's all this coming from?'' She asked suspiciously. ''If I didn't know any better, I'd say, it sounds like you're about ready, to make some kind of dying speech?'' Blair questioned, worry and concern written behind her sweet expression.

'Briar? It's not-''

''No, no, no!'' Blair suddenly shouted, her voice picking up, as the realization suddenly hit her, hard, as if bricks had been thrown at her, missing everything except her chest, which burned like hell, as she tried to hold back the sudden urge to start crying. ''You're not going anywhere! You're not, do you hear me! You're not dying!''

'"I don't think I could continue living my life, without my best friend knowing the truth, and what's going on with my health, Briar, hon, all I can say is...it's not good.''

''Tori? Stop, just stop, okay! I need to focus on this, no time for distractions.'' Unaware to Tori that this was the perfect time for distractions. Blair's mind only craved to be distracted, anything to take away from the fact that her best-est friend, might be dying, and that if things got any worse, she'd lose her.....that thought stabbed at Blair, every time she even so much as glanced in Tori's direction. Tori, on the other hand, could see right through Blair's urge to be distracted, this was going to be hard, and it had taken a lot of guts to finally let out the truth about herself....so Tori couldn't help herself, but to be a little angry with Blair over this. For it was both of them, together, who'd be the ones going through such a hard, heartbreaking few months, with Tori's still, secret, heart problems, bleeding her dry, and for Blair not to know anything about it....didn't make her feel any better.

"I hope that what I've said hasn't hurt you too much." Tori chocked, as she tried to hold back, almost coming tears, from rolling down her pale, white cheeks. Blair, could barely even take the time to notice. Anything she could do to keep herself focused, and keep away from the health problem, Tori was about to go into detail about,.

''I have CANCER, Blair! Do you hear what I'm saying!'' Tori's voice suddenly began to pick up, as she was suddenly standing now, no longer knelt down beside her friend, and this time, Blair could no longer keep herself busy, for she'd heard everything, and could no longer seem to contain it. She as well as Tori, stood up from where she knelt, the two close friends, suddenly closer than ever, their faces inches apart, as the cold eyes of Blair, stormed Tori's inner sprit.

''Cancer? Really?'' She whispered, her voice cutting off, as her throat swelled suddenly, as her brain moved from her head, into her shoes, as she smelled the distant, crimson blood, of the body just behind Tori, her eyes still unable to look away from the sight of her friend that was in horrible, emotional pain.

The silence around them both, suddenly hit Blair almost immediately, before it shattered into pieces, as the painful screams from Tori filled her ears. She gasped, as the image of Tori's painful expression burned into her memory bank. She turned her frightened gaze back to the boy's body, which had been right behind Tori, since the two of them stood, and noticed something. Something that enraged her, causing her body to heat up, as her burning chest, only burned the more the blood smell touched her nostrils. The boy was awake, in his hands, one of the pieces of shattered glass, one of the pieces that had been sticking out of a hole made from the sharp blade, along his face. Holding it tightly, clenched in his fist, with the blade no longer visible, since he'd used it to stab into the middle of Tori's back, Blair could only remember the terrified pain, frozen inside Tori's green eyes.

The second thing she had of Tori, was the once peaceful, and innocent, loving, green eyes she'd seen so many times, in the years they'd been friends. Only when she looked back closer, did she notice the small shade of orange coloring, that seemed to be shading over Tori's two emerald eyes....changing them to a light orange, as razor teeth replaced the normal human ones, she'd been born with. That day, Blair had no idea what had happened to her friend....

That day, she regretted letting her chance slip away. She wasn't aware of it till now, but she just let her last chance storm past her, her very last chance to tell Tori the long awaited truth. That truth, was that she'd had feelings for her, for as long as she could remember....