
The Death's Wolves

Mother and Father left him to die. Earth rejected him. Faith brought the trouble. Blood is his natural scent. The twin planet called Glow became his new home. His second chance. His second chance at happiness. However, the hurt doesn’t want to give him a break. His faith in the world dies, taking away that second chance, when he is banished from his new home and thrown back to Earth. However he didn't return one hundred percent alone. The Assassin, Wolf. Has traveled behind him, with one murderous agenda. One word. Execution. With the help of some new friends, can Colt survive his return to Earth? Or will he fall victim to the sharp teeth of the white haired wolf chasing him in the dark shadows.

Autumn_Ridgen · Urban
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


Klaus possessed a full head of snow - white hair, and carried himself rather well, he was a handsome young man, with rare snow - white hair, and glowing sapphire eyes. His expression was blank, when Colt finally stop stepping on him, and only when he was let back up onto his feet, did his mood finally change, now with a smile on his face, there was no signs of hesitation when he pulled Colt into one of the strongest, tightest, hugs he'd have had. The breath leaving his body, till seconds, and his color vanished, did Klaus finally allow him to be free again. Colt tried to bring back as much oxygen as he could, while still staring at his long, time, best friend, with the coldest eyes, anyone had ever been giving. That was not the look of someone you trust.

''What the hell are you doing here?!'' He barked. Once Tori finally regained her breath, and the wind in her stomach, escaped through her mouth, pressing past her lips, did she finally look up, wandering to herself what was going on? She blinked slowly, the motion of her bright orange eyes, gleaming as the dawn broke through the windows in the living room. Shinning over her, as she plopped off the couch, landing on her feet, before her feet finally hit the ground. She smiled a loving smile as she pushed herself past. Colt being knocked back, now angrier than before. ''ooooohhh...who're you?'' She asked, interest in her voice, and a tomato color, spreaded across her cheeks, once she saw him. Klaus, Colt's old best friend. ''Klaus Oliver. It's very nice to meet you.'' He whispered, as he held his hand out, folding it underneath hers, as he brought his lips down, kissing her skin soft and light. Tori blushed immediately once his hot lips touched her, as she was distracted, she still felt Colt's presence, and tried to restrain herself, from the gorgeous stranger. She moved out of the way once she felt Colt behind her, getting out of the way before he forcefully pushed her, sensing the anger deep inside him, starting to surface, her only thoughts, were to get out of there, as quickly as she could. ''I'll be over there practicing my fire.'' She whispered to him, before she disappeared from sight. ''Wait? Fire? That mortal has magic? How?!'' Klaus's voice trailed across Colt's thoughts! Here he was dealing with a hunter problem, and he just had to drop in unannounced, with his millions of questions! Colt's blood was skyrocketing now.

Though he possessed nowhere near the level of power he used to, he was still able to sense the figure cowering in a corner. He scolded past Klaus, his expression soft now, as a frown hit his face. ''That her?'' He asked. Klaus's face instantly turned red, and Colt could see he was about to lie to his face, so he straightened himself, and tried to look intimidating, before Klaus finally came in, nodding without letting out even a single word. ''Dove?'' He whispered. ''I know its you, come here!'' He shouted. Either his words or his soothing voice caused the woman to abandon what little self-control she possessed; seconds passed then she lurched from the darkness, and came running to him, in the process threw her arms around him, as she started to sob. ''Dove? I don't understand, why're you here?!''

He didn't know what magic she possessed, but it was unlike anything he'd ever felt, since being on Glow. The little girl he'd taken care of all those years, had finally grew up.....but without him.....

Nothing in life seemed to him of much importance, and under the influence of the depression that possessed him he valued neither his liberty nor his resolution to get angry at her. This wasn't Dove's fault, he wasn't there with her anymore. It was his own. His banishment, which mean't his burden, and his alone! He wouldn't be able to live with himself, if he somehow pushed his anger, and shame, onto the young, earthly, girl he'd taken under his wing. Taken over the job as parental parent, while Dove's real parents, were out getting drunk somewhere. He knew being drunk all to well, since his own parents seemed to love the stuff, more than they loved him? Or so he came up with, seeing as he was abandoned.

He hadn't thought it as harsh as it was, just like he thought nothing of killing anything in his path, but seeing the look on a normal human's face reminded him he'd been close to losing what humanity he possessed for quite a while. He felt Tori's peaceful aura, turn up behind him, he turned around to face her, before she could even let out a single word, staring at her, with such shame in his eyes, Tori's eyes and smile dropped all at the same time. ''Who's that?'' She asked, weakly. Colt turned around again, facing the young white haired Dove, with both his colored eyes, before his mouth, mouthed her name, but no voice came out. Klaus could feel the awkwardness present itself through the air, and said her name, which brought Colt back, after a few second. ''This is Dove..'' He said. ''Colt's foster daughter.''

I've gone through emotions I didn't know I possessed. He possessed at the same time great logical acuteness and the most passionate enthusiasm, he thought to himself, once his eyes trailed across Dove to Klaus, who stood closely behind her. Even though Dove was still only fourteen years old, Klaus wanted her. Asked him if the two could somehow be married one day. Of crouse, Colt declined, Dove was no price to be sold, no object to be given away! He loved her, he wasn't going to let her go so easily!

But now the bastard's probably been taking care of her, in my absence Helping her with all the things he should've, had he not been banished. The thought of Dove living with Klaus, made his skin crawl, and his blood to grow hotter, if skin could burn, by its self....it would.....he thought.

Klaus was the sole male survivor of the ancient royal blood line, known to have created some parts of Glow. His valor and ability were universally recognized, which mean't he could live anywhere he wanted on Glow, and no would even ask any questions. Not even if what he thought was the truth, and Dove really had been living with him, since his absence, most people on Glow had come from Earth. Banished, abandoned, left behind, or abused. It didn't matter. Glow was a better home, for each and every one of them. A world where the abused, and broken, could get second chances to grow. And without the knowledge, if they pleased, would no longer be haunted by memories of the ones who'd given up on them.

One look at Dove and Colt's smile was back on his face, in seconds. His cool, collected, demener returned, as he backed up, Tori's presence altering him, she was there. With her arms crossed, she turned to stare at him, her eyes almost like they were searching his expression for permission to smile again. Dove possessed a head of coal black hair, tied in a single braid that extended below her waist, dark eyes, and a smile that lit up the room, she wore her hair exactly the same way, he'd taught her, when it came to managing her extremely long hair. Even when she was just nine years old, he remembered over and over again, how much he had to remind her to keep her hair tied back, and now, he was proud to see, she'd listened to him. As hard as she was laughing, squirming away would have been impossible, even if she had possessed the strength - and it was obvious she didn't, once Klaus got a hold of her. Holding Dove's tiny body, in his arms, as a look of pure happiness, came to her face. Colt couldn't help but bite down on his lip, as he watched. His Dove.....it was clear now, she didn't need him anymore. Which saddened him, to no existent.

''So?'' Klaus began to say. ''Anyone else living here, I should no about?'' He trailed off. Tori was just about to answer him, before Colt shot his arm out, blocking her path, before her steps could hit the floor again. She stared at him, reading his eyes. There was distrust behind them. It was clear he didn't trust Klaus very much. As she thought she decided to go along with him. Along with the secret to where Blair had gone. The truth was, she'd been brought back to her own home, something about magic and hunters had been to much. Which was just as well, she was safe. That's all she cared about. Tori let out a sight of relief as images of her best friend's face, lit up her mind. She took another breath, and cooled her expression. ''No one except us.'' She answered. ''This is my home.''

''And you live all alone? Must be hard?'' Commented Klaus, his blue eyes trailing the place, before settling back on the two of them, again. Little Dove was to busy admiring things now, to notice the tension that had risen between them. ''No parents? Not even any siblings? Surely there's a pet somewhere? You can't live alone, alone?!'' He cursed. ''And why not?!'' Answered Tori, her arms now on her hips, as an annoyed expression, now replaced the loving smile she once had. ''Just because.....it's um-lonely?'' Klaus corrected. ''That's all I mean't.''

''Oh....'' Tori's cheeks went red, as she scratched the back of her head, slowly, now feeling like a complete idiot, she tried to save herself by saying. ''Now that Colt's been living here, things don't seem as lonely....'' She smiled. Colt's eyes suddenly widened, shock coming over him, as he followed eyes with Tori, who tried to tell him to help her, using only his eyes. He sighed, defeated, and responded. ''Yeah....it's been nice.''

Without a heads up, a husky breath escaped Tori, as she pushed Colt down, landing on the couch behind them, she dove her hands into his black hair, and pulled his head back. Before he could even try to protest, she planted a hard kiss onto his lips. Then as he melted into himself, he accepted, and kissed her back. Hard, practically biting her lips with as much strength as he possessed, before the two broke free of one another, both at the same time. The awkwardness running through his bones, suddenly changed to embarrassment, as the two stood again. Tori moved inches away from him, as they both made eye contact with Klaus, who'd been so quiet, they weren't even sure if he was still there. Watching them with jealousy in the back of his mind, Tori figured as she giggled.

''Sorry! I just couldn't help myself.'' She apologized, as she touched the side of Colt's cheek, before completely moving away from him, where she stood across the room now. As the quiet stabbed at all three of them, Colt's worst nightmare was just about to come true, once Klaus was suddenly knocked backward. Blood swallowed the recent, fresh, wound, on his thigh. His trench and shirt were shredded and the small knife he kept hidden in the side of his feet, magically shattered into pieces. The medal turned cool in seconds, the shimmer of the steel, silver, turned dull, as Colt, aimed towards Tori. ''Get down!''

Tori's eyes shut tightly, as blood formed around the recent gash, on her forehead. She was sent to the floor in seconds. Colt's body acting as a shield as he got down on all fours, the warmth of her heated skin, pressing against his. He looked around with worried eyes. He heard the small whimpers of Dove, then relaxed once he felt her tiny body, press up against his shoulder. ''Shhhh.'' He ordered. ''Keep low...'' Dove did what she was told, although she was keeping quiet, Colt could feel the tightness of her grip, around his arm, which made his heart break.

That was enough...Klaus was never fit to take care of her! That he knew all to well now. All of them screamed, and a frantic backward glance revealed the back window shattered as pieces exploded into piles all around them. Dove screamed, and Colt moved closer toward her, trying to comfort her fears, as best as he could. Although, he was a little rusty now, didn't mean he'd forgotten how to care for her. The last part of him shattered as he watched Dove's little eyes tightly close. Her body was now lying on the floor, below him, cursing under his breath, fruntaily, he looked in every corner of the room he could, with the bit of clearing he could, even though the fog was starting to affect him. He wasn't sure what was going on, but he figured it had to do with someone who wanted him dead. Get in line..he thought.

Distracted for just one second, was all the attacker needed to cut through one legging of his pants, then the other. Suddenly, the attacker was in front of him. The dark coloring behind solid pebbles, burned into his memory, as he aimed his arm, up, aiming right for his well built face. He grabbed onto the attackers arm, and quickly got the jump on him. He tucked him behind his body with one hand, and met the attacker's blow, blocked it, and flung him across the room, where his chest slammed into the cement wall. Heavy breathing with sweat forming around his face, he charged with all the remaining energy he had left, and landed a final blow. He wrenched the attacker across his body and pinned him beneath his own body weight. Sudden blows of lighting glowed along the walls, coming along with it, were strange silhouettes, which Colt thought to be the attackers buddies, coming to help out. Probably coming to help finish the job...he figured.

Surprised when he suddenly felt the aura of another presence lurking behind him, he twisted back, the last of his energy escaped him, as a blade came right at him. His attempts to keep it from hitting him, were slow at first, until his urge to keep fighting, suddenly vanished along with any breathable air he'd been storing, in his lungs. He was down, before he saw any of his own blood, escape his chest.