
The Deal of Hearts

NightmareBplan · Urban
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12 Chs

Chapter Three: Pawns in the game

" This is the rest of the team. " Orion said to Biru pointing at Matteo, Ann, and 6 others. One girl with short white hair and short with purple eyes. A boy was white hair and purple eyes look to be related to the girl. Another boy with brown skin and red hair and brown eyes was talking to another boy with a glove over one of his hands and had green hair and green eyes. Another girl with brown hair and brown eyes talking to a buff guy with knives all over his body with black hair and red eyes.

" The girl with white hair is named Emily and the guy with white hair is named Mike; they are our Rooks. The boy with red hair is named Robby and his a Bishop. The guy with the green hair is named Nick and his a Knight. The girl with brown hair is named Kate and she is a Bishop. The guy with knives is named Dexter and his Queen." Orion said smiling.

" Nice to meet you." Everyone said.

" So does he have an ability like you, Ann, Matteo, Emily, Mike, and Dexter," Robby said looking Biru up and down.

" Well, we think he does but, we can' t tell what it is," Orion said.

" I will do a couple of tests to tell what his ability is but, first we need to know where he is ranked in between us strength-wise of course. Do you have any illnesses or disabilities I need to know about? Are you sexually active or have been? How much do you weigh and how tall are you?" Robby said analyzing Biru.

" I have no illnesses or disabilities that I know of. I have been sexually active but, not right now. I weigh about 110 pounds ( about 50 kg) and I'm 6 feet." Biru said hesitating with his frail voice.

" What how the hell are you not a virgin. Who would give it to a bitch like you? I bet you it was that bitch you were..." Matteo said stopping feeling the same pressure from last night. "Stop Matteo that's too far and you need to tell everyone who Amelia is before I do. I will not be nice about it." Orion said getting between Matteo and Biru.

Robby stops examining Biru. " Oh, she is my girlfriend or was... She died." Biru said forcing a smile.

" How did she die? Sorry for bringing so blunt about this but, I need to know so I can make a full examination of your psyche." Robby said.

" Oh, It's fine. She was impaled by a psychic piece accidentally because she was behind a wall that had a loath in front of it." Biru said still forcing a smile.

" Thanks, for sharing now that's done. We can get down to business. You are our Pawn until we can evaluate your power and ability. You have to complete a mental test and a physical test in eight months. You need to get training like now. Good luck." Orion said looking at Biru.

" Do I have to start training now?" Biru said.

" Yeah, you have to be ready for the test. The testes are going to be a lot harder than when we took them because you have to catch up with us. All so you can't live in the regular dorm until you complete your test. You have to sleep in the forest." Orion said.

Biru nobbed his head walking away into the forest. I must do this to take away the rank of king. I must become stronger than everyone on this team in eight months. Biru thought as he vanished into the forest.

" Does he know that's the "Loath forest" where strong loath live. I doubt he will last a day in there. " Ann said looking concerned.

" He will last the entire eight months. He will not come out until he thinks he is strong enough to beat me." Orion said smiling.

" Why you say that. I don't think he wants to be the strongest. You only made it for six months." Ann said confessed.

" He wants to become king. He might not want to be the strongest but, what he wants requires him to be." Orion said smiling.

A few hours later. Somewhere in the forest.

Biru was doing push-ups, sit-ups, squats, and linge next to fire then suddenly stopped realizing he was surrounded by at least 100 loathes. Biru looked away then suddenly one of the blobs rushed Biru. He dodged and lunged toward the loath punching it. A hole was where he hit it but it immediately reformed. "That's why a normal person can't kill you," Biru said with anger. Biru lunged at the loath again this time with all his spiritual energy concentrated in his fist punching the loath to pieces killing it. Biru was exhausted from using all his spiritual energy. Biru smiled as all the other loathes started to attack.

With each one came another punch of spiritual energy. Biru keeps punching the loath. He was doing this for hours he didn't have a break. One after another. Punch after punch. The only thing Biru could think about was his promise with Amelia. Biru punched became weaker with each punch but, he can't stop. He mustn't stop if he stopped for a second he would die. Biru keeps punching the loathes not caring that his fist was blooding more and more with every punch.

" I will live... I must live... she is waiting for me...she needs me to live." Biru said tripping to near collapsing.

The loath stop coming but, Biru was already too tried even started the fire. Snow started to fall. With the cold, Biru would surely die. He had no food, fire, or energy to live. He wanted to give up.

I guess this is it. I can't every move my fingers or feel them. I'm going to... Biru thought as a human-like figure came towards Biru. It squatted next to Biru. Biru could finally make out a face and saw himself.