
The Deal of Hearts

NightmareBplan · Urban
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12 Chs

Chapter Four: Truth

"Who are you?" Collapsed Biru said.

" Me? I'm you. Obviously. I'm what you don't want people to see. The true you. You may think that you are being noble trying to save Amelia but, you are just trying to make yourself happy. Amelia this, Amelia that. YOU ARE TOO WEAK. You need to realize you can't save someone when you can barely save yourself. You must live to save Amelia. You can do it. Just grab my hand and I can give you the power to change fate inside in a single word and destroy entire nations at the same time. My name is "The Deal." I'm your power and your truth." The Deal said with its hand out with a smile.

Biru looked confessed but, he knew that he had to live and that he had the power. Biru couldn' t move his entire body. I can't move my body. Why now. You had to fail me now. Why... Why... Biru thought as he cried. I must get up... I must get up... Biru thought as a feeling started to come back in his foot. Work a stupid body... Work Biru thought as he was being barely able to move his arm again. He moved his arm toward the hand but couldn't still move his hand. Biru tried with all his might to move his hand with the success he grabs the hand.

" Thank you for believing in your power," The Deal said smiling as he disappears into black smoke. Biru started to feel power fill him with newfound energy. Biru got up seeing that his surroundings have become completely white with snow. Biru went straight to work gathering dry wood to burn. Biru built a fire and started to train more and any loathes Biru saw he killed.

Eight vigorous months later. Biru was finished with his training and ready to take the test.

Biru walked out of the forest to the entire team waiting on him. Biru's hair was longer and he loses a little weight but, gained muscle mass. Everyone else didn't change a bit.

" Hey good to see you are still living," Orion said waving his hand.

" So his most likely have been awakened. He seems different. He gives off a more mysterious vibe. But he's good looks haven't changed." Ann said.

" Look at you. So what is your ability?" Robby said boldly.

" Oh, It's kind of hard to explain but, you can say it's sort of like mind control or something," Biru said with his usually frail voice.

" See, told you he had a mind control ability," Matteo said happily.

" Oh ok, that's cool. You should eat. I bought a few sandwiches. " Kate said giving a picnic basket to Biru trying to ignore Matteo's response.

" Thanks so much. " Biru said grabbing sandwich taking a bit out of it.

" Ok, now let's get started with the first test," Orion said as Biru finish a sandwich.

Biru nodded. Orion started to walk. A few minutes later. Everyone was at back at school. Biru was at a desk. Orion gives him a piece of paper with questions on it. "Solve this and we will be coming back and five minutes," Orion said walking out of a room.

" That test hard do you think he is going to pass it?" Ann said.

" Well, I think he is going to pass because his test scores are the best in the country," Orion said smiling.

" What, so you are telling me that he is the smartest kid in the country," Matteo said surprised.

" Yeah, that's test is just basic history and spiritual energy questions. If he doesn't pass, we are all retards." Orion said.

An hour later.

" I'm done," Biru said.

" Ok, now that you are done. It's time for the physical test." Orion said.

They went to the courtyard to do the physical test.

" Here is a spiritual rock. It draws spiritual energy into it. A spiritual rock changes color depending on how powerful the spiritual energy touching the rock is and changes hardness when an amount of spiritual energy touching the rock. White is the weakest and black is the strongest. Once the rock becomes black it's is unmeasurable with this method. As you can see the rock is light purple. The hardness is 4.5. I have the strongest power. But Matteo has the strongest amount at a hardness of 10 for comparison." Orion said giving the spiritual rock to Biru.

Biru held the rock as he felt his spiritual energy go into the rock. The rock became a dark purple. The rock had a hardness of 8.

" Great job, now you have the strongest spiritual energy," Orion said sucking up to his pride. Biru was smiling.

" Don't get ahead of yourself. You may have passed the physical test but, that doesn't mean you are going to be king. Someone's power and amount play a huge part in winning a fight but, someone's ability and strategies also play a part. " Matteo said trying not to get annoyed.

" Lucking enough that you don't have time to challenge me because of the tournament coming up," Orion said smiling.

" We have what coming up. I just get out of that death trap of a forest." Biru said.

" It's fine. You still have more time to train. You can go to the training room. If you want. Ann can show you the way." Orion said.

" What?" Ann said confessed.

A few hours later.

They are in the training room. Biru is practicing his punching and kicking and Ann was doing squats and push-ups in silence. He hasn't said a single word the entire time we were in here training. Why are all the cute guys so weird. At this rate, I'm probably going to be a virgin for my entire life. I wonder how he acted when his ex-girlfriend was still alive. Ann thought to squat.

" Hey, I know this is personal but, I was wonder what kind of girl was Amelia," Ann said trying to shoot her shot.

Biru stopped looking at Ann. He smiled.