
The dead line

bradleyc20061 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

the unfinished battle

Ryu then tells Tora that in order to defeat his enemies he'll need to learn how to use my powers. Tora agreed to learn how to use Ryu's power and Tora then asks Ryu on how is he ment to learn his power. Ryu then says you must defeat this opponent, all of the sudden tora's opponent started to form out of Ryu's robe, and is holding the same sword as Tora, Tora asks the mysterious person who he was and why is he holding my sword. the mysterious person said it doesn't matter who I am or why I'm holding this sword all that matters is that I beat you and prove that I'm superior and if I win I'm taking over your body. Tora is frustrated and then said stop being cocky just because you look exactly like and holding the same sword as me doesn't mean your gonna win. then tora's enemy said I've been here allot longer than you boy and I've been apart of Ryu and will always be apart of you. Ryu then said enough arguing and start fighting. Tora grabs his sword and jumps back and the double does the same Tora grabs his sword with two hands and takes his stand and Tora thinks to his self why was I brought here and why does this person look exactly like me and doing the exact same thing that I'm doing. Tora is annoyed and then leaps forwards and the double does the exact same thing and at the same time the both of them clash and a humongous shock wave came from their blades and all of the sudden tora's black starts to be cracking as the double is slicing tora's sword like butter. Tora stands there in shock as what's left of his sword was the helt of the sword and a fraction of the blade remained and the double said to Tora, the only reason I was able to slice your sword was because you are weak and the the double stabs Tora though the chest exactly where the shadow had got him and Toras close started to change color from black to white and the double started to laugh and said to Tora that the shadow that your and that girl are fighting is about to kill that girl and there is nothing that you could do about it and even if you was there you wouldn't had made a difference all because you are weak. you are the cause on why she is gonna die it's all because you are weak, then time stopped and Tora couldn't move and Tora was thinking to his self am I gonna die here and let Levi die, is Levi gonna die because I am weak, why am I so weak all of the sudden Tora grabbed the doubles blade and pulled it out of his self and the sword turned black and was about to turn the doubles close black then Ryu said Tora your training is done for now so wake up!. All of the Tora woke up and grabbed his sword and saw Levi being lifted up by the shadow and then Tora snapped and blue beams started to come out of tora's sword and Tora didn't think and Toras body started to move on it's own as blood stared to come out of tora's face as Tora ran towards the shadow and all of tora's body was bleading. the shadow slammed it's hand towards Tora and sliced of tora's arm and an amazing amount of spirit energy came out of tora's arm and all of the sudden Tora arm came back and Tora then took his sword and sliced the shadows head off and then the shadows arms and even more blue beams came out of tora's sword so Tora shoved the sword in to the shadows chest and then the shadow exploded. Levi went to Tora to see if Tora was allright but as Levi got to Tora he had collapsed.