
The dead line

bradleyc20061 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

attack on living souls part 1

the shadow landed on the ground and punched a building, the humans screamed and someone called the police, everyone ran and screams, the police arrived and scoped out the area and couldn't find anyone who might of caused the collapsed on the side of the building. the police enounced that it was terrorist attack.tora and Levi tried to slow down the shadow but the shadow didn't slow down, then the shadow opened his big scaley mouth and started to screem and a red light appeared in front of the shadows mouth, Tora and levi couldn't believe the amount of energy the shadow was condensing then all of the the red light shot right at Tora leaving a hole in tora's chest, Tora falls to the floor and Levi runs to Tora as Tora hits the ground, and starts calling Tora and telling him to wake up and all of sudden time stopped and know one could move except Tora, Tora was shocked and all of the sudden a mysterious man wearing red and black robes and had brown hair and a long beard and all of a sudden Tora was transported to a different dimension. Tora asked the mysterious man where is he and the man said we are in side of the world you created when you first had your sword reveled to you and when u had you sword you was thinking of your city and why there is a different dimension. Tora then asked who is he, the man said I'm your sword and my name is Ryu, Tora then asks Ryu why blue beams came out of the sword, Ryu then said it must be a sign that something is inside of you come to think of it I have been sensing an unpleasant soul within you and that might be part of it.