
The day of studying in Hogwarts

Author: Lazy cat on the keyboard youtube: Young_Sunlight Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@Young_Sunlight Albert never had any big ambitions and always considered himself a "salty fish," but after being reborn with a system cheat, he's determined to become a winner in life. Just as Albert plans to become a goal-oriented "salty fish," an owl delivers a Hogwarts invitation letter, revealing that he has actually transmigrated into the world of Harry Potter novels. Now, Albert is contemplating how to be a dream-driven "salty fish" in the magical realm. ***************** (Note: This is not my story and is written by a Chinese author. This is a Machine translation. I have cleaned all the chapters I publish to the maximum of my capabilities. It's not perfect, but it's still an enjoyable read.)

young_sunlight · Book&Literature
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319 Chs

Chapter 218: Rules of Trade

Aberforth was taken aback by Albert's suggestion. He hadn't thought that Albert would be interested in obtaining materials from the black market to make potions or magical items. Such things required complex craftsmanship and skills, and it seemed incredible to hear a young wizard like Albert talk about it. Even prank items were not something a child could easily create.

However, Fred, George, and Lee Jordan didn't share the same doubt. They knew Albert's abilities well and believed he had a point. Some things couldn't be obtained through legitimate channels, so they had to resort to the black market. Having someone help them in this regard would save a lot of time and trouble.

Albert didn't intend to dwell on these questions any further. He turned to Aberforth and asked, "How can I make my Patronus speak?"

"Perhaps you should first master the corporeal Patronus, then think about that," Aberforth replied without answering Albert's question directly.

"I think I'll be able to master the corporeal Patronus soon," Albert said softly. "If you don't mind, we can have a chat about how to make the Patronus speak before that thief comes back. This method of communication is unique, and as far as I know, there's no relevant information in the library. I don't want to miss this opportunity."

Aberforth squinted his eyes. In the past, he probably would have dismissed someone like Albert without a second thought and kicked him out of the Hog's Head. However, Albert's uniqueness had piqued his interest, and he wanted to see what this kid would do next.

"Knowledge is priceless," Aberforth said with a smiling face, looking like a crafty merchant.

"Of course, my reputation is solid," Albert understood what he meant; after all, he wanted money, right? But Albert wasn't a pushover. He raised his hands and asked, "What's the price?"

"Okay," Aberforth quickly composed himself and nodded.

"But, before that, you must teach me how to make a Patronus speak. Once I've learned it, I'll pay you the other nine galleons," Albert stated his requirement.

"How would I know if you've already mastered it?" Aberforth countered.

"I think I'll be close to mastering it by this time next year, and Hagrid will be our witness," Albert looked at Hagrid. "Whether I've mastered it or not, I will still pay you the other nine galleons, but you must tell me how to make the Patronus speak during that time."

"Many wizards spend their whole lives without summoning a corporeal Patronus," Aberforth said with a profound meaning. Nevertheless, he agreed to the deal and found it intriguing.

He didn't understand where Albert's confidence came from, but it didn't matter. This didn't deter him from making a deal with Albert.

"Normally, summoning a corporeal Patronus is difficult. That just means they haven't practiced enough," Albert said nonchalantly.

"What are you guys talking about? I can't make sense of it at all," Hagrid still couldn't figure out what was going on.

However, Fred and the others were incredulous that Albert was willing to spend ten galleons to learn a spell that seemed dubious coming from someone who appeared unreliable.

But stranger still, they struck a deal.

They didn't have to wait too long for Montague to return. He rushed back quickly, holding a small bucket filled with salt. He handed the bucket to Albert.

"You're not very sincere," Albert glanced at the salt inside the small bucket and didn't reach out to take it. Instead, he scrutinized Montague with a probing gaze and said, "In trade, honesty is key, even in the black market. This is how relationships last."

"Are you making fun of me?" Montague looked somewhat frustrated. He pulled out his wand, but then closed his mouth when he realized that his wand had been disarmed by the boy in front of him. Fred and the others also drew their wands, looking eager to try their magic.

"Five buckets should do. Maybe you should get a bigger bucket," Albert maintained his calm smile and friendly manner, reminding Montague.

"You're good," Montague took the wand that Albert tossed back to him and Disillusioned, disappearing.

"Where did that guy get the salt?" Lee Jordan looked at where Montague had disappeared, then turned to Albert and asked.

"Does it matter? Nothing in the black market is clean," Albert could guess that Montague probably stole the bucket of salt from somewhere. But Albert didn't care about the origin of these things; buying items from the black market came with certain expectations.

In no time, Montague came back, somewhat reluctant, carrying a large bucket filled with salt.

"Here's your galleon," Albert placed a galleon in Montague's hand with a smile. "See, isn't this great?"

Montague's dissatisfaction vanished when he saw the galleon. To him, it was a profitable deal. He obtained the salt and the bucket from Muggles, and it only took him a short while to earn a galleon.

However, Montague soon witnessed something that left him speechless. Albert waved his wand and cast a spell on the bucket of salt.

After a moment, Albert looked up and said, "It seems you didn't use the Replication Charm on the salt."

Not only Montague, even Fred and the others were astonished by Albert's actions.

"Isn't it strange? Not really, considering we're dealing with people from the black market. It's always good to be cautious," Albert's tone remained calm as if this was the most natural thing to do.

"What if Montague had used the Replication Charm?" Aberforth curiously asked, the previous scene having reshaped his perception of Albert.

"What do you think?" Albert replied with a smirk.

Another lengthy silence enveloped the room. None of them found Albert's smile friendly.

"He's quite ruthless," Aberforth thought to himself.

"By the way, I hope you don't have any tracking charms on you. If I need something, I'll contact you through an owl. Oh, and your name is Montague, right? I've got it written down," Albert took out a notebook from his pocket and indeed wrote down Montague's name.

Montague couldn't help but wipe the cold sweat from his forehead, cursing Albert's cunning. Luckily, he hadn't thought of using the Replication Charm, or who knows what would have happened.

Then, Montague remembered something and rubbed his hands, saying, "If you need some Runespoor eggs, I can arrange it for you. Of course, it won't be cheap."

"If you manage to get them, you can write to me. My name is Albert," Albert said. "Oh, and I'll only need two."

"Montague actually agreed," Hagrid found it quite unbelievable.

"He can easily make money from me, so why wouldn't he agree?" Albert shrugged and said, "Aren't they all after money?"

"Aren't you afraid Montague might cheat you with counterfeit or substandard goods?" Aberforth asked back, as in the black market, such things were common.

"I hold grudges," Albert said. "If Montague does something like that, I wouldn't mind teaching him why flowers are red and why the sun rises from the east."

"That's not good," Aberforth was choked. He didn't understand the meaning behind Albert's words, but he could tell from Albert's attitude.

"We should head back," Hagrid suddenly said. "I'll escort you back, don't think about staying here longer."

"Oh, Hagrid, we still have other things to do," George said dryly.

"No, you have to go back now, or I'll tell Professor McGonagall about you sneaking into Hogsmeade. I'm sure she'll put you in detention," Hagrid said unapologetically, pulling out his trump card.

"We'll go with you to see Norbert," Lee Jordan suddenly said.

"No, you must go back to the castle now," Hagrid insisted.

"Oh, alright, don't be mad, Hagrid."

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(End of this chapter)