
~Chapter 4~

"Miss Arabella, you seem to be an interesting creature. Don't take it the wrong way, I didn't mean you're ugly. I meant that you're a rare creature that went extinct a long time ago due to not finding their mates.

They were immortals, but couldn't survive without their mates. I don't know how you came to be." Wow, it's a lot to take in. So I'm not a deformed creature.

"Do you know that the king is the same species as you, except that you are a different type. The king, as we all know came from a long line of dragons and werewolves, so he's a hybrid. A fire breathing one at that, with the amount of Mana totaled 10,234,59 and the rank 1, which is more than the strength of a magical diamond.

But you, yours surpassed the king's by 5 more, which is 10,234,64, with the rank 0, which means you have no rank, and is more than the strength of platinum. Your Mana is very powerful. It could've broken the orb we use for testing."

"So, what exactly am I?"

"You are 2 creatures individually yet combined in your body. When I checked the orb, your rank at first, was 2, which is Queen Luna, or in other words, you were born a luna. But then, that happened. you are also a multishifter, so much power packed inside you Miss." He smiled.

He smiled. Why is he smiling???

"Sir...is anyone else going to know?" I asked, a lot worried. I don't want any attention.

"Of course not. Unless you tell anyone yourself, no one will know except for me, you and the king."

"Oh ok, thank you sir"

"One more thing. Try to practice controlling your powers in your free time. Do you know how?"

"Yes sir" He nodded and followed me back into the examination room.





Leon came towards me and asked, "So, how did it go? what's your rank?" I told him to calm down and I would tell him over lunch.

I was a little nervous to tell Leon, I mean I just met him. I'll tell him only the first half, but wouldn't he feel hurt if he finds out that I didn't tell him the whole thing? I'll just honestly tell him how I feel.

"Hey Leon, there's actually a complication to this rank thing. That's what Mr. John said, I don't feel very comfortable telling anyone yet, I'm sorry" He just stared, and looked like he was thinking. Then he smiled and looked at me.

"I completely understand Bella, you can tell me when you're ready"

"I can...tell you the first one" He jumped in excitement and asked me to tell him.

"I'm a 2nd rank" He started dancing around like a boy and screaming, I was afraid they would throw us out of the cafeteria.

"Leon stop, they're staring" I silenced him.

"Sorry guys" They just looked away and continued their discussion.

"Leon, where are the other Winter students??"

"Oh! they probably haven't arrived yet, or they're still taking the test."





When we finished our lunch, Leon told me it was time to go to class. We were about to enter the class, but then Mr. John called me.

"Yes sir?"

"There was an email that came in for you" I was confused. It's not like I had parents to email me.

"Ok sir, but is it alright if I check it after the Alpha test?" I didn't really want any distractions, the test for who gets to be leader was coming up, so I had to prepare.

"No problem Arabella" I thanked him and went to class.

"So, students. As you all know, you have one more test coming up, then the council will choose who will be winters and who will be watchers. Watchers are basically mini winters. You're as strong as a winter except, you're rookies.

So don't worry, we're not sending anyone home anytime soon" They all chuckled. 'I didn't know watchers were a thing, it's always good to go to school' when I was in my pack, I didn't have the privilege to go to school. I actually stole books from them, it's not like they read them.

I raised my hand. "Sir, exactly which date does the test occur?"

"4th of march" I didn't have anywhere to write it so I told Leon to write it down for me. 'I need to go shopping'

For the whole class, I had Leon take notes for me. 'This is boring, having nothing to do.'

"Leon, can I have a pencil and paper?" He gave them to me and I started doodling, I was bored, but then I stopped to listen to some point that the teacher said was important.





The class ended at sunset, 6:40 pm or so. I followed Leon and walked him to his dorm. He hugged me and we said our g'nights, and then I went to my dorm room. The bed is so soft, and different. It's spacious, and breathable. I felt one tear slide down my cheek.

I never thought I would be here, in an academy, away from my pack. 'It feels so nice.'

And with that, I fell asleep.

At the pack house.


We've been waiting for 2 days now, no response to our letter. My wolf is going nuts and won't talk to me. He keeps blaming me for his misery. It's not my fault she ran away.

He has told me since day 1 of when I met her, to stop bullying her, but I didn't listen, she deserved the pain.

Just when I wanted to go shower, Astrid walked in.

"Baby why are you still waiting for their letter? she's never coming back. Just let's go enjoy, on a holiday. Your Beta can watch the pack" I just ignored her and went to shower.

When I got out, I dressed up, but then my beta barged in.

"They sent a letter" I snatched it from him. 'so they finally kicked her out huh' but reality did not match my expectations.

I'm sorry to inform you that there is a big test coming up. Your pack member is not able to answer your letter so the supervisor is answering on her behalf. She wishes to focus and mentally prepare for the upcoming test, and will give you a reply afterwards.


John Falon.

who the f%ck does she think she is!? I'm her Alpha! her mate! she's supposed to do what i ask her to do. I'll be waiting here when she brings her pathetic self back after failing the test.