
$$The Darkness world $$

Another dimension on the same earth, but it is darker than the human dimension, and there is where there are wolves, vampires and magicians. To reach that world, you need a ring made of silver, sapphires and diamonds.

My_light · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter four

Viector heads to the administration office where William and Thomas are seated

"Hello Alpha Viector"

"Hello Peta Thomas and Jama William"

Thomas asks, "Where was this girl?" William answered, "On the southern side of our neighborhood."

Thomas "Why did she come?"

William risking with him, "Oh, she is the alpha's mate"

Thomas shouts, "What ???? !!!!!"

Victor"why are you shouting, Thomas?"

Thomas "it's nothing"

Victor "Look for people ....."


In the room where Violet sits, having locked her up this Alpha! She knocked on the door and screamed in order to open the door for her, but they did not , so these are the Alpha commands !!! I want to cry, but there is no time for it. I have to find a way to get out ,,, then she goes to the window ,,,, it is hight, my bones will break if I jump ,, so she looks at the window and quest at a something sharp and did not find then she notices that she is still wearing the ring to itch the window then got that annoying sound Who disturbed all the flock, and because of that someone go to Viector


Victor "Look for people ....."

Cut his words by knocked on the door

Viector "enter"

Then enter who called James

James, "alpha, the girl in your room demanded to go out, and when we ignored her, she made a very annoying sound, and the herd was annoyed by that sound."

Viector, Thomas, and William went to where Violet sat after she was tired of making a sound and got up to start over.

So Victor enters her quickly to get her hands away from the window pane without touching the ring , and how much he wanted to throw him so that she would not find it again, but he could not, as the ring is made from silver

Viector angrily, holding her hands in his hands, "What do you think you are doing?"

Violet "bothered you until you let me out"

They heard a muffled sound of laughter, turning towards William, who could not suppress his laughter any more

William: "Sorry"

Thomas "What do you think I took on a herd tour, Violet?"

After Thomas take violet out.

William" don't make her hate you especially when she is your mate(luna)"

Vector, "Okay I see"

They go out

Viector "Look for Witch "the Spinning-Trionalis" if one of them is missing or one of their necklaces is missing and also if one of them goes to the human world."

William"Ok Alpha, but Viector does not judge Violet for what Sera did"

Vector "what ??"

William "does not mean that Sera refused the League, Violet will do that too."

Viector to hold him by the collar of his shirt "does not mean that I consider you my friend that I will allow you to talk about my ex-mate."

William"Ok, ok, I'm sorry"

Viector leaves the collar of a shirt and wipes William's shoulder for fake dust

Vector "good"

Let each of them go to his work
