
$$The Darkness world $$

Another dimension on the same earth, but it is darker than the human dimension, and there is where there are wolves, vampires and magicians. To reach that world, you need a ring made of silver, sapphires and diamonds.

My_light · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter five

Elsewhere in particular, Violet and Thomas was pointing at a Arena

Thomas: This is where the herd is fought to select which is the strongest

Then he points to another place where a someone stands and makes moves and the others follow him: As for here the human figure is trained, to continue pointing where the forest : here the wolf shape is trained

- Do not think that you look strange when you say to human the shape of humans and the shape of a wolf his wolf said to him

-No, Leo, because she knows about dimensions and keys for it

-I get it

Violet marks a large gate behind the trainees

:What is that ??

- It is the western gate that overlooks the land of vampires

then they aware that there are people coming from that gate, so the trainees and the defense position stop what they doing

Violet felt the tense atmosphere around her

-who are they

-Vampires . and he makes her behind him as they enter

Someone with blond hair

-Where is Victor, Thomas?

Thomas Mental connectionwith William

William Come and take Edward to the boardroom.

"I am coming"

then he end telepathy with him and do Mental connectionwith a Viector

"Edward is here. Better you come before deciding to attack Violet."

"Protect Violet well , I'm coming."

"This is bad, very bad." Viector

" Yes, it is, especially since her smells delicious for vampires." wolf of Viector

"Yes, so we have to go fast."

Victor goes where Eduard is


"Thomas, why are you closed eyes?

"I'm telepathiing with alpha and jama"

" I see "(it must be because of the unexpected guest)

So the blond man approaches Violet and Thomas

"Prepare to attack, Leo."


" Thomas, what is this? Have you become a haven for fleeing humans?"

"She's the alpha mate, so don't try to touch her."

"But it smells good, and since Victor got another mate, I'll take this to make him get a better one."

"Thanks for your offer, but I do not want another mate."

Victor interrupted him

"Would we go to the meeting room?"

when everyone went

" Don't you think that being a human companion is strange?" Edward said to Viector

"No, Edward. Now, what brought you here?"

"Because of rumors, or I thought they were rumors that you were harboring human"

"She is my mate"

"I see, I see"

"And I will not allow anyone to touch a hair from her"

"do not you trust me"


Edward burst out laughing because of the frankness of Viector
