
The Darkness Takes Me

When the only thing that can save you is the darkness that wants to consume you would you let it take you? Raven is one of the few humans left in the world who survived the war between the creatures. The war is over now, and Marcus Vanguard is the ruler now, but secretly Raven and a few of her combat buddies have taken up shelter at an old compound and have been fitting back the demons from the shadows that the demons love to rely on. Marcus catches word of creatures being slaughtered in Skull Valley and when the assigned leader of the territory is killed, he decides to go down there himself and figure out the situation himself. He wasn't prepared for the red-haired kitten he finds stirring up chaos or the deep burning desire that stirs within him in her presence.

IrishBabe28 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Chapter Ten

Dustin's POV

I punched the steering wheel fuming at myself for leaving her. Angry at her for putting me in that situation. The whole time she was touching me I was in heaven.

Her delicate hands were so tender. The worry on her face would have made my heart melt if I had one. Over the time we have been together I have loved her.

Me a demon who was never meant to love. I am made for destruction and chaos.

I mean what more could I do to get that fucking woman to love me. I have stood by her all these years and did everything she has ever asked of me.

When things got tough, I was there. No matter how hard I try to make her feel for me the way I feel for her she always pushes me away. I know she feels the heat between us. The roaring passion that we share.

Hell, I never wanted to break up with her that was her excuse because we were getting too serious, and she needed and out.

Like a complete fool I let her have her space. In my mind I knew eventually she would see we were meant to be together and come back.

Now that there was some stupid Alpha claiming to be her mate, she just leaps into his arms without a second thought. "Fucking bitch!" Screaming at the truck was not getting me anywhere and honestly, I did not know where to go from here.

When I saw the compound coming into view, I pulled over on the side of the road to compose myself.

My phone began ringing. I already knew who it was going to be, "I don't fucking need this bullshit right now!" the wheel began groaning under my tight grip. Releasing it I punched the dash and took a deep breath.

The screen of my phone said "Boss."

"The hoard is in place. I am kind of dealing with something right now." It was a little risky to speak to him this way, but honestly, I just couldn't right now.

So many years of devotion thrown out the window over some stupid hybrid pup.

"Who the fuck do you think you are talking to, boy!" He roared at me through the speaker. I heard something crash on his side. "I want those demons moving toward that group of precious humans by the end of the day today or else I might just decide take your bitch and show her the true nature of a demon before I kill her!"

My nerves were already on a short leash so when I heard him mention Raven, I lost it.

The phone crushed crumbling into a mess of plastic and metal in my hands. Turning away from the compound I raced off toward the group of lesser demons I had at the edge of town. Maybe moving them now would be for the best.

Raven was not at the compound so she could not be hurt. I could do my father's bidding and she would never know it was me.

I had been trying to figure out how I was going to pull this off without her finding out. Then after I take out the compound, I will take out her mate and she will have no one to run to after that but me. It will finally be me and her again like it has always meant to be.

As soon as I stopped in front of the building where I had told the group to wait for me, I could hear a solitary male voice. The man was screaming, "Oh, God, no, please don't! Oh, God, no don't, don't, don't . . ." The scream lasted then to fifteen seconds, then stopped, the abrupt silence as chilling as the cry itself.

There was a time in my life where I would have been the one relishing in the fear of others, but now it was just a nuisance keeping me away from Raven.

Walking into the dark damn abandoned building I am greeted by the barking of two hell hounds. The pair was ready to sink their teeth into human flesh their beady red eyes searching, always alert.

"Steve," The demon is slouched over a torn up ratted armchair picking at his disgusting nails. He did not bother getting up as I approached him, which pissed me off.

"I need the group ready to move out by sundown." I hissed at him my anger catching his attention. Then my statement registered in his fucked-up mind. He smiled and threw his arms out before addressing the others.

"People are going to be slaughtered, they'll be lying dead at my feet in the hundreds." He roared with laughter.

"Come on man stay, bullshit about old times and everything like that." Bobby said the evil smile permanently stamped onto his hideous black leather skin.

They were lesser demons, so they did not hold the ability to change their appearance like I did. Honestly even if they could I do not think they ever would. Hell, I never even did it until after I had laid eyes on my Raven.

"I have to get back." I grabbed him up by his collar to gain his attention. "You better be there and be ready for the signal we will only get one chance to do this right." I let him go and stepped back smiling at them, "If you mess up you all know what will happen." They may not bow down before me anymore because I am apparently getting soft, but they all still feared my father's rath and if they messed this up, he would kill them all.

This was going to be a long night and all I could think about was getting back to Raven. Ignoring the now rowdy demons celebrating their coming victory I left and thought it best if I head back to the compound. I would have to open the gates before giving them the signal to move in.

The ride back was long and definitely stressful. All I could hope for was that Raven didn't show back up before the battle was over. If she was ever to find out the truth of who I am and what I have done in the past my father would force me to kill her. Without my talisman I would have no power to stop it.