
The Darkness Takes Me

When the only thing that can save you is the darkness that wants to consume you would you let it take you? Raven is one of the few humans left in the world who survived the war between the creatures. The war is over now, and Marcus Vanguard is the ruler now, but secretly Raven and a few of her combat buddies have taken up shelter at an old compound and have been fitting back the demons from the shadows that the demons love to rely on. Marcus catches word of creatures being slaughtered in Skull Valley and when the assigned leader of the territory is killed, he decides to go down there himself and figure out the situation himself. He wasn't prepared for the red-haired kitten he finds stirring up chaos or the deep burning desire that stirs within him in her presence.

IrishBabe28 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter Nine

In the blink of an eye, my demon had me held tightly against his chest. I felt his chest muscles ripple against my back. He tightened his arms around me, growling fiercely. The rumble of it was doing things to my body I hadn't felt in a while. It took everything I had not to throw my head back against his shoulder and close my eyes in pleasure.

"Damn it let her go!" Dustin's angry tone brought me back to his situation. I could hear the tension and pain and knew I needed to take care of him. Pushing against the hold on me had me feeling like a child.

"Both of you stop it." I finally freed myself, but I knew it was only because he allowed me to. I finished taking my belt off. Not waiting to ask for permission, I shoved it into his mouth and wrapped my fingers around the exposed claw, pulling it from him.

He threw his head back, biting down on my belt, a loud growl coming from him. It sounded very animalistic. His eyes were closed, and his knees seemed to shake a little. Not wanting him to hurt himself by falling, I pressed my lower body against his as my hands worked on stopping the bleeding and patching him up. I didn't really think about my actions, I was just reacting like I had been trained to do.

I was once again ripped away from Dustin and just as I had figured, he began to slump towards the ground to have my demon grab him by the throat and growl in his face. "Don't. Touch. My. Mate!" Okay, so obviously, from the furious look on Dustin's face today, I had left out that little tid bit of information, but honestly could he blame me?

Ready to just get this over with and bored of watching their little pissing match, I yanked on my demon's arm pleading with him, "Just put him down! He didn't even do anything. I am just trying to stop the bleeding before he dies, fuck!" I screamed at him. He dropped Dustin and stormed away.

"Great, now our world is run by an animalistic child." I exclaimed under my breath to Dustin who, despite me thinking I was quite funny, didn't smile. I rolled my eyes and these two children as I finished tying off the bandage and walked away from him.

The sun was starting to get low on the horizon and I knew if we didn't head back now, we were going to find ourselves in a fight we wouldn't be able to win. Watching my demon pace around blowing off steam, it hit me that he wasn't in as much control over the creatures that everyone seemed to think him to be.

"Look, demon." His eyes shot at mine, and I realized I had called him demon instead of by his name. It was purely out of habit, since I seemed to always refer to him as a demon instead of Marcus in my thoughts.

"What did you call me?" His strides were long and fast, but this time I wasn't going to back down.

"Marcus," I played it off coyly, as if he was hearing things.

"Demon, huh?" His eyes changed color briefly and, despite my mind telling me to run, I stood my ground. I just shrugged my shoulders at him, which he didn't seem to care for. "I will show you a demon." I couldn't respond before he pulled me against his chest, lifting me off the ground. I was about to let out a squeal of panic, but it was swallowed up by his mouth dominating mine. My scream turned into a moan as his tongue ran over my bottom lip. He nipped at it demanding I submit to him.

When he growled against my lips, my thighs clenched together and I gasped as waves of desire ran down my body. He used my shock to his advantage and thrust his tongue into my mouth, intertwining it with mine. He devoured me and I forgot everything else around me. I melted into him, allowing this strong man to have me.

I had never given over control of myself or anything else to anyone before, not even Dustin, and doing it now was addicting. I felt feminine and vulnerable.

Men were screaming in the background, but it sounded miles away. That is until I felt harsh hands grabbing my shoulder thrusting me back into the ground before I saw a blur shooting past me punching Marcus in the face.

Anger boiled through me that someone had hurt him. Then he rounded on me. "What the fuck! Raven, what the fuck?" He screamed at me, grabbing me by the arms, pulling me roughly off the ground, walking me backwards until my back hit the truck door, hard. I winced as pain shot through my spine. His fingers dug into my skin until I was almost certain blood was drawn.

"You are fucking kidding me right now? After everything I have done for you. After all, I have sacrificed for you." He punched the truck window and it shattered. I can honestly say I have never been scared of Dustin until this moment. The anger he was showing was a side of him I had never seen before.

Marcus threw him away from me, standing in front of me like a shield. I tried to get around him as I addressed Dustin's weird claims.

"What are you talking about Dustin," I tried to reason with him, but he wasn't doing it.

"That motherfucker is an evil piece of shit, and you are going to choose that over me!" He shouted, veins popping out in his neck. I felt my body cower down, which is something I never did. It hurt because I really cared for Dustin. Through the years, our relationship has changed and evolved, but he has always been a constant support.

"Dustin, I never meant to hurt you. We aren't together though. We haven't been there for a long time." I threw my hands up, not knowing what he could possibly want from me.

"Fine, you want him so badly, let's see how long you can stay with the monster before you are begging me to come save you." What the hell was he talking about? Dustin got into the truck, slamming the door. I figured the conversation was over and he was ready to just head back, so I was about to get in when he sped off.

My mouth hung open as I watched him leave me there. How could he do that to me? I turned around to see Marcus walking towards me. "Come on, you are coming with me."