
Twisted Reality

I hear the beckoning of a tortured soul — it cries out for help, but I can't reach it — it's so cold, so very cold. Something is off in the distance. I can vaguely see a humanoid figure. Suddenly unease fills my body, It was a corpse. A deep void filled the eye, empty yet overfilled — there was a struggle. A cold heart blackened and bruised. Fair skin, cold to the touch, almost translucent as it moves. Brittle hair wheat-like and stiff. Battered hands and discolored feet. Nose broken and spine misaligned. The longer I stare at the body, the more disturbed I am. Whoever did this couldn't have gone far.

It is impossible for me to explain how I came to be in this position. But if I don't tell anyone, it will haunt me until the day I die. I awoke to a shattered reality, a time rift. I had no idea at first. I went about my usual morning routine of getting dressed, making coffee, and showering. I'd say it's pretty normal. Unfortunately, fate had other plans for me. I fell into the floor as I opened my door to go to my 9-5 job. For nearly two hours, I was trapped between the bottom of my door frame and the basement ceiling. I truly believed I was going to die of asphyxiation. But I didn't do it. I simply sank deeper into the earth. I couldn't see anything but the back of my own eyelids for hours. I couldn't even breathe, but rather I didn't have to. This was the worst nightmare played on repeat. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, I fell 500 feet or so through an abyss until I hit my face on a concrete floor. Of course, I didn't die on the floor because nothing in my reality makes sense anymore. I feel like a toy being tossed around without a choice.

I was just knocked unconscious. when I stood up, an office building appeared in front of my eyes. For a while, I wandered around the office building. It had gone unnoticed to me that there was something following me. When I turned around, I noticed a creature. It had a hunched back, a gorilla-like overbite, and red eyes. My body instinctively told me to run, and I did just that. Of course, the creature already knew what I was going to do, so it began pursuing me. I dashed through the office building's winding corridors as quickly as I could. I could feel a chasm between myself and the entity. When I turned around to see if it was still chasing me, the entire building shifted around me and I found myself in a completely different location. I was now in a one-way corridor with nothing but a red staircase in front of me. I walked towards the stairs. They didn't look like they belonged in an office building because they were made of diamond-plated steel. The stairwell was very narrowly spaced. There was only one way to go: down. I noticed something as I descended the stairs. Something significant. Something with a piercing gaze. I shouldn't be here, I reasoned—