
The Hotel

From the bottom of the stairs, the beast is staring me down. It whimpers and walks away. I have no idea why. Was it afraid of me, or was there something else? I proceeded down the stairwell. The thick darkness has obscured my vision. I almost trip and fall down the bottom step, nearly getting my footing. This floor is unlike any other; it's as if I've stepped into a different dimension. I can see the area now that the darkness has faded.

It seems I am at the reception in a hotel. I proceed to the check-in area, but there is no one there, and I have no idea where the monster has gone. I took a keyring from reception and began walking towards the stairs leading to the various vacant rooms. I stumbled around, looking for the correct keys for the doors. The first room had a standard hotel room layout. The bed, the end table, and the dreadful old television. The second was a little more unusual. It had a large window with only a wooden chair facing it. I peered out the window, I saw that the hotel was an infinite complex with thousands of rooms.

I decided that going through all of the rooms for items was going to be impossible. I continued on my journey, only to discover that I had gone in a complete circle and was now back at reception. This made no sense because I didn't go back down the stairs. I double-checked to make sure it was the same reception, but it wasn't, or at least I don't think it was. There was yet another keyring in the same spot I had grabbed the previous one. The ambient hotel music was beginning to irritate me at this point. I needed to flee or find a weapon to protect myself. I'm tired and dazed after running around the hotel for hours, and I think it would be better if I slept. I know the monster is still here, but if I don't get some sleep soon, I'll be even worse when I have to fight it. I look around the hotel rooms for a little longer and discover some prepackaged sandwiches and various nuts in one of the mini fridges.

I found a room with a large bed, a television, and a sturdy enough chair to prop up against the door. I think I am going to rest here for a little while. I pushed the chair up against the door and began flipping through the various television channels. There was a Russian children's show that appeared to be from the 1980s, a channel with a glowing infinite symbol and a static channel. This place just got weirder and weirder. I decided to get a few hours of sleep as I ate my prepackaged sandwich and nuts.