
Chapter 9

Leon and Brunhild have been at the Slitheren Kingdom for a week now to attend the Slither Ball and right now Leon is sitting at his desk working on a new spell when Sofie and Brunhild walk into the room and Sofie yells "hey maniac" Leon then turns around in his seat "and how am I a maniac" he asks "you spend all your time training or working on creating new spells" Brunhild states "that's not true just last night we" Brunhild then coughs "point is that's not true" Leon stated Sofie then crossed her arms "then what did you do yesterday" "train" "and the day before that" "again train" "before that" "more training" sofie then yelled "see just like we said" Leon then sighed "whatever" and continued to work on his spell "maniac" sofie said "call me that again and I'll take it as a declaration of war" Leon stated Sofie then started pouting and Brunhild spoke up "since you won't hangout with us now I'll refuse to 'play' with you tonight" Leon then snapped his fingers and all his stuff disappeared he then got up and walked out the door "come on hurry up" Brunhild then puffed out her chest "see i told you I could get him to come" she then said as she walked out "whatever" Sofie said as she followed her. The three were walking in town "so instead of letting me work I'm now shopping" Leon asked as he snapped his finger and a bag of coins appeared on a vendors stall as he took three sausages "yep" Brunhild said as she took one "what's that thing you keep doing" Sofie asked as she took a sausage and begun snapping her fingers "just a spell I made which allows me to instantly take items out and put them into my dimensional pouch the snapping is just the trigger action" Leon said as he begun eating his sausage "oh" she said, soon the three entered a clothing store "and why are we here" Leon asked "for our clothing for the ball" Brunhild answered while picking out a dress Leon then groaned and proceeded to picking out a suit and Sofie followed along. Leon was changing in too multiple suits "someone please tell me why I'm putting on a fashion show" Brunhild then laughed "just hurry up and show us your fine self" "yeah hurry" Sofie egged on "fine" Leon yelled as he stepped out in a pure white suit "sexy but next" Brunhild said flatly then he stepped out in a red suit with white trims "nice...next" Sofie said loudly "awe but I liked that one" Brunhild complained lastly he stepped out in a jet black suit with red trims and the two just stared at him "umm guys something wrong" the two then jumped in excitement scaring Leon "the black perfectly contrasts his hair" Sofie stated "and the red trims perfectly match his eyes and ties the whole outfit together" Brunhild added on "that one" they both yelled pointing at him "uh okay this one then" Leon then stepped back inside and changed into his normal royal suit and stepped out with all the suits he then hung the first two and handed the last one to a clerk "I'll take this one" he then turned around "now what" he then saw Brunhild patting the seat next to her so he went and sat down and Sofie stepped out in a pure black silk dress "you look cute in that" Leon said "nope not this one" she then said as she stepped back in Leon then looked to Brunhild who kept smiling Sofie then stepped out in a red dress silk with black trimming "you actually look stunning" Leon said "nope" she said stepping back in Leon then face palmed "really i said you looked stunning what else do ... you ... want" Leon then stared at Sofie as she stepped out in a white lace dress with both red and black trimming "beautiful" Leon said then just kept staring Sofie then blushed and yelled "I'll take this one" Leon then came back to reality "really" he yelled "yeah" Sofie said stepping out with the dress in hand "I'll take this one but put it on daddy's tab" she said then sat next to Leon and Brunhild entered the changing booth with dresses "hey just put it with my order" Leon yelled at the clerk and looked at Sofie as she was about to say something "don't say anything" Leon said then turned to face the booth and so did a now blushing Sofie a moment later Brunhild stepped out in a white lace dress with black trimming "beautiful" Leon said she then went back in and stepped out a moment later in pure black silk dress "be..beautiful" she then stepped back in and Sofie shouted "what are you waiting for he already said beautiful for both" "you'll see" she shouted back a moment later she stepped out in a black lace dress with purple trims and Leon just stared at her "bingo" she said "what's wrong with him" sofie asked "oh wait you'll like this" Brunhild said then stepped up to him and held her face two inches from his "why hello dear" "oh heLLO" he said jumping back falling out his seat he then sat up "how do you do that like no one breaks my guard" he complained "no one's like me" she said an smiled "I'll take this one" she said as she walked off to the clerk Leon then ran to the clerk and grabbed the other two dresses "she'll take these two put them on my order" he told the clerk "really why" Brunhild then asked him "hey i meant it when i said you looked beautiful more even" Brunhild then gave a light blush "well i guess we'll take those then but also the other two suits" she pointed at the other two suits another clerk was holding "if that's what it takes then fine" he said then walked over to the clerk and took the suits to his clerk and somehow in the midst of this Sofie added her other dresses in too. The three then headed back to the castle and soon Sofie left for a tea party with some nobles and Leon and Brunhild went to their room where Leon continued to work on his spell and Brunhild started reading a book, it was sunset when Leon finished for the day he then looked at Brunhild reading on the bed he then climbed in next to her and she noticing this put her book up and turned back to a kiss and well the two spent the rest of the night together and let's say they had fun. Leon was training in the field when a knight came up to him "hey muscles practice is over" he then looked to see a armored knight walk up to him "umm who are you and why muscles" he asked "oh you must be one of the recruits and your exposed upper body should be reason enough anyways I'm Knight Commander Haley I just returned from my expedition so I'll forgive you for the disrespect this once" she said boldly "umm whatever I can't really say I care" Leon said then went back to practicing his combat arts "do you even no who you said that two you maggot" she said releasing her aura Leon not fazed by this took a firm stand "do you even know who you called a maggot you mere knight" he said releasing his own aura pressuring her "kneel before me this instant" she continued to stand and gripped a firm hold of the hilt of her sword Leon noticing this spoke "am I to take this as a threat" he then increased the pressure which finally started to make her tremble this caused Leon to smirk making her angrier, Sofie was walking by the training field when she noticed Leon as she was about to yell hello she saw the knight commander trembling holding the hilt of her sword "Leon spare her" she yelled instead and started running towards them Leon saw her and spoke one word "stop" he said this in a commanding tone causing Sofie to stop for fear of her life Haley saw this and yelled "who are you to yell at the princess" Leon then glared at her "Haley stop this instant he's not someone you can handle" Sofie yelled at her "I will not tolerate such a disrespectful knight within my ranks you shall face punishment" Leon stated in a fierce tone and raised his hand then a ball of darkness formed "stop please" Sofie yelled "Princess Sofie Slitheren you will stand down" Leon yelled in a commanding tone "War Commander, Prince Leon GreyFall ' The Darkest I ask you to spare her" Sofie pleaded "Then you shall take her punishment" Leon said in return "wait War Commander punish me and release the princess I ask this as Knight Commander Haley and as Haley Smithson" Leon then released his aura and relaxed then smiled "you pass I'm glad to have you in the alliance Haley moreover a famous Smithson you had to hit my soft spot, you can look forward to a promotion in the near future" Leon said Haley and Sofie looked at each other and Haley started laughing then took off her helm to reveal a tanned woman with black hair and black eyes, she then stuck out her hand "you know you have a funny way of testing muscles" Leon took her hand "well I've been told that before and still muscles " Sofie then asked "why muscles" Haley then pointed to his exposed torso Sofie then covered her face and yelled "Leon put on a shirt for slither sake" Leon and Haley stared at her "virgin" they said in unison "shut it" Sofie yelled Leon and Haley started laughing "oh what's so funny" Brunhild said coming from behind them and Leon stiffened Haley then told her "well that Sofie here can't handle muscles well muscles" Brunhild then turned to face Leon who was now sweating bullets Haley then gave him a strange look "so why no shirt 'muscles' huh" Brunhild asked "we...'cough' well I was training and got hot in my shirt so yay" Leon said shakily "hey what's wr" Haley started to ask but was stopped by a scared Sofie "well muscle shall I reopen a wound let's see like that one" Brunhild said while pointing to a puncture wound on Leons chest causing Leon to gulp "no ma'am" he said shakily "go to the room now" she told him "yes ma'am" he said then ran to their room "well ladies I'll be taking my leave" Brunhild said then started to leave "wait who are you to make the war commander coward ma'am if you don't mind me asking that is" Haley yelled towards her she the turned around with a deathly smile and Haley gulped "his wife any more questions" Haley then saluted while trembling "no ma'am" Brunhild then begun to walk off again and Haley released a sigh "for the love of slither why isn't she the war commander instead of muscles wouldn't she be" Sofie then motioned for her to stop "what I was just saying that she be" a bolt of darkness shot in front of her face and she looked from where it came from and saw Brunhild angry and she started trembling till she dropped to her knees "you will not disrespect my husband even i can't defeat him for the only thing holding him back is the love we have so I will not here this again or you will no longer breath" Brunhild said in a commanding tone Haley then sat there on her knees and nodded her head and once Brunhild left she fell and sighed "I think I'm gonna cry" she complained. The day of the slither ball has arrived and Leon is changing when Brunhild, Sofie, and Haley walk into his room "umm can I finish changing" he asked the three "sure" Brunhild said Sofie just covered her face and started blushing "hey you have a couple more scars then yesterday what happened" Haley asked and Leon just stayed silent "never mind I think I know" Brunhild then giggled a little, once they finished they walked to the ball room and when they were standing outside the doors Leon decided to speak up "so I have to ask, how does this work" Sofie then told him "well we walk in and my parents introduce us" they all walked in and the once noisy room went quiet and the king spoke up "and our guests of honer arrive, in the black suit we have the War Commander to the Alliance and Prince Leon GreyFall ' The Darkest Husband to The Darken next to him in the black lace we have the Logistics Leader to the Alliance and Princess Brunhild GreyFall ' The Darken Wife to The Darkest and behind them in the white lace we have our very own Princess Sofie Slitheren and lastly in the red lace the Knight Commander Haley Smithson daughter to the famous traveling swordsman Michael Smithson" the room then erupted in clapping and after the moment the king spoke up "now let the Slither Ball officially begin" the room was then filled with music and the dancing begun. They group were all together drinking some wine when Haley spoke up "hey leon I've been wondering what's the deal with my family being your soft spot" Leon then stared at the ceiling and started thinking about the past with a calm and relaxed face "he and your father knew each other in the past" Brunhild spoke up as she finished her wine Haley then made a surprised face "ever hear the story of the famous sword and halbred strike pair" Brunhild asked "well yeah but what has that got to do with them" Haley questioned Brunhild then handed Leon her empty glass and he went to refill it "the short story is that when they were younger let's say Leon was 16 and your father was 26 they worked together" Brunhild told her "hey isn't that how old the 'famous' man of a thousand stikes and the 'mysterious' jack the reaper were when they completed the dungeon of a thousand depths" Sofie asked "yeah that's when my old man said they split apart with the promise to reach greater heights" Haley stated "wait are you saying Leon is supposed to be the mysterious reaper" Haley asked and a moment later she felt a chill up her spine and froze as she felt like something was around her neck she felt nothing there but it soon felt worse when Leon spoke up from behind her "yes it is and you must know it must stay mysterious right" he then handed Brunhild her wine and released his consentrated aura "yes sir" Haley said in a shaky tone a moment later she begun giggling "what's funny I think I missed it" Leon asked and begun looking everywhere "nothing I'm just really happy to be working under the best friend of my old man and his savior" "wait his savior" Leon asked "yeah though my old man only told me you were his savior never how you saved him" she responded Leon made a fist and tightened his face "the next time i see that cheap bastard I'm gonna force him to reveal everything from from that blasted dungeon" Haley went to question him "lost my memory from before I turned 17" Leon stated first Haley then laughed "that's priceless" Leon then sighed and the group went on to enjoy the rest of the ball but soon the night came to an end and everyone had to bid farewell. Leon awoke the next morning and went to get out of bed "is it time to go already" a tired Brunhild asked "no but i have some business to attend to before that" Leon then stood up and started to get dressed "get some more sleep I'll wake you once it's time to leave" he heard no response and turned to look at Brunhild and saw her asleep already "thought so" he then gave her a kiss on the forehead and stepped out the room. Leon walked towards the throne room with a frightening aura leaking out of him, unbeknownst to him, he came to the doors of the throne room where two guards stood holding their weapons in front of the door "MOVE" Leon shouted launching the guards through the door. The king and queen of Slitheren are talking to a man covered in a hooded robe when the door bursts open with the guards following after lying unconscious on the floor they soon noticed Leon walking through the now broken door every step shaking the room, the king then stood "what's the meaning of this."