
The Dark Genesis

When Hybrid and his friend Darth invite a mysterious girl, Cynthia, to meet up, they have no idea that their lives are about to take a deadly turn. By the time she arrives, she's dead, and they're forced to bury her to cover their tracks. But their nightmare has only just begun. An unknown stalker, wielding Cynthia's cellphone, starts hunting them down, relentless in their pursuit. As Hybrid delves deeper into the mystery, he uncovers a shocking truth: he's been a scientific specimen since 1995, part of a sinister experiment that's spanned decades. In 2025, Hybrid is captured and forced to confront the dark forces behind his ordeal. With each new revelation, the stakes escalate, and Hybrid must fight to survive and uncover the truth about his past, Cynthia's death, and the true purpose of the experiment. Will he escape the clutches of his captors, or will he remain forever trapped as a specimen in a twisted game of horror and suspense?

I_am_Hybrid · Sci-fi
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22 Chs


       DARTH RUSHES TO UNPLUG my laptop, I switch it on and input my password, and it resumes to it's previous operation except my VPN and firewall seems to be down while it's still connected to my series of dark webs...

"Holy shitt" I say as I rush to log out and reset my system...

"What happened" Darth says...

"Nigga, you hibernated my system without logging out some necessary operation and now my system IP must have been identified" I say...

"Hope that isn't another problem" he says,

_"it is but for another day, or another time" I say

   Patiently, we waited for my system to reboot, I checked my email and there is a message popping up Sender is anonymous...


the message says and under it is an attached file, a video and two JPG  files..

I click on the first image as it downloads all....

I look at Darth in his eyes who seems to be very curious and now this message is directed to him on my email... I clicked on the first image and "boom!!"

"No, Hell no!!!" I yell, my jaw drops

"What..... the.....fuck?" Darth says... He looks me in the eyes and in his eyes I see he just lost his trust in me...

"No" I say as I click on the next image...

My hands starts to tremble, my body starts to shake, my head starts to roll....

"Maybe it is photoshopped" Darth says...

On the first image is the image of  me , a younger version, taking a selfie as Cynthia sits on my laps her lips in sync with mine... On the second image is an image of me on my knees in a white collar shirt and suite on one knee with a flower presented to Cynthia as she covers her face...

"Maybe" I say hopefully... Darth takes the mouse and clicks on the video file...

The video is of a boy with the hair of a white man, I think, the video is kinda blurry, the boy is with a long stick telling me to come try this out as he tries to climb on it without any assistance.. just as I was about to do it, Cynthia comes in the recording demanding to stop, she doesn't wanna see me injured... I rushed to her and kiss her as I promised her never to leave her .. "promise me Hybrid" she says in the recording as it ends...

"Hollup, she did mentioned my name" I say....

Darth looks at me with disgust and rage fills his eyes

"C'mon Darth, you gotta trust me, you gotta believe me, that's not me!!!" I say

"You lied to me, man... If that's not you, then who the fuck is it?... It looks exactly like you when we met, that is you like how many years ago" he says...

I push him away to review the video, it's got a timeline at the lower end of it, though blurry, I can still make up the year of the video, it is dated 22/02/2013....

"Come check this out" I say pointing out the recording date...

"Where were you on the 22nd of February 2013" he says as he look me dead in the eyes...

"The question should be where were we on that date?" I say to him, "you've already been a part of my life then" I add...

He moves in paces randomly as he looks in the air like he was trying to peep in the past through the oblivion, maybe he can...

"In 2013, we were in SS2, a class you never attended because you had an accident and was in coma, atleast that's what we were told by your Family" he says to me like he turned detective over night..

"On January1st, 2013, I remembered my wish for the new year was for your well being and to wake up from your coma, I was at your house but I wouldn't be let in because your mom doesn't want you bothered in coma, which means you were in coma since you was hit by something unknown to me since 2012 woke up in 2014,  mid January in preparation for our secondary school final year exam, WAEC...."

He paces to and fro then take a look at me before he asks

"Were you really in coma for more than one year?"

"What the fuck" I yell, "of course, I can not remember what happened because I was in coma and the accident? I don't remember" I say to him....

"That's because there was no fucking accident, was there?" He says as he moved two feet away from me...

"What the hell" I say looking lost, "what's happening?" I yell... And cry...