
The Dark Genesis

When Hybrid and his friend Darth invite a mysterious girl, Cynthia, to meet up, they have no idea that their lives are about to take a deadly turn. By the time she arrives, she's dead, and they're forced to bury her to cover their tracks. But their nightmare has only just begun. An unknown stalker, wielding Cynthia's cellphone, starts hunting them down, relentless in their pursuit. As Hybrid delves deeper into the mystery, he uncovers a shocking truth: he's been a scientific specimen since 1995, part of a sinister experiment that's spanned decades. In 2025, Hybrid is captured and forced to confront the dark forces behind his ordeal. With each new revelation, the stakes escalate, and Hybrid must fight to survive and uncover the truth about his past, Cynthia's death, and the true purpose of the experiment. Will he escape the clutches of his captors, or will he remain forever trapped as a specimen in a twisted game of horror and suspense?

I_am_Hybrid · Sci-fi
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22 Chs


IT BEEN DAYS, IT'S PAST CHRISTMAS, my mother, who has turned numb, she changes nothing, not the clothes she has had on since Star's it feels like time caught up to her, she's aged in days, she has refused everything and anything, I have been doing the cooking and cleaning for days without words, my mother has barely said anything since Star's impostor...

I did hire new staffs, security personnel, we are rich, getting maximum security isn't a problem..

_"Mom, what's Daddy's Chamber?" I say to her in her gigantic room painted differently from the familiar colours of the house, it's painted in cream and black, weird right?... Neat, her bed lies few feet away from her gigantic wardrobe. The floors in carpet of grey colour with different motion pattern, above her wardrobe is an Air conditioning machine that I sometimes wish I can kick off sometimes.. near her bed is her 'makeup work area' as I'll call it, it is like a behind the stage makeup room, a big mirror about 4ft by 3ft landscape, on a table like cupboard head where one can find any make up tool, mention it, I bet my mother has it...

She motions me to come sit the with her on her soft bed, the bed, a more than 6ft wide, it's comforting that it swallows a man's stress when he sits on it, giving you this awesome sense of embrace.

I sit by her side, she touches me by my left thigh, me in a pinky short, and a body hug black top, my hair rough, don't ask me, I can't remember the last time I combed it...

"Olami" she says very low that I hardly can hear her or see her lips move...

"Ma?" I say sounding soft...

_"Your father is.." she sobs, sniffles and reconstructs her words "Your father was a man of few words, But if there's anything I know is that He has no chamber" she says looking me in the eyes...


_"shhh" she says to stop me, her countenance changes like she remembers something, she stands up at once, I watch life comes back into her, she rushes to her big wardrobe, opens a locked compartment, looks me im the eyes like she is in a movie and is about to reveal a secret. My mother is a drama queen.

_"sugbon(but) he calls this his Chamber, and whenever he is mad at you, he'd say you would inherit nothing of his wealth but his Chamber" Mom points to an old full computer set up, covered in spiders' web placed roughly underneath a compartment in her wardrobe...

I take to my feet, walk towards my mom to check it out... "What do I do with it?" I say unconsciously...

_"cook noodles or fry egg with it" my mom says hissing, walking away to her bed as she raises her index finger, "plus your father used to address it as Her or she, so be careful with her" she says.

Mom seems to have her life back,

_" Olami," She says, she turns to look at me, "You have always been a weird little boy, I never understood why, sometimes I get mad at you because I wanted you to be like every other kids, Your father loved you, a day never goes without your name in his mouth even when I feel ashamed of you, he would embrace you, I'm not sure what you are, but I know you are his legacy, Do me a favor, Bring your sister back home" She says like she turned Charles Xavier, Professor X, leader of the X-Men movie..

_"FYI, we met with your landlord and settled your bills even before you paid them and was refunded, Thank you for being an amazing son".. Mom says and walks into her bathroom..

In My 22 years on earth, this is the first time my mother acknowledges me and we just had conversation without screaming at each other... I feel so emotional, I'd like to hug her but I know she is not much of a romantic person, I miss Star, I'll find her...

I check back in my room, pack myself some new clothes, mom hands me a luggage bag, in it I find an updated passport, lots of credit cards, I can't be broke no more... I arranged all well, pick up 'Chamber' I have her arranged well placed on my bed in my room...

"Ola!!!" I hear my mom call, I rush outside the mansion to find her at the garage. As I stand before my mother, her eyes gleaming with a mix of pride and trepidation, she hands me the keys to the Mercedes-Benz CLA 250 coupe. The sleek design and luxurious features seem to shimmer in the light, symbolizing the weight of her trust in me.

"Ola mi," she says, her voice steady, "this car represents speed, agility, and precision. May it guide you through the challenges you will face, just as it has guided our family through."

With a deep breath, I accept the keys, feeling the cool metal settle in my palm. The engine's 221 horses seem to whisper in my ear, urging me forward. I know that this journey will be long and arduous, but with the CLA's mild hybrid drive and 8-speed dual-clutch transmission, I am ready to face whatever lies ahead.

'Go,' my mother whispers, her eyes shining with a mix of hope and faith. "Your Sister awaits you." She says, Mom must really be enjoying this moment, I have no idea where I'm headed... But one thing I've got to do first, I need to go back to my place..

I need to find Darth, I need to know what the hell is going on..

I pack my bags, fill up the car with my things...

Mom stands in the middle of two security personnel as the gate widely opened to me, she throws me a wave, "Goodbye it is" I say behind my new wheel... Chambers lies at the passenger seat, and my bags I placed well beside me...

I'm going back Home, Home this time is my place...