
The Dark Genesis

When Hybrid and his friend Darth invite a mysterious girl, Cynthia, to meet up, they have no idea that their lives are about to take a deadly turn. By the time she arrives, she's dead, and they're forced to bury her to cover their tracks. But their nightmare has only just begun. An unknown stalker, wielding Cynthia's cellphone, starts hunting them down, relentless in their pursuit. As Hybrid delves deeper into the mystery, he uncovers a shocking truth: he's been a scientific specimen since 1995, part of a sinister experiment that's spanned decades. In 2025, Hybrid is captured and forced to confront the dark forces behind his ordeal. With each new revelation, the stakes escalate, and Hybrid must fight to survive and uncover the truth about his past, Cynthia's death, and the true purpose of the experiment. Will he escape the clutches of his captors, or will he remain forever trapped as a specimen in a twisted game of horror and suspense?

I_am_Hybrid · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


As the desert sun dipped below the horizon, Tucson's streets succumbed to the soft embrace of night. But amidst the darkness, a beacon of hope shone bright - Saint Joseph's Hospital, its walls aglow with a warm, golden light that seemed to pulse with a life of its own. The hospital's modern wings, now a deep shade of indigo, appeared to stretch towards the star-studded sky like outstretched arms, enveloping the city in a comforting embrace. As the night air filled with the sweet scent of blooming palo verde trees, the hospital's windows gleamed like a constellation of tiny stars, each one a testament to the tireless efforts of the healers within. And in the midst of this peaceful scene, Saint Joseph's Hospital stood as a shining sentinel, a haven of care and compassion that watched over the sleeping city with a gentle, loving gaze...

June 22, 1995, Joshua runs into the Saint Joseph's Hospital, his wife in labour, he rushes into his wife's ward when his pager keeps beeping... He ignores it, runs to his wife who looks like she's fighting death, the nurses and doctors hopping and ranting around them both...

"I love you" he says, holding to her hands as she is being encouraged to push... His pager wouldn't stop beeping, his wife screaming, nurses shouting, everything starts to hurt his ears... He moves back... He keeps muttering words that seem like prayer, that's a first with him, he has always considered himself a God... He checks the time and sees it's 11:59pm.

"Queehhhnnn Queehhhnnn" he hears as he holds his wife's hands tighter, her eyes closing, Their baby has been born and is crying at exactly 12:01am

_"don't you dare die on me, ifeh(love)" He says trying to keep her awake...

_"my baby" she manages to say...

He rushes to the doctor, takes the baby, brings him to her, she glances at her baby and smile... "Thank you" she says....

"She will be okay" the doctor says... Joshua looks at his son, an infant, eyes closed, his umbilical cord wrapped around him, blood on his hair..

He stands up to give the baby back to the nurse.. He rushes out to the laboratory, where his tied blonde lady is also in labour, alone in his lab, he operates a C-section on her, in pain she delivered a Twin... Two boys... Joshua amazes, carries and adores the two babies, leaving the blonde lady unattended to, which allows her blood clotting into the her lungs, as a result of that her body starts to bloat which led to her death..... He cleans up the two babies, he was glad... His laboratory's phone rings, this startles him... He picks it up and listen attentively... "Mobisson on the line" he finally says...

"Your attention is needed at the Saint Joseph's hospital now"... The voice says...

He unties her dead warm body, wraps in one of the rags and unused labcoats, he cleans her up, dumps her into a nearby forest.. then He rushes out leaving the babies in the clean beds assigned for the birth of the incubator infants in the laboratory... By the time he gets to the hospital, The doctor calls him into his office privately, informs him of his son's inability to live due to Birth asphyxia

_"I'm sorry Sir, we tried our best but..."

_"is she dead?" He says...


He sighs a relief.

_"But your son, we lost due to Birth asphyxia..." The Doctor tries to explain more ..

_"I am a Doctor, I know what Asphyxia is" he yells,

_"I'm sorry Sir" the Doctor says...

Joshua's world crashes, he has just cleaned up a dead body earlier and now his infant is dead... He cries...

After a while, he pleads with the doctor not to inform his wife, made plans with the doctor to inform no one... He goes back to his laboratory, he hurries out of the elevator, he halt in surprise, he finds one infant instead of two, he picks the baby up, rushes back to the hospital as he replaces his dead infant with the baby. He finds his way back to the nearest forest same where he has disposed of the blonde, he buries his infant, rushes up to clean the laboratory...

By 8:00am, 23rd, June 1995... Mr Joshua Mobisson and his wife are allowed out of the hospital, and thus their child is of the date 23rd of June, 1995....

"Olami" his wife calls the infant... They get home, visitors visits, laughters flow in the air, giggles seems to be the theme of everyone and behold it is a beautiful day for a beautiful family to every one who sees them....