
The Dark Avatar: The Paths Not Taken

What if Aang had not forgiven the fire nation for the genocide of his people? What if Zuko had truly embraced his uncle's teachings? And all the allies Aang had accrued in his true path... What of their fate? All we know... Is that everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked... To be continued...

Lemon_Square · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

A Naive Child’s Dream II

"Right, and this is Katara. My flying sister." Sokka says rather sarcastically. It's then that the giant beast sneezes, coating Sokka in a green slimy layer of mucus that he frantically tries to wipe off... With little success.

"Don't worry, it'll wash out." The boy says, laughing as Sokka's slimy hand comes off his face. "So, do you guys live around here?" The boy asks.

"Don't answer that!" Sokka shouts, "Did you see that crazy bolt of light? He was probably trying to signal the Fire Navy!"

"Oh. Yeah, I'm sure he's a spy for the Fire Navy. You can tell by that evil look in his eye." Katara says sarcastically, as the boy's rather blank face flashes a mischievous grin. "The paranoid one is my brother, Sokka. You never told us your name?" Katara says motioning towards the boy.

"I'm A-aaaa choooo." The boy says, sneezing several feet straight up in the air. Blowing a faint snow up around them. Before sliding back down the side of the iceberg. "I'm Aang." Itching his nose.

"You just sneezed... And flew ten feet in the air!" Sokka says, pointing up.

"Really? It felt higher than that..." Aang says looking up.

"You're an air bender." Katara gasps in awe.

"Sure am." Aang responds.

"Giant light beams, flying bison, air benders. I think I've got midnight sun madness. I'm going home to where stuff makes sense." Sokka says, turning to go, only to realize he's still trapped on the iceberg in the middle of nowhere.

"Well, if you guys are stuck. Appa and I can give you a lift." Aang says hopping atop Appa's neck.

"We'd love a ride, thank you!" Katara says making her way to Appa's saddle.

"Oh no, I am not getting on that fluffy snot monster!" Sokka says indignantly.

"Are you hoping some other kind of monster will give you a ride home? You know, before you freeze to death." Katara says sarcastically. Sokka starts to speak but then sighs dejectedly before climbing into the saddle.

"Okay, first-time flyers hold on tight! Appa, yip yip!" Aang says, pulling Appa's reigns. He growls before leaping and belly-flopping into the water. "Come on Appa, yip yip!" Aang says pulling the reigns once more.

"Wow, that was truly amazing," Sokka says sarcastically as he leans back on a sleeping bag.

"Appa's just tired, a little rest and he'll be soaring through the skies. You'll see!" Aang says, turning back to them. Staring at Katara.

"Why are you smiling at me like that?" Katara asks.

"O-oh, I was smiling?" Aang says turning away. Sokka makes a sound of disgust as they paddle along to the southern water tribe village. As it begins to turn dark, Katara speaks to Aang.

"Hey." She says.

"Hey, what're you thinking about?" Aang responds.

"I guess I was wondering, you being an air bender and all... If you knew what happened to the Avatar?" Katara asks inquisitively.

"Uh, no... I didn't know him... I knew people who knew him. But I didn't, sorry." Aang says apologetically.

"Okay, just curious. Good night." Katara says off-handedly.

"Sweet dreams." Is Aang's reply, turning to hide the guilty look on his face.

They ride Appa on in silence. Aang falls to sleep, his mind torn asunder by a nightmare of him and Appa crashing during a terrible storm. He awakens to the sound of Katara's voice.

"It's okay, we're in the village now. Come on, get ready. Everyone's waiting to meet you." Katara motions to the outside of the tent.

Pausing to look at Aang's tattoos as he gets dressed, before dragging him out of the tent. "Aang, this is the entire village. Entire village, Aang."

Looking out to the crowd of a couple dozen women and children, Aang bows and says, "Why are they all looking at me like that? Did Appa sneeze on me?" He says, checking his clothes.

"Well, no one has seen an airbender in over a hundred years. We thought they were extinct until my granddaughter and grandson found you." An elderly woman says, stepping toward Aang.

"Extinct?" Aang says rather shocked.

"Aang, this is my grandmother," Katara says gesturing toward the elderly woman.

"Call me Gran Gran." She says.

"What is this? A weapon? You can't stab anything with it." Sokka says, taking Aang's staff. Aang laughs as he pulls it back by bending.

"That's cause it's not for stabbing, it's for air bending," Tapping it against the ground, glider wings pop out scaring Sokka and entertaining the children.

"Not magic, airbending. It lets me control the air currents around my glider and fly." Aang says, moving his glider around.

"You know, last time I checked. Humans can't fly." Sokka says derisively.

"Check again." Aang says, before taking to the sky to perform an impromptu air show. Showing off for the children, before crashing into a watch tower made of snow. Prying himself out, Aang slides down the base into a pile of snow.

"My watch tower!" Sokka cries, rushing over to assess the damage.

"That was amazing!" Katara says, reaching out a hand to help Aang up.

Trying to fix the damage to the tower, Sokka gets buried in snow. "Great, you're an air bender, Katara's a water bender. Together you can just waste time all day long!" He says huffing off.

"You're a water bender!" Aang says excitedly.

"Sort of, not yet though," Katara says anxiously.

"Alright, no more playing. Come on Katara. You have chores." Gran Gran says, guiding Katara away.

"I told you. He's the real thing Gran Gran. I finally found a bender to teach me." Katara exclaims excitedly to Gran Gran.

"Katara, try not to put all your hopes in this boy." Gran Gran chides.

"But, he's special! I can tell, I sense he's filled with much wisdom." Katara says... Turning to see Aang with his tongue stuck to his staff.

Several days pass with Aang playing with the kids, Sokka being exasperated to the point of telling Aang about the war that has plagued the southern water tribe.

But before he can continue... Aang is distracted by a penguin. Running off to play with penguins, Katara slowly follows after him.

"Aang?" Katara calls out. She laughs as she sees his failed attempts at catching a penguin.

"I have a way with animals!" Aang laughs, imitating the noises of the penguins.