
War Starts

## Chapter 5:

The death of King Viserys I was the spark that ignited the tinderbox of tensions in Westeros. As the intelligence networks buzzed with the news, Aegon Targaryen, endowed with the mind of a modern man and the potent ability of biokinesis, stood ready to claim his destiny. The first ripples of the impending Dance of Dragons began to spread, drawing the realm into a storm of fire and blood.

### Aegon's Ascension

#### The King's Deathbed

With Viserys's final breath came a carefully orchestrated moment. The chamber was filled with key allies and supporters, who bore witness to the declaration legitimizing Aegon's claim to the throne. Despite the solemnity of the occasion, there was a palpable sense of readiness among the Greens.

#### Coronation Amidst Tension

Aegon's coronation was a blend of tradition and spectacle. As dragonly banners unfurled and trumpets blared, the public marveled at the young king's presence. Awareness of his reputation, bolstered by tales of his near-miraculous healings and decisive actions, fostered a sense of hope among the common folk. Aegon, radiating confidence, rode Dreamfyre above the assembled crowd, cementing the image of a powerful and rightful ruler.

### Maneuvering the Greens

#### Consolidating Power

Otto Hightower assumed the role of Hand with renewed vigor, executing Aegon's strategies with precision. Political opponents within the court found themselves outmaneuvered at every turn—their influence subtly reduced or countered by deft political plays.

#### Recruitment and Loyalty

Aegon's charisma and demonstrated power ensured unwavering loyalty from key figures. He rewarded allies with land, titles, and gold while ensuring the security of their families and estates through his extraordinary abilities.

### The Black Council's Response

#### Rhaenyra's Outrage

Across the waters at Dragonstone, Rhaenyra was outraged by the news. She swiftly established her own council, drawing upon longstanding loyalties and the immediate support of Daemon Targaryen.

#### Divided Loyalties

Rumors of division within various noble houses reached Aegon's ears. He directed his spies to intensify their efforts, feeding misinformation to the Blacks and fomenting distrust among Rhaenyra's allies.

### War Preparations

#### Dragonstone and Driftmark

Rhaenyra and Daemon's moves became a point of focus. Aegon orchestrated a covert operation to disrupt communication lines between Dragonstone and Driftmark. Moreover, pro-Greens propaganda campaigns depicted Rhaenyra's actions as rebellious and treasonous, seeking to turn the public sentiment against her.

#### Fortifying King's Landing

King's Landing thrummed with activity as Aegon ordered the fortification of the city's defenses. Innovations derived from his modern knowledge were subtly integrated into the strategy—advanced siege defenses, improved weaponry, and meticulous preparation of the city's food and water supplies to withstand prolonged conflict.

### The First Skirmishes

#### The Battle of the Gullet

The Velaryons attempted to break the blockade around King's Landing, leading to the Battle of the Gullet. The Greens, forewarned by Aegon's spies, laid a cunning trap. Using the Greens' superior knowledge of dragon tactics and Aegon's strategic insights, they inflicted a devastating defeat on the Velaryons, capturing key ships and leaders.

#### Diplomatic Maneuvers

Not content with mere military prowess, Aegon utilized diplomacy to secure neutrality or allegiance from the noble houses. Maester-confidants were dispatched with healing elixirs and promises of protection, ensuring that wavering houses had tangible reasons to side with the Greens or remain neutral.

### Internal Challenges

#### The Rift with Alicent

As the war took its toll, a subtle rift appeared between Aegon and Alicent. The queen's growing concern for her son's wellbeing clashed with Aegon's ruthless pragmatism. Their late-night discussions grew more intense, Alicent urging restraint while Aegon emphasized the necessity of seeing their plans through at any cost.

#### Strains of Leadership

The constant manipulation of his biokinetic powers began to exact a toll on Aegon. He realized the necessity of balancing his powers to avoid personal collapse. He employed his abilities cautiously, focusing on critical moments and ensuring his advisors managed lesser crises, thus preserving his strength for pivotal battles.

### Symbols of Hope and Fear

#### Restoring the Realm

Aegon understood that symbols were as powerful as swords. He embarked on a public campaign to restore order and faith among the people. He visited the sick and the weak, demonstrating his healing touch. These actions not only solidified public support but also demoralized opponents, who saw his actions as proof of his divine favor.

#### Striking Fear into Enemies

Conversely, Aegon was capable of instilling fear. In skirmishes and battles, his abilities were often mistaken for supernatural intervention. Rumors of his invincibility spread, weakening the resolve of those who would oppose him. Stories circulated of enemies falling ill without explanation, their strength sapping mysteriously whenever they tried to resist his will.

### Intelligence and Subterfuge

#### Spymaster's Web

The Greens' intelligence network, under Aegon's direct supervision, reached its zenith. New spies were recruited, adversaries were misled, and critical information was relayed in real-time. Aegon's modern understanding of clandestine operations, coupled with the ruthless efficiency of his methods, ensured the Greens always stayed a step ahead.

#### Countering the Blacks

Efforts to infiltrate Rhaenyra's council proved fruitful. Double agents sowed discord, feeding misinformation that Rhaenyra's closest advisors were caught in traps, isolated, or turned against each other. These internal fractures weakened the Blacks' unity, making coordinated efforts exceedingly difficult.

### The Showdown

#### Battle of Harrenhal

As tensions reached a crescendo, both factions converged on Harrenhal—a strategic location of immense importance. Aegon, riding Dreamfyre, led his forces with unparalleled precision.

#### Strategy and Magic

Utilizing his biokinesis, Aegon ensured the stamina and battle-readiness of his soldiers, sustaining them in ways Rhaenyra's forces could not comprehend. The battle was fierce, with flaming dragons lighting the night sky and the ground trembling under the clashing forces.

#### Turning the Tide

Amidst the chaos, Aegon's strategic brilliance and uncanny foresight turned the tide. He identified weak points in Rhaenyra's formations, exploited them ruthlessly, and coordinated aerial assaults that decimated enemy lines.

### Conclusion: The Aftermath

#### Tactical Victory

The Battle of Harrenhal ended in a decisive victory for the Greens. The Blacks, heavily battered, were forced to retreat. The news of Aegon's triumph resonated through the realm, solidifying his claim as the rightful king.

#### Reflection and Resolve

As the fires of Harrenhal smoldered, Aegon gazed upon the battlefield with a mixture of triumph and reflection. He understood that the Dance of Dragons was far from over