
The Crown

# Chapter 4:

As Aegon Targaryen matured into his early twenties, the Palace of King's Landing was a cauldron of schemes and whispered rumors. Aegon navigated this turbulent environment with the dexterity born of a modern intellect and the secret power of biokinesis. Against the backdrop of mounting tensions and political machinations, Aegon meticulously prepared for the impending Dance of Dragons.

## Catalyst in the Shadows

### The Sudden Illness

The stability of the realm was rattled when King Viserys I suffered another serious attack of his chronic illness. This time, Aegon's biokinesis wouldn't save him entirely. His body was failing with every breath. Though Aegon managed to alleviate his father's pain and extend his life a little longer, the end was clearly near.

#### Subtle Influences

In the shadows, Aegon amplified his influence. He introduced healing herbs and rare treatments into Viserys's regimen, attributed to grand maesters, ensuring he retained power over the King's health narrative.

### Dominance of the Small Council

Increasingly, Aegon found himself the pivotal decision-maker in the Small Council. Council members deferred to him, recognizing his near-prophetic wisdom and seemingly divine insight into looming threats and opportunities.

#### The Hightower Strategy

Otto Hightower, sensing his grandson's growing command, orchestrated a campaign to subtly place more Greens sympathizers in key positions. Beneath these political maneuvers was Aegon's guiding hand, ensuring that his modern-day strategic insights were effectively implemented.

## The Prophetic Dream

### Visions of Fire and Blood

Aegon began experiencing what House Targaryen referred to as dragon dreams. These dreams, infused with his modern consciousness, provided unnerving clarity into the events to come. He saw visions of dragons in flight, cities burning, and the reformation of Westeros under his banner.

#### Alicent's Counsel

Sharing these dreams with Alicent, though cautiously couched in symbolic terms, fortified her resolve to place Aegon on the throne. "Mother, the dreams are not to be ignored. The blood of dragons calls for a decisive action. Our destiny is clear, and we must seize it."

### The Weight of Foreknowledge

Aegon's modern memories weighed heavily on him. He knew that chaos was coming, but he also knew he had the power to shape it. These internal dialogues often led him to the royal gardens, where he could ponder strategies and see them unfold in his mind.

## Strategic Alliances

### The Velaryon Dilemma

The loyalty of House Velaryon was crucial. Aegon knew their naval power and wealth were indispensable. He carefully maneuvered to secure their loyalty.

#### Daemon and Laena

Daemon Targaryen and Laena Velaryon were crucial nodes in this network. Aegon subtly encouraged mutual respect and strategic marriages within the extended family, solidifying ties.

### The Dornish Question

Aegon's knowledge of Dornish independence led him to respect their autonomy while seeking their covert support. He sent emissaries with healing remedies and subtle political offerings, ensuring the Dornish leaders understood the benefits of a potential alliance.

## Training and Preparation

### The Dragon Riders

Aegon's biokinesis served him well in training loyal dragon riders. Enhancements in endurance, strength, and even reducing their susceptibility to injuries became the stuff of legend among his ranks.

#### Private Drills

Frequent private drills ensured that his dragon-riding kin and loyal knights were prepared for the airborne combat that would define the Dance of Dragons. Aegon's leadership boosted morale and fostered a sense of invincibility.

### Ground Forces

Modern military strategies blended seamlessly with ancient martial tactics. Aegon introduced regimented training, emphasizing coordinated maneuvers and calculated skirmishes. Each unit was drilled to perfection, their loyalty assured by Aegon's seemingly divine interventions in their lives.

## Intelligence Network

### The Web of Spies

Aegon's modern-day understanding of espionage allowed him to maintain an extensive network of spies. Information flowed freely from various parts of the kingdom, giving him a comprehensive view of any brewing dissent or hidden alliances.

#### Whisperers and Shadows

Agents covertly placed in rival factions, especially among Rhaenyra's supporters, ensured Aegon was never blindsided. Key information allowed him to undermine Rhaenyra's plans without direct confrontation.

### Mitigating Threats

When dissent arose, Aegon's biokinetic power came into play. Key figures would mysteriously fall ill or find their strength sapped. Always discreetly, always leaving no trace, Aegon maintained a hidden hand in shaping outcomes.

## The Final Gambit

### Viserys's Last Days

As Viserys's condition worsened, Aegon prepared for the inevitable. He carefully orchestrated a sequence of goodwill acts—healing the injured, resolving disputes, and displaying calculated acts of mercy. The people began to see him as the realm's savior.

#### Declaration of Succession

In Viserys's final moments, Aegon ensured a clear declaration of the succession plan. With Alicent and Otto at his side, the king—under subtle biokinetic influence—named Aegon his heir, solidifying the Greens' position.

### Rallying the Greens

As Viserys's death was announced, Aegon wasted no time. The Greens were summoned; key positions fortified. His speech to them was both a call to arms and a reassurance of their rightful place in history. "We are the true heirs of fire and blood," he proclaimed, eyes bright with the fire of conviction.

## Conclusion: The Dawn of Conflict

The realm teetered on the brink as Viserys Targaryen's death became official. Aegon, armed with his modern mind and biokinetic prowess, stood poised to seize the throne. In the quiet before the storm, Aegon could feel the weight of history pressing upon him, yet he stood resolute.

The Dance of Dragons was no longer a distant ripple in the tapestry of fate—it was an imminent tsunami. With his meticulous planning, strategic alliances, and hidden powers, Aegon was ready to steer the storm, guiding Westeros through the fires of conflict and into a new epoch defined by the reign of the dragonlord reborn.