
The Cyber Winter Soldier

Reincarnated as Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes with Cyber Punk system.

K1LLmonger · Movies
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6 Chs

Chapter 4. The task (2)

With two gunshots, accompanied by two flat tires, the two people in the car instantly felt the car tilted!

  When Howard was young, he was also a good drag racer, but he is old and weak now, and he couldn't control the steering wheel at all, so he could only step on the brakes to stop the car.


  "Maria, watch out! Gun! Get me the gun!"

  The car braked suddenly, leaving a string of sparks on the ground, and stopped quickly. Howard didn't panic. He looked at his wife and waved for a gun!

  Maria also forced herself to be calm and quickly opened the storage compartment in front of her, but she was a little trembling, and accidentally dropped the delicate pistol on the ground!

  When she picked up the pistol and handed it to her husband.

  The assailant on the motorcycle had stopped and chased after him!

  Standing outside the car door on Howard's side!

  But because the opponent is tall, he can only see his black combat uniform and a strange metal left arm, but cannot see his face.



  The two people in the car didn't wait for shooting or smashing the windows!

  Instead, they were stunned. The man used his metal left arm to insert directly into the car door, and then tore off the entire car door!

  As if tearing paper, so easy, it's absurd!

  Howard finally got the gun, and raised the gun to aim at the enemy who was no longer blocked by the car door, but had no time to ask "Who are you?"

  He felt a flash in front of his eyes, and a huge force came from his hand, and the pistol was snatched away by the opponent in one click!

  This made him feel a chill in his heart.


  However, when Howard tried his best to turn around, trying to stand in front of his wife and protect her as much as possible, he discovered that the other party had inserted a pistol directly into his back.

  "Don't be nervous, I am not hostile, on the contrary, I am here to save you."

  Following Howard, he saw the man bow his head. He saw his shoulder-length hair, and his face with goggles and a mask, and heard the other party say so.

  Although this deep voice was very magnetic and non-hostile, it even made Howard feel a little inexplicably familiar.

  But he still had never felt so absurd.

  save? You blew our tires and tore open our doors, you said it was to save us?

  Robbery is robbery, be dedicated, and respect your profession, okay?

  "Of course, someone really wants to kill you."

  Maybe the other party understood the look in his eyes? Howard heard this person who was becoming more and more inexplicably familiar to him say this again, which also made him subconsciously ask again:

  "Who? Who wants to kill us?"


  I'm afraid this person is sick... Until now, Howard, who was still trying his best to maintain his composure, suddenly felt an indescribable impulse in his heart—when he met a lunatic, he probably had nothing to say, so he might as well give him a last blow. First, at least let out the grievance, right?

  However, at this moment, Howard's eyes suddenly widened with shock on his face!

  Because he saw the other party take off the goggles and mask, revealing his original face!

  It was a face he knew so well...and that voice! It's him

  "You, you...you are Sergeant Barnes!?"

  "Yes, it's me, I'm glad you can still recognize me, old man, oh, and this beautiful lady, hello, first meeting, my name is, oh, Mr. Stark has already said it. "

  "This, how is this possible?"

  In an instant, countless questions flooded Howard's mind, which made his genius brain unable to process all the information so quickly, so he couldn't help but stare blankly at the face that hardly changed, which was still in his memory.

  "I know I'm handsome, but now is not the time to admire my beauty in prosperity, nor is it a good place to reminisce about the old days. Get out of the car first."

  "But you...you didn't die? Who did you meet to save you? This arm,

Is it the technology from Hydra? "As expected of Tony Stark's father, he has a genius brain that has been passed down in the same vein. He was just a little dazed, and he made up a relatively reasonable general plot in his brain, and he couldn't help but ask quickly.

  "There's no time to explain, get out of the car, there are still a lot of things to do, do you really want to listen to my story here? Do you have any wine?"

  I didn't think that Bucky was so... lively?

  Although it was decades ago, Howard's genius mind still remembers clearly that he was a very cool and handsome young man.

  But what the other party said was indeed the truth, and after the other party finished speaking, he walked away. Howard could only comfort his wife who was still in shock and then got out of the car.

  "Howard is this person..."

  Maria didn't have a genius mind, she was just a virtuous and considerate wife, but her temperament was free and tough, and she could barely hold it at this time.

  "He's Bucky Barnes, a former comrade of Captain America's."

  "How can that be?"

  "I have some guesses..."

  The sudden appearance of Bucky Barnes surprised Howard, but considering the purpose of his trip, he still frowned. He felt that this matter was very serious, and it might even exceed his expectations. imagine.

  "Don't be dazed, time is running out, take off your clothes quickly."


  But at this moment, the two saw that Bucky untied two large bags from the back of his heavy motorcycle, lifted them with one hand, and asked them to take off their clothes.

  "What do you want?"

  "Just do..."


  The conversation between Howard and Bucky was interrupted by Maria's exclamation, but she saw that there were two naked dead people in those two bags!

  "You want them to pretend to be us?"

  Howard is still calm, and he has seen many dead people.

  "Of course."

  "This... we're pretending to be dead, isn't it realistic?"

  Howard took the two sets of sportswear thrown by Bucky and continued to ask, he wanted to get more information as soon as possible.

  "It's just delaying time, it's to give us a moment to hide it for a while."

  Hearing this, Howard didn't ask any more questions and took Maria to change clothes behind the big tree beside the road.


  Both Howard and Maria quickly changed their clothes, but that's when Bucky was dressing the bodies of two anonymous people who had been stolen from the morgue while Howard went to the trunk of the car.

  But he heard Bucky say, "Don't move, wait for a miny... Also, you guys hide outside the road."

  The two could only listen to him, hide in the dark, and watch Bucky put the two bodies into the car, then draw a gun, shoot, then go to the trunk to get something, pour gasoline, and ignite with one shot.

  The raging fire engulfed the car, and the fire reflected Howard's somewhat puzzled expression.

  So proficient... Who are you showing this to?


  But just as Howard was about to ask, he saw Bucky get back on the motorcycle, twist the accelerator, and run away in a hurry.

  ran away.



  Listening to the sound of the motorcycle engine fading away and gradually disappearing, Howard was directly disturbed by the wind.

  Hey, what the f*ck?