
The Cursed, Miserable God Gets Reincarnated Again

Nora was once a powerful immortal God that many respected and feared, until he was cursed. Now whenever he uses his God powers he perishes and is reincarnated into another world. He has been through thousands of worlds now and gave up on breaking the curse long ago. That is until his more recent world gave him hope once again to break the curse and find the God that cursed him.

Daoist1nYpum · Fantasy
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2 Chs

So I've Died Once Again

It's been several days since his reincarnation, and no matter how many times it happens, Nora hates this part the most. He was being cradled by his 'mother' in this world who cooed at him as she rocked him, not realizing that her son was a God that was thousands of years old. He usually looks the same every reincarnation which has caused some problems with his 'parents' in some lives. He smiled a little as he remembered some of his darker skin tone 'parents' who were very confused at the white-haired, golden-eyed, pale baby that they had made. His current 'mother' gasped as she saw his smile and then softly kissed all over his face, making him giggle and squeal as babies do.

"Look at my sweet boy smiling!"

She was a cheerful woman with a plump body, brown hair put up in a messy bun with eyes the same shade, and a smile that took up a good portion of her face. Even though they seemed to live in poverty, there was only one room and they were in it, but he could tell that she was kind and would do everything to make sure he had a good life. He almost felt bad for her, for taking the place of her child, who no longer existed, and of the pain that he would no doubt cause her in the future. He was jarred from his thoughts when the door slammed open and his 'father' came crashing in, letting snow enter the house as he did. He watched his 'mothers' face distort into exasperation at her husband, letting the snow in. She sighed heavily before smiling fondly when he rushed over to hold their son. He lifted him up and spun around a few times before settling down and speaking to him.

"How was our beautiful boy, Mikol, doing today?"

While the name most likely does not mean it in this world, the irony of it is not lost on him. Mikol, the one who resembles God. He didn't hate it, but it wasn't his name. He would be sure to fix that when it is acceptable for him to start speaking. He stared at his 'father' who also had brown hair and eyes, but his was a darker shade and almost looked black. He had a crooked smile, most likely because of the scar that went down the left side of his face from above his eye to just below his lip. He had a rough look, obviously someone that works in manual labor, but even with his big body he still held him gently, as if he would break. He sighed and then tensed when he realized what he had done and saw the look his 'parents' were giving him. His 'father' looked between him and his 'mother' several times before speaking.

"Did he just sigh at me?! How is he already starting to act like you??"

He saw his 'mother' cover her mouth with her fist and try not to laugh but she was unsuccessful and let out a roaring laugh. She was doubled over from the laughter when his 'father' put him back in his crib and proceeded to lift her up from behind and spin her around a few times, just like he had done with him. Her laughter continued but it was mixed with her demanding him to put her down. When he finally did she turned around in his arms and they just stayed like that, swaying back and forth while staring at each other lovingly. She stood on her tiptoes to reach up and give him a quick peck on the lips. He gave her a blinding smile filled with adoration.

"I love you, Paul"

"I love you too, Marissa!"

'Ah, so that's their names.'

They usually call each other by nicknames like 'babe' or 'love', so this was his first time hearing their actual names. They really seemed to be good people who loved each other and him. Looks like he got stuck with a good family this time. He looked away from the two and stared at the ceiling, plotting how he should grow up. He's got loving parents, but they live in poverty and he doesn't know how the class system works in this World or if there even is one. There is also the question of how intelligent should he be? He doubts his 'parents' are very educated, so having a child that is smarter than them could cause conflict, that happened in a few of the previous Worlds, so he started trying to blend in with the families if he was going to stay with them. He also needed to test what skills he has in this World. In all of the Worlds he's been in, he's had abilities that came from that specific World. Sometimes he can have lingering abilities from previous Worlds, but usually it's a whole reset, with the exception of his physical strength, which will always be inhuman.

Then there is the matter of finding the God that cursed him. After 7,998 Worlds he still doesn't know who it is, but he did find out in World 2,999 that they are always in the World he's been reincarnated in. That World was the first time that the unknown God got directly involved, and because of what happened there, Nora would go on to destroy the next 100 Worlds he's reincarnated in.

For now, he will just focus on getting through the baby phase of growing up. Hopefully picking up information about the World he's living in within the first few years of his current life. After that he'll test out his abilities, attend whatever education system they have here, and work on finding strong companions to go with him on his journey to find that unknown God bastard and end his curse. It's a simple plan, but he finds those to be the best ones, especially when it comes to unexpected circumstances which he tends to be thrown into.

He was lost in thought about his future plans when his infant body let him know it was time to use the bathroom. He sighed softly so that only he could hear, and then proceeded to start wailing so that his 'mother' would come change him. She rushed over and quickly figured out what he needed.

"Aww, does my baby need his undie-cloth changed?"

'I've been meaning to ask but, ARE WE SO POOR WE CAN'T AFFORD DIAPERS, WOMAN??!'

He continued to cry as his 'mother' quickly changed him, adding wealth to his list of goals.

WORLD: 7,999