
The Cursed, Miserable God Gets Reincarnated Again

Nora was once a powerful immortal God that many respected and feared, until he was cursed. Now whenever he uses his God powers he perishes and is reincarnated into another world. He has been through thousands of worlds now and gave up on breaking the curse long ago. That is until his more recent world gave him hope once again to break the curse and find the God that cursed him.

Daoist1nYpum · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The end of the line

The ground shook as another ball of fire crashed into it. Screams and crying could be heard everywhere. The world was ending. There was death and destruction wherever you looked. One woman was cradling her dead child in her arms while running, not grasping how futile it all was. There were many like her, trying to run from something that was inevitable. The rest of them stood there and stared at the sky, eyes emotionless, as they watched a Constellation God get ready to throw a sun at them.


There was a loud curse from a distant mountain hill where 8 people stood. No one below could hear them over the screams and breaking of the world, but the seven companions looked towards the one who cursed. There faces ranging from confusion to sadness and understanding. The individual had long white-hair and was too beautiful to seem human. They cursed several profanities towards the sky as the Sun started descending upon the world. They muttered something under their breath before a white staff appeared and their appearance changed. They glowed in all white, their golden-blue eyes flashing with sorrow before a blinding light covers everything and then...nothing.

Everything and everyone was back to normal, the Constellation God was gone, all the destruction and deaths undone, the world had been saved. The town that was previously filled with screams of terror was now filled with screams of joy at the miracle that has blessed them. They were all celebrating unaware of the group of 7 atop the hill kneeling on the ground in anguish as they surround the spot of where their dear friend once stood.

WORLD: 7,998

This is a prologue to the main story, so I kept it short but the next chapters will be much longer.

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