
The Cursed Legacy

Watch the Journey of Lucan and Malcon in the 18th century Europe

Jaadu_2910 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The ballroom incident

Lucan left the hospital, noticing that his bill had already been paid by Remi. As he ventured off the streets, he took in the unfamiliar sights and sounds of the town. The atmosphere was tense, and the dark-red sky loomed overhead, casting an eerie glow on everything.

Approaching a stranger who looked like a well-dressed man in a suit, Lucan asked, "Sir, can you tell me where the town hall is?"

The stranger looked at Lucan with a curious expression. "Oh, you must be new in town," he remarked, then pointed down the street. "Look, there—" His words trailed off as he sniffed the air, his eyes widening in horror. "Wait, you're not carrying the scent of a vampire... in fact, you have a human scent. EW!"

The man's face contorted with disgust, and he started shouting, "There's a human in the city of vampires!"

Panic surged through Lucan as he realized the gravity of his situation. He could see other vampires turning their heads towards the commotion, their eyes narrowing as they caught his scent. He knew he had to act quickly.

While Lucan was running towards the town hall, both Malcom and Remi were dancing at the ball. The atmosphere was vibrant, filled with laughter and the soft glow of chandeliers casting a warm light over the elegantly dressed guests.

"Uhh... Why did you bring me here?" Malcom asked, a hint of irritation in his voice as he twirled Remi around.

"Well... I wanted to ask you some questions..." Remi replied, her tone playful but with an underlying seriousness.

"So why did that man have a mortal scent?" Remi asked, her eyes narrowing as she focused on Malcom.

"Because he's a human..." Malcom said nonchalantly.

"Have you been out of your mind?" Remi exclaimed, her voice rising slightly above the music. "Bringing a human here is incredibly dangerous!"

Malcom shrugged, a mischievous smile playing on his lips. "I have my reasons, Remi. Besides, he's interesting. And you know how much I love interesting things."

Remi glared at him, her frustration evident. "This isn't a game, Malcom. Humans aren't supposed to be here. If anyone else finds out—"

"They won't." 

As they continued to dance, the doors of the town hall burst open, and Lucan stumbled in, breathless and disheveled from his frantic run. The music momentarily faltered as heads turned to look at the newcomer, and whispers spread through the crowd.

The people began whispering, some shouting threats to tear Lucan limb from limb. The air was thick with hostility, and Lucan could feel the weight of their hatred pressing down on him.

Suddenly, a commanding presence entered the room, and the crowd fell into a pin-drop silence. Even Malcom's eyes widened in horror and shock. A woman, her aura exuding power and authority, made her way to the center of the ballroom.

"Oh my, we have a mortal guest here... nobody informed me of that," she said, her voice smooth and icy.

As she spoke, the vampires began to leave the building, their faces a mix of fear and respect. Malcom and Remi exchanged a glance of pure terror, then quickly grabbed Lucan and started running toward the exit. But it was too late. The doors slammed shut with a resounding thud, locking them inside. Only the four of them remained in the now eerily silent hall.

Malcom stepped forward, trying to maintain his composure. "Your Grace, we can explain," he began, his voice trembling slightly.

The woman raised an eyebrow, her expression unreadable. "You brought a human into our midst, Malcom. That is a grave transgression."

Remi tightened her grip on Lucan's arm, her eyes darting around the room for any possible escape. Lucan, still breathless and disoriented, could only watch as the tension in the room grew palpable.

The woman took a step closer, her gaze fixed on Lucan. "What is your name, mortal?" she asked, her tone calm but with an edge of menace.

"L-Lucan," he stammered, trying to steady his breathing.

"Lucan," she repeated, as if testing the name on her tongue. "You have found yourself in a very dangerous situation, Lucan. Do you know who I am?"

Lucan shook his head, his mind racing. "No, I don't."

She smiled, though there was no warmth in it. "I am Lady Seraphine, the ruler of this city. And you, Lucan, are now my prisoner."

"He means no harm, he is under my protection, Lady Seraphine," said Malcom.

"Oh no, he's a human... and you'll also be killed for bringing a mortal here. Right here, you'll be killed," said Lady Seraphine mercilessly.

After Lady Seraphine's merciless decree, flames erupted, binding Malcom and Remi in a fiery curse. Lucan stood frozen, his eyes wide with shock and horror. The scene before him was nightmarish, and for a moment, he felt utterly helpless.

But then, driven by a surge of adrenaline and desperation, Lucan regained his composure. He reached for his grimoire, pulling out his sabre. The moment he grasped the hilt, a sharp, excruciating pain shot through his upper body. His left shoulder burned with agony, and he glanced down to see a small, clean hole piercing through it, bone visible.

His eyes widened in disbelief, but the pain spurred him into action. Lady Seraphine hurled fireballs at him with deadly precision, and Lucan, driven by survival instincts, managed to dodge each one. His movements were clumsy at first, his body screaming in protest, but determination kept him going.

He then tried to reflect the fireballs with his sabre and managed to succeed. But fate had worse in store for him. Just as he was about to release his attack, he left his defensive posture for a brief moment. In the blink of an eye, his right shoulder also had a hole in it. Now in disbelief and horror, he fainted.

Just as Lady Seraphine was about to deliver the final killing blow, a man suddenly appeared, crashing through the top glass of the building. He was a tall vampire with pale white skin and large, imposing muscles. With a swift motion, he deflected her attack, causing the crowd to gasp in surprise.

To everyone's astonishment, the vampire knelt before Lady Seraphine. "My Highness, I was informed to have you summoned on the king's platform in the count of eight hours. The journey is of four hours. I am here to escort you. Please, sit in the chariot outside the building. Forgive me for disturbing," he said respectfully.

Lady Seraphine sighed in frustration. "Ahh... what a drag. What does that old man want now? Sure, I'll come," she replied, clearly annoyed.

She then turned to Lucan, who lay unconscious on the ground. "And you, Lucan, you seem like an interesting guy. I'm letting you off for now, but remember, you'll be dead in our next fight."

With that, Lady Seraphine and her escort left the building. As she departed, the binding curse on Malcom and Remi was lifted. They rushed to Lucan's side, concern etched on their faces.

Just when Malcom and Remi thought they were safe, a contingent of guards flooded into the hall, their numbers reaching into the hundreds. Their eyes glinted with murderous intent, ready to hunt down the three intruders.