
The Cursed Legacy

Watch the Journey of Lucan and Malcon in the 18th century Europe

Jaadu_2910 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Regrouping on the old mansion

Just when Malcom and Remi thought they were safe, a contingent of guards flooded into the hall, their numbers reaching into the hundreds. Their eyes glinted with murderous intent, ready to hunt down the three intruders.

Without a moment's hesitation, Malcom scooped Lucan onto his shoulders and bolted down the halls of the building, with Remi close behind. She wielded her sword with deadly precision, slaying any guards who dared to block their path. Her stamina was waning, but it was enough to carve a path through the relentless onslaught.

The trio dashed through the corridors, the clamor of pursuing guards echoing behind them. Remi's sword flashed in the dim light, her strikes growing more desperate as exhaustion threatened to overtake her. Despite her fatigue, she managed to keep the guards at bay, buying them precious moments.

Finally, they reached the roof. Without breaking stride, Malcom shattered one of the weaker glass panels with a powerful kick. The glass exploded outward, and the three leapt through the opening, disappearing into the night sky.

They landed on the outskirts of the vampire city, Paris. The chaotic sounds of pursuit faded into the distance as they sprinted away from the heart of the city. The dark, twisted architecture of Paris loomed ominously behind them as they made their escape, the night air cold and unforgiving.

They finally stopped in a secluded grove on the city's outskirts, hidden from view. Malcom gently set Lucan down, and Remi collapsed beside them, breathing heavily.

"We made it," Malcom said, his voice tinged with relief. "But we're not safe yet. We need to find a place to hide and regroup."

Remi nodded, still catching her breath. "We can't stay here. They'll be searching for us."

Malcom looked at Lucan, who was still unconscious but breathing steadily. "We'll find a way," he said firmly. "For now, let's move."

"Oi, Remi, we can go to your mansion from childhood; it's near the outskirts," said Malcom as they ran through the forest.

Hearing the name of the mansion, Remi felt a wave of despair and horror wash over her. "No... we will not go there," she said in a calm but scared voice.

"Why not?" Malcom yelled lightly but then remembered the incidents and his eyes widened too. Regaining his posture, he nodded. "Alright, we can go there but do not lead me to that room..."

"Fine by me," Remi replied.

They rushed to the mansion, hoping it would provide a safe haven since it had been abandoned for years. As they approached, Remi hesitated at the gates, memories flooding back. Malcom, sensing her hesitation, gently but firmly pushed her forward and locked the doors behind them once they entered.

The mansion was eerily silent, its grandeur long faded into a haunting reminder of the past. Dust and cobwebs covered the once luxurious furniture, and the air was thick with the scent of neglect. Malcom carried Lucan inside, placing him on an old, ornate couch. Remi stood by the door, her eyes darting around nervously.

"We'll be safe here, for now," Malcom said, trying to sound reassuring.

Remi nodded, though her face betrayed her fear. "Just... don't go upstairs," she whispered.

Malcom glanced at her, understanding the weight of her words. "We won't," he promised.

They settled into the main hall, its high ceilings and faded tapestries providing a stark contrast to the turmoil outside. As they gathered their breath and assessed their situation, the mansion's oppressive silence seemed to close in around them.

"Do you think they'll find us here?" Remi asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Malcom shook his head. "Not for a while. We have time to regroup and plan our next move."

Remi nodded, taking a deep breath. "Alright. Let's make sure Lucan is alright and figure out what to do next."

Once they settled in, Malcom and Remi began making plans. "We'll need supplies," Malcom said, glancing at Lucan, who was still unconscious. "There's a nearby village. We'll rest here for now and head there tomorrow."

Remi nodded, but her mind seemed distant. "I'll check the house," she said, needing to distract herself from the overwhelming memories.

As she ventured deeper into the mansion, her steps echoed through the empty halls. She reached the central courtyard, its overgrown garden a ghostly reminder of its former beauty. Suddenly, a wave of memories washed over her, forcing their way to the surface.

It was the night of the red moon. Remi felt an invisible grip on her mind, a presence that made her relive the nightmare. She fell to her knees, gasping as the memories flooded back.

This was a short chapter ain't it?

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