
Someone is watching you.

It was a dark and stormy night, lights are flickering. Echoes of the ghastly whirlwind can be heard around the great mansion of Augustean Manor.

Everybody inside was busy. The mistress of the house was on her way to deliver her second child.

Just outside the master's bedroom facing back and forth was Sir Hendrick de Augustean the noble Duke of Celithian

He was not paying attention to anybody. All he could hear was the commotion inside and the mad howling of the wind outside his manor.

After a few moments he heard the crying of his child. Within an instant he was inside the master's bedroom rushing beside his beautiful wife.

"Let me see my daughter" he ask her.

Lady Emilane handed over her sleeping daughter. Careful enough not to wake her precious little baby.

Sir Hendrick cradle the child, mesmerising the beauty of his daugther. The child was baring her left side little shoulder, just above it he saw something that made him gasp in awe.

A little black flower was imprinted in it.

Just like the one on her mother's shoulder.

He kiss the child on its forehead, before giving it back to his wife.

"What should we name her" asked his wife.

"I was thinking, maybe we should name her Dahlia. As beautiful as you are, and as beautiful as the full bloom dahlia flower"

Lady Emilane agreed, caressing the soft cheeks of her little daughter. She turn to her left and told her lady in waiting to call her first born Ixora.

"My lady I will let you rest and will go back to the study room. Have Ixora sleep with us tonight so she can accompany you while I am finishing my writings" said Lord Hendrick while kissing his wife on the forehead.

Ixora was standing near the door, looking innocently at her father. She was already seven years old. Her long black hair was tied at the back with a silk red ribbon. She was holding a beautiful doll on her left hand while sucking the thumb of her left hand.

"Ixora" said her father while kneeling to kiss her on the forehead. I told you not to suck your thumb anymore, or all the bacterias will enter your little body. Go to your mother and little Dahlia they are waiting for you".

Ixora smiles and kiss his father on the cheeks and runs to her mother and newborn little sister.

As Lord Hendrick gently closing the door, he was greeted by Aldrix one of his trusted and most experience henchmen.

"My lord, while traversing at the back of the manor to check everything I saw this piece of parchment tied at the one of the trees near the old well. I took the courage to read whatever it is written in the paper and all I can say is that see it for yourself" says Aldrix while handing over the piece of paper to the Duke.

Lord Hendrick opens the paper and written in it was one of  the famous line in his best selling novel North of Oberon.