
Chapter II: Amigart

Lord Hendrick was inside his private study room. Clutching the piece of paper given by Aldrix. He was in deep thought.

He then browses through the series of books he had written and collected in the past. Stopping abruptly in his first written novel.

North of Oberon.

Back in his younger years, while travelling in the northern part of the Kingdom of Thillada, south of Celithian Kingdom he met a mysterious man name Amigart.

He was a trader of the famous black dahlia. Legend has it that black dahlia bears an enormous amount of healing power that can cure any illness.

Hendrick was chatting with Aldrix drinking wines and beers in the famous tavern of Thillida. The Abereon, famously known for its wide range of traders of wines and beers of black powders and smuggled goods. They were talking about his upcoming novel, it will be his first book about the handsome life of Oberons. They were in deep conversation and hadn't paid any attention to the man sitting beside them.

Amigart seated on the empty chair beside Hendrick, smoking his black cigarette. It was the smell of blended tobacco and the famous dahlia. He order a pint and some peanuts to the bartender. He was wearing a black hooded cloack, old and worn-out. His hair was braided and long, and his beard was a combination of white hairs and browns. His eyes the shade of the bluest ocean. Smokes are puffing in and out of his mouth. He suddenly turn to gaze at Hendrick who was drinking his own pint of beer.

The bartender give his order. He then faces and talk to Hendrick

"I saw you earlier at the Oberon" he says.

Hendrick, taken aback faces him and answers

"I was there to write a book about the beauty of Oberon. I am with my friend here Aldrix, how can I be of help?"

Amigart gulps down his beer and respond in an irritated tone of voice "I don't remember Oberon being beautiful, what I remember was its horrible history of dark magic and killings. Why waste time writing about it when you can expose its filthy dirty little secrets?"

"What do you mean?" Hendrick asked with curiosity.

"Here's the deal, inside this pouch is the black dahlia famously known for its healing power. I will give this to you in exchange of exposing the secrets of Oberon" says Amigart while handing the little red pouch.

"What makes you think I will do that for you?" Hendrick says.

They were suddenly cut off by the deafening sound of the something exploding outside. Amigart hastily shoves the pouch to Hendrick and run while shouting.

"Do as I said or you will regret it."