

As a child, a boy named Lee watches his loved ones be killed one by one. Before he could be killed, an old martial arts master saves his life and takes him in to train him. Now he will use his newly found skills to help those in need. But soon he'll find out that he was born with a hidden power inside of him. Will it be a blessing or a curse?

DaoistVH0g1W · Action
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6 Chs


A few days later Seokju, Mira, and Lee are in the dojo, doing their own activities in silence. Soon Mikey walks in, then Seokju stands up to face him.

"Where have you been?"

Mikey scoffs and pushes Seokju out of the way.

"Out." He replies.

Seokju grabs Mikey by the arm and the two glare at each other.

"Is this really how you want to act right now?" Seokju asks.

Mikey snatches his arm away.

"Don't lecture me like you're him, you're not." Mikey replies.

Mira steps into the conversation.

"Stop it. Both of you." She says.

"It's been days! Days! And we haven't even tried to find the one responsible for killing our master!"

"And how do you expect to do that!? We don't have any leads, no witnesses, nothing!" Mira argues.

"We can at least try!" Mikey says, tears in his eyes.

Lee walks over to calm down the situation, putting his hand on Mikey's shoulder.

"Don't touch me!" Mikey yells, swatting Lee away and launching him through a wall. Mikey looks back, shocked at what he just did.

"Shit. Lee, I'm- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

Mira then punches Mikey in the face out of anger.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" She yells.

Mikey quickly gets up to his feet and storms out of the dojo. Mira and Seokju both walk off into their rooms. Lee slowly gets to his feet and sighs, wishing that their master were still here.

Later, Lee is at the bakery talking to Kira about everything.

"It's just hard- you know? Master Ijin was the one who brought us all together. He was there to guide us and show us what to do next. Now that he's gone, it feels like we're walking in the dark. I miss him."

As Lee lowers his head, Kira puts her hand on his.

"I'm so sorry, Lee. I wish there was something I could do for you." She says.

Lee smiles at Kira for a moment but then senses someone behind them. He quickly turns around and sees the masked man standing on the ceiling.

"Maybe I can." The masked man says.

Lee jumps out of his seat and takes a fighting stance.

"Kira, go get Dayeon and get out of here, I'll make sure this guy doesn't hurt you." Lee says.

The man in the mask drops down from the ceiling and steps up towards Lee.

"If I wanted you three dead, you'd be dead already. I'm not your enemy."

Lee stares at the masked man for a moment, slowly dropping his guard.

"Ok. Judging by the mask, I'm guessing I won't be getting a name from you." Lee says.

"Just know that we have a common enemy. The Assassin Clan."

Lee eyes widen, recognizing the name from what Seokju and the others told him. He then gets angry.

"You know where they are?" Lee asks.

"Maybe. I have a lead to follow up on. If I'm right, the man who killed- your master, could be there." The masked man says.

Lee doesn't hesitate or think.

"Let's go then." Lee says, cracking his knuckles.

Kira then grabs his arm.

"Hold on, Lee. Are you sure about this? I mean, I want you to find the guys responsible for what happened to your master, but are you sure you can trust this guy? I mean he is wearing a really creepy mask. No offense." Kira says.

"None taken. Look, you don't have any reason to... but I'm asking you to trust me when I tell you I want these guys just as bad as you. It's your decision- but with or without you, I am going after this lead."

Lee stays silent for a moment, then looks over at Kira.

"I have to go. This is my chance to find the bastard responsible for this. I have to take it." Lee says.

Kira sighs.

"Ok... Just becareful."

Lee nods as he leaves with the masked man.

At the dojo, Seokju sits alone in the garden infront of his masters grave. Mikey soon joins him and later, Mira enters as well.

"I miss him." Mikey says.

Seokju sighs as Mira holds back tears.

"You're not the only one." Seokju says.

"I know... I'm sorry. I'm just so- angry, and frustrated, and- sad." Mikey says, starting to cry.

Seokju stands up to his feet and he and Mira hug him together.

"I'm really am sorry, guys." Mikey says.

Mira smiles.

"It's ok, Mikey. We get it." She says.

Mikey starts to look around for Lee.

"Hey where's Lee? I owe him the biggest apology of all."

Seokju and Mira look around for a moment.

"I don't know. I haven't seen him in awhile." Mira says.

"He probably needed some time alone, we're all handling masters death differently." Seokju says.

Meanwhile, Lee and the masked man hide behind cover infront of a warehouse.

"Is that the place?" Lee asks.

"Yes. The leader of the Assassin Clan and the man responsible for your masters death should be arriving soon."

Lee senses people in the building.

"There's multiple people inside, all with pretty strong Ki." Lee says.

"We can handle them." The masked man reply

Lee then looks at the masked man.

"Why are you helping me? You don't even know me."

The masked man stays silent for a moment.

"I'm not helping you, you're helping me despatch justice. If the assassin clan are allowed to run wild, innocent people will die."

Lee then smiles.

"You know, at first I thought you were just a masked weirdo who stalked people. But I can tell you're actually a pretty good guy."

The masked man sighs, then let's out a light chuckle.

"I can see a little of him in you, master." The masked man thinks to himself.

At that moment, the two see a truck pulling up to the building.

"Move, now." The masked man says.

They quickly move towards the truck but as they get closer, something in the back of the truck starts to rumble. At that moment Project X-9 bursts out of the back and rushes the masked man, tackling him.

"Masked guy!" Lee yells.

While Lee is distracted, someone else from the Assassin Clan appears behind him.

"You let your guard down."

Before Lee can react in time, he is injected in the neck with a poison.

"Crap, I- can't- move." Lee thinks.

The masked man kicks off Project X-9 and flips back to the ground.

"Damnit. They knew we were coming." He thinks to himself.

As that's happening, Hak Son Kang is sitting in the back of his limo, drinking a glass of wine.

"I see. So not only did we trick that masked bastard into coming to us, but we also have a curse of Asura candidate there. Very interesting. Tell them I'll be there soon, kill the man in the mask but do not kill the boy until we know whether or not he's the child of Asura." Kang says with an evil grin.