

As a child, a boy named Lee watches his loved ones be killed one by one. Before he could be killed, an old martial arts master saves his life and takes him in to train him. Now he will use his newly found skills to help those in need. But soon he'll find out that he was born with a hidden power inside of him. Will it be a blessing or a curse?

DaoistVH0g1W · Action
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6 Chs


As Lee is carried off into the warehouse, the masked man tries his best to come to his aid, but is stopped by Project X-9.

"Damn." The masked man thinks to himself

He then quickly fires a ki blast point blank into the monsters face, but it has no affect and project X-9 punches him in the chest, sending him flying. The masked man slowly stands to his feet while the creature continues to charge at him. The masked man charges up his Ki and takes a fighting stance.

"Lee, hang in there just a little bit longer. At least until I finish off this thing." The masked man thinks to himself.

In the warehouse, Lee is being beaten half to death, getting knocked into the wall, blood dripping from his forehead and mouth while a group of Assassins laugh while surrounding Lee who is barely conscious.

"Can't...Move... I have to- somehow muster up any amount of Ki I can." Lee thinks to himself.

One of the Assassins puts his foot on Lee's face.

"Hak Son Kang said he wanted you alive, but he didn't say we couldn't have some fun with you first." One of the Assassins says.

"Alright, take it easy Daeseong. We don't want to go over board."

Daeseong smirks.

"You're right, I don't want to piss off the boss."

He then looks down at the necklace around Lee's neck, soon taking it.

"I'll keep this to remember you by."

The Assassins soon walk away as Lee slowly clenches his fists in anger.

"How far away is Hak Son Kang?" Daeseong asks.

"Don't know, I'll check."

At that moment a bright light appears behind them. The Assassins turn around and sees Lee standing up with powerful blue Ki surrounding him.

"Are you guys done hitting me?" Lee asks.

The Assassins are shocked by this but Daeseong smirks.

"Wow, you're so persistent. You can still stand after all that we've done to you."

Lee vision starts to blur as he drops to a knee.

"That's right, there's no way you can be fine with the drug still in your system."

Lee clutches his body in pain.

"My entire body is on fire... I can't fight like this... I got no choice, I have to use it now."

Lee then closes his eyes and points his thumb to his chest and his two fingers to his head, triggering a technique that Monroe taught him, for a short amount of time Lee is unable to feel pain and removes his Ki limiters. He then takes a fighting stance, ready to fight without anything holding him back.

"This won't last long. When it wears off, I'll be completely out. So I better finish this fast." Lee thinks to himself.

Daeseong chuckles, taking a fighting stance of his own.

"I'll admit that you have high endurance but-"

Before he can finish his sentence, Lee dashes infront of Daeseong and lands a powerful punch to his face that sends him flying across the room, surprising all of the Assassins.

"He took out Daeseong with one punch?!"

"You bastard, you'll pay for that!"

One of the Assassins charges at Lee, but Lee quickly lands a high kick to his face. Three other Assassins rushes at him but Lee knocks them all out with super speed. As his back is turned he is hit across the back, which has no affect and lands an elbow strike into his chest.


Another Assassin charges in with a punch, but Lee easily dodges and lands a knee into his gut. A kick is then thrown but Lee catches the leg and lands a headbutt, dropping another Assassin. After taking down three more Assassins, his vision starts to blur again.

"The technique is starting to fade... I gotta hurry this up." Lee thinks to himself.

As he is distracted a kick is thrown, aiming at his head. Lee barely dodges in time, quickly turning around and landing a punch to the gut. Lee then turns his attention to the one other Assassin left standing, who is cowering in fear. As the young martial artist starts slowly walking over towards him, the cowardly Assassin starts to plead for mercy.

"Please, spare my life. I know what we did to you was wrong, but you have to understand I was only following orders. I had no choice." The Assassin says.

Lee slowly catches his breath before speaking.

"Relax, I'm not gonna-"

Before he can finish his sentence, he starts to fall towards the ground.

"Crap... Looks like I ran out of time." He thinks to himself as he falls face first to the ground.

The Assassin is confused for a moment, not knowing what just happened but slowly starts to laugh, enjoying this so called victory.

"That's right! That'll show you not to underestimate the Assassin Clan you little punk! Now let's get you tied up for the bo-"

At that moment, a shiver runs down the Assassins spine as Ki starts to overflow from Lee's unconscious body.

"What the hells going on? How is he summoning this much Ki if he's unconscious?" The Assassin thinks to himself.

At that moment fear starts to overwhelm the Assassin as Lee's aura turns from a bright, warm and hopeful blue to an intense, sinister, and dark red. Lee then slowly gets back to his feet and just by standing there gives the Assassin the immediate feeling of death.

Meanwhile, outside of the warehouse, the masked man is on his last legs against Project X-9, clutching his bleeding arm as his mask is cracked.

"He's got me... I'm done for... I'm sorry Master." The masked man thinks to himself.

At that moment, he senses an incredible Ki nearby, unlike anything he has ever felt before.

"What the hell is this power? It's- unreal."

He is then shocked to see that the creature has stopped in his tracks, with its attention completely on the power that just appeared

"Even this mindless beast has noticed it. What is going on in there?" The masked man asks himself.

While that's happening, as Hak Son Kang is still riding in the back of his limo, he senses the energy coming from Lee.

"This power I'm sensing... it's absolutely incredible. What exactly is going on over there?" Hak Son Kang thinks to himself.

Back with Seokju, Mira, and Mikey, they quickly run through the woods in search of their little brother.

"Lee's definitely been gone for too long." Seokju says.

"You don't think he went after masters killers, do you?" Mikey asks.

"Let's hope not." Seokju responds.

"We can't loose him, Seokju. Not him too." Mira says.

"We won't. I promise." Seokju says.

At that moment, all three of them stop in their tracks when they feel the Ki coming from Lee.

"Do you guys feel that?" Seokju asks, with sweat dripping from his forehead.

"It's overwhelming. Not even Master Ijin was this strong." Mira asks.

"What kind of person has this much power?" Mikey asks.

"Come on, we gotta move."

Back in the warehouse, the Assassin wants to run, but he is frozen with fear as Lee stands infront of him with such dark energy.

"So... this is it... the power that hasn't been seen in decades... this- is THE CURSE OF ASURA!" The Assassin says.

At that moment, Lee opens his eyes, revealing that they are now glowing bright red and he let's out a loud roar like yell that causes everything around him to tremble. Lee then dashes at the Assassin, landing a punch so hard that it launches him through the ceiling and outside next to the Masked man.

"Did- did Lee do that?" He asks himself.

A giant explosion happens next, destroying the front door of the warehouse. Lee slowly walks out, red Ki still flowing from his body. When Project X-9 sees Lee, he let's out a powerful roar, challenging him to a battle. Lee smiles devilishly, differently from how he usually does, and takes a fighting stance.

"Time for a real battle." He says.