

Ardor paced around the room knowing the fate he was destined to ,as he gazed at the snow covering the mountains outside his window , he realised how he never questioned what he was subjected to or will be to . He sighed and dragged the curtains back blocking any light from entering in . He was quite fond of dark since he was a child but had grown to admire it more after his wife's death . He still had nightmares of the night when his sweet Adara had been taken away from him , the greatest agony of all he had to take her soul and guide it to the underworld, oh sweet torture. After Adara he never really was able to live happily , sure he functioned but it was as if he was a wax statue working on an external force and would collapse as soon as his work completed.

His thoughts were interrupted by a banging on his door, he flicked it open and saw his eldest daughter standing eyes blood shot. His conscious knew what was to come, she nodded at him and led him out to the grand foyer. They entered the great foyer and saw all his five children standing with grave expressions. He sighed and said its time don't worry it shall pass. Ardor passed all of them making his way over to the thrown situated at the centre of the foyer under the chandelier a gift from the almighty Zeus himself .

He took his position on the throne and started the process of delivering justice , all his children were guilty of unspeakable crimes , but his wife's memories had always prevented him from punishing them .He himself had wronged the justice system by sparing his children punishment and now as a consequence he was cursed to curse his children. He drew in a shaking breathe, it was finally his time to go back to his sweet Amara , leaving his kingdom behind for his children to handle .

He mumbled something incomprehensible that the children couldn't make out , and waited with their heads held down for the verdict. Suddenly there was a flash of light and the sheer force of an unknown power blasted all the children out of the room . After a few moments Zaina crawled out of the rumble and entered the foyer searching for her father , but couldn't see a soul. Anxiety gripped her , she shouted for the guards , her father and anyone who could hear her, but to her disappointment no one came and for the first time in her life she experienced physical loneliness , prodding her to grieve her loss .