
Chapter 1


The light streaming through the curtains was enough to make me groan , and no before you ask I am certainly not that cliche girl ,who says that she is not a morning person. I mean jeez everyone out there does not have a problem waking up early , and this does not in any way signifies the fact that I always have to wake early .

Enough with the blabbering .

If I sleep for one more minute I gonna get late for school. Dragging my lazy arse I get ready for school and trudge down the stairs for a mouthwatering breakfast , NOT ! I mean it should probably be Christmas for my mom to even consider making a chocolate waffle , so you see my breakfast consists of cornflakes and fruits .

As I am leaving my mom stops me " well darling I am going for a business trip and dad would not come home before this week . So you will have to stay at uncle Mason's place . I have already packed your stuff , so drive to his place from school." Yes mom love you and enjoy your trip .

Contrary to general belief , me being in my last year of high school does not in any way gives me the divine privilege of driving a car to school . Rather I have my very own Mr Manger , yes he is a cycle and a athletic one at that , with 8 gears .

It takes me around 15 minutes to reach my school , as I am parking my cycle something really heavy jumps on my back and it is highly confusing since it can't be a dog or a cat , considering my height of 5'10 . I turn around and see my best friend Harley . I groan , eh you flying lemur get off my back!!!! I don't wanna die of back pain .

You are such a fun sucker Amara she says , sticking out her tongue . We enter the main building and I see my gang standing near the lockers . One thing about my gang is that we have all kinds of people ranging from jocks , to nerds , to players, to studs . But I love them anyway.

I soon get to know the fabulous news , note the sarcasm, that we the school's public speaking will be going to Norway for the annual leadership conclave and service project. I groan , there is a reason that I avoid going to Norway or any where scanday because nearly all my extended family lives there and well , they can be very possessive and over bearing to say the least. My own big brother studies in Norway and to put it mildly he treats me like a two year old , fun-blocking my crazy bones.

Guess I don't a choice , Norway here I come , unfortunately !!!!


Arawn's Introduction -

The whole of underworld shook from his mere presence , even the most ruthless failed to compete with his essence . Those emotionless, cold charcoal eyes , pierced through the feeble souls and saw straight through lies . Intimidating stance and gaze ever calculating , definitely enough to send warriors hyperventilating. Many said his heart died , though no one knew why . He is a mystery no one has unraveled , having a power of leaving every being dazzled . He is the almighty Arawn ,the king of spades . Merciless and known as a torturer , the sadistic enjoyed his role, but what many failed to notice behind the personality of a remorseless ghoul was his tender and wounded soul.

What happens when mortals get involved in immortal business ?And not some measly one rather the business of the lord of the underworld's devil incarnation himself . Crueler than the lord himself , more devilish than Lucifer and more cunning than Zeus .


Arawn's Lair

Today is the night when he finally get what he wants . Today when the dark moon rises and the dark powers strengthen , will his vow be fulfilled . He is currently pacing the aisle in the throne room in palace of the underworld . His patience is running thin and the only thing that stops him from snapping is the very fact that he would at last be done with the stupid vow, which had been binding him to this pathetic duty for so long .

A sudden knock at the door disrupts his trail of thoughts, a lanky looking man clad in black enters and says nothing , just nods his head as if confirming something. As soon as the man leaves , Hades's lips curl up into a smirk , that closely resembles a sneer.


Hey guys hope you like this one , I know this can be confusing for now , but kindly stay tuned and wait for the story to unfold. This story is special to me as this idea stroke me after I saw a dream !!!!!

Any comments are welcome , please do let me know what you think about it .